50 of 1949 - Amending Section 4315 relating to planting of trees ROLL CALL '' Salt Lake City, Utah, AUG 18 I.�`ay 194 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Affleck . . . . Matheson . . . c I J Romney L inge of elter Mr. Chairman . . AN O� CE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4315 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944 relating to the plant- ing of trees. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION 1. That Section 4315 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944 relating to the planting of trees, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4315 PLANTING OF TREES. The shade tree depart- . ment shall designate which species of trees shall be planted on each street, avenue and way, and thereafter no other than the kind designated shall be planted on the said streets, avenues and ways without the consent of the shade tree department, provided, that where streets, avenues and ways are not continuous, each section may be regarded by the shade tree department as a unit for pur- poses of tree designation. Said trees shall be planted et a mini- mum distance of 35 feet apart. The said planting distance may be increased at the discretion of the shade tree department. The shade tree department shall set stakes or marks to indicate plant- ing locations, and it shall be unlawful to move or change the lo- cation of such stakes or marks, or to plant in any other location on the said street, avenue and way without the consent of the said department.n SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immedi- ately. 5( -2 I` s it SECTION 3. This ordinance shall ,take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Co_mmis>2ones of Silt L ' e City, Utah, this /9-day of , A. p‹'1,949..: G� r ity Recorder f Ii. i $ i I is 50 Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED • AUG 18 1949 CITY RECORDER Fes€. Pax" Q do �-= CITY RECORRt3R Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 }as County of Salt Lake J AN alDINANCE SEC- TION 043 SNAf the AMENDING Ordin- ances Salt Lake City,Utah,1944 relatln to the plentmg of treed. Com ioners�°of a ltnipke rcityt D M. OCKEY Utah.SEC t the Reviseds Ordinanc o Section41E Lake city, Utah, 1944 relating to the Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- planting of trees,be and the s 1s hereby amended to read as taf- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper -Seelane: S. The shadelgtreeA deIpartm department OF Rshall deal to which epsilon of trees published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State half be planted on each street, than the'kindddthereafter'"- other hate of Utah. aloesbe planted on the id streets,eavot yea and ways without the sent oI the hale tree departmentvnnro videdw that where streets, a aeG,onym BSe et continuous,by the That the advertisement y not regarded ins .nape tree may re, dot a nit for trees°shall be plantedsat at miNmum Bill0 distance of gh feet apart.The said Publishing Ordinance No. 5 planting distance y be 'Ind- shacreased at the discretion of the de tree department. The ehade tree department hall et stakes or marks to indicate planting locations, chd It shall be lawful to or ange the location f ouch stakes marks,or to plant in any avenue other or on the 1d street, a d ay without said consent of te said department:" SECTION f` " ise opinion ithB; o :nem„ ir,,it was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the necessary t the peace, health d safety of;;the inhabitants f Salt eke:', eat upon this dlnance shall day of A. D. 19 Lake.CU+that t become f am* shed � i a fireF pttbl cation. Pa eA?pSyB the hoard of Commie- eta rt.y;-aI ugust-AtyDrub,.thie and was published ---Dn-.Atuust-20-,_1949 EARL J,OLADE IRMA F. HITMaNER city Reearder the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the IENIIALLL�L,7 pq Publis NO.August 90th, 1949. day of 4//:, A. D. 19 G-� /Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of August A.D.19 49 1 Notary Publi