50 of 1962 - Changing the name of the street called Browning Circle to Kristie Lane. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, July 25 , 196 2
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . .
Smart. V
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . i� AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . . ,/
AN ORDINANCE CHANGING the name of the street called Browning
Circle to Kristie Lane.
WHEREAS, petition has been duly filed with the Salt Lake City
Commission requesting that the name of the street called Browning Circle
be changed to Kristie Lane; and
WHEREAS, the Board of City Commissioners upon hearing is satis-
fied that there is good cause for such change of name, that it will not
be detrimental to the general interest and that it should be changed.
SECTION 1. That the following described street which has
heretofore been designated on the official map of Salt Lake City as
Browning Circle, be, and the same hereby is, renamed Kristie Lane. The
City Engineer is hereby instructed to make such change upon the official
map of Salt Lake City; the Street Department is hereby instructed to
change the street sign on said street to Kristie Lane; the City Recorder
is hereby instructed to give official notice of said change to the Salt
Lake County Recorder, Salt Lake County Surveyor, Salt Lake County Clerk,
the Salt Lake City Police Department, the Salt Lake City Fire Department,
the Salt Lake City Water Department and the United States Post Office.
Said street heretofore known as Browning Circle and by this
ordinance renamed Kristie Lane, is more particularly described as follows;
';Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 2, El
ReyRark ,. Sec. 15, Township 1 South, Range 1
East, S.L.M.; thence North 89°49'10" West a distance
of 6.38 feet; thence Westerly along the arc of a
325.00 foot radius curve to the left, tangent to
- 2 -
which bears North 89°49'10" West, a distance of 83.70
feet, to the point of beginning; thence from said point
of beginning, Westerly along the arc of a 126.98 foot
radius curve to the right, tangent to which bears South
75°25'28u West, a distance of 108.59 feet; thence North-
erly along the arc of a 575.00 foot radius curve to the
right, tangent to which bears North 55°34'32" West, a
distance of 140.50 feet; thence Northerly along the arc
of a 30.76 foot radius curve to the right, tangent to
which bears North 41°34'32" West, a distance of 20.40
feet; thence Southerly along the arc of a 40.00 foot
radius curve to the left, tangent to which bears North
3°34'32" West, a distance of 178.72 feet; thence East-
erly along the arc of a 30.76 foot radius curve to the
right, tangent to which bears South 79°34'32" East, a
distance of 20.40 feet; thence Southerly along the arc
of a 625.00 foot radius curve to the left, tangent to
which bears South 41°34'32" East, a distance of 152.72
feet; thence Southerly along the arc of a 28.16 foot
radius curve to the right, tangent to which bears South
55°34'32" East, a distance of 51.61 feet; thence East-
erly along the arc of a 325.023 foot radius curve to
the right, tangent to which bears North 49°25'28" East,
a distance of 147.49 feet, to the point of beginning."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 25th day of Ju r .7 , 19_-2. i.
, /,/.47/ >
MAY 0 R�
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 50 of 1962
Published August 2, 1962
Certified Copy sent to each party required.- 8-3-62 .
and a Corrected Copy sent 8-21-62.
BOOK1950 ?acE 38
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE CHANGING the name of the street called BrowniCircie._tc
Kristie Lane.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 25 196._2_
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 3rd day of August 196..2_.
City Recorder
Published August 2 196_..2
bit/ No.
Office of County Recorder
Salt Lake County, Utah
Frequently in the treatment of instru-
ments errors are detected, sometimes
of a nature which may seriously impair
the valitity of the transaction and the
purpose for which it was executed.
These discrepancies are noted and the
attention of the parties interested
called thereto. An examination of THIS
DOCUMENT discloses the following.
'�. Tay,
/'6' 'O
PROMPT attention should be given to
this notice, and if of sufficient importance,
a corrected document may be filed, as the
records cannot be altered.
risc,1431 BooK1950 RAGE 37
name of the street called Browning
Circle to Kristin Lane.
elp 1 ..,‘ WHEREAS,petition has been duly
filed with the Salt Lake City t Com-
mission. requesting that the name of
CD the street called Browning Circle
t l
,.hk. be changed to Kristin Lane; and
the Board of City Cone.missloners upon hearing Is satisfied
that there Is good cause screech
change of name,that it will not be
detrimental to the general Interest
] and that it should be changed.
‘') .111,04,,,,TBNE,REFORE, BE IT OR-
.1 UTAH:
SECTION 1. That the following de-
i scribed street which has heretofore
been designated on the official rnap
i • of Salt Lake City as Browning Circle
I ', \''F\ be,and the same hereby is,renamed
KrIstie Lane, The City Engineer is
hereby instructed to make such
• change upon the official map of Salt
Lake VW;the Street Department Is
I $ •• 6 hereby Instructed to change the str.t
sign on said street to Kristin Lane;
Z ; ' the City Recorder Is hereby inst uct-
I /a\Ui ed to give official not!e of raid
change to the Salt I eke cCounty Re-
' 0 f ) (5n)1fr corder, Sell Lake County Surveyor,
Salt Lake County Clerk, the Salt
P-I I g "' Lake City Police Department, the
CO 1 0 Salt Lake City Fire Department,the
Salt Lake City Water Department
N (-4.1 1 >--- and the United States Post Office,
Said street heretofore known as
Browning Cycle and by this omit-
1 CLi 1 d'-: nance renamed KrIstie Lane,Is more
particularly described as follows;to-
. 2
•E-. go wit:"Beginning at the Southeast cor-
ner of Lot 2, El Rey Subdivision,es 06 0 Sec.15,Township 1 South,Range 7
:0 2 Li
EINL'l'aig'=gen TZT,"
thence Westerly along the arc of a
IS g .4 325.00 foot radius curve to the left,
tangent to which bears North-
2 s X 89.4910”West,a distance of 93•70
feet, to the point of beginning;
. • -..)—
thence from said point of begin-
fling,Westerly along the arc of a
.-•'• = 2tiP — 126.98 foot radius curve to the
• N
SI t;. • 0 right,tangent to which bears South
'28"West,a distce an of 109.59
v X fee75.25 thenceNortherly along the
. arc of a 575 00 foot radlus curve to the right, tangent to which bears
,,, fg a (1 North 55°34'32" West, a distance
of 140.50 feet; then. Northerly
along the,arc of a 30.76 foot radius
,‘,',' <ii .1 A) curve to the right, tangent to
which bears North 4113432"West,
a distance of 20.0 feet; thence
Southerly along the arc of a 40.00
tg' Z i''i foot.radius curve to the left,tan-
thence Easterly along the err OT
a 30.76 foot radius curve to the
'',.s, right,tangent to which bears South
79134'32" East,a distance of 20 40
feet; thence Southerly along the
i-•, . ,
.. arc of a 625.00 foot radius come to
the left, tangent to which bears
' South 41°34'32" East, a distance
of 152 72 feel; thence Southerly
I- l'•.• v ‘ arena the arc of a 20.16 foot radius
curve to the right, tangent to
. .. -. which bears South 55°34'32" East,
' • (N., a distance of 51.61 feet; thence
Easterly along the arc of a 325.023
- foot radius curve to the right,tart-
,: ' h, ' gent to which bears North 49125'29"
East,a distance of 147 49 feet to
the point of beginning." '
Passed by the Board of Commis-
', stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
,‘ N 25th day of July, 1962.
., Mayor.
(SEAL) City Recorder.
BILL NO.50 of 1962
Published August 2,1962 (C•44)
1111...I rims
r B0011U00 PA',;E 14 AUG a 1952 at ii.36 a
1E36'478a Recordod
Request of Fee Paid.Paid.Nellie M.Jack,
?Recorder, Salt 1490ounty,Utah
$ &las:- By ',- , ,,,Peputy
\ • Ref. 7/
J\I "
.x1-7/ '/7r-' //
AN ORDINANCE CHANGING the name of the street called Broning
Circle to Kriatic Lane,
WHEREAS, petition has; been duly filed with the Salt Lake City
Commiseion requesting that the name' of the Istret tal. Erov'nin Circle
be changed to Bristle Lanes ane4
WHEREAS, the Board of City Commissioners upon bearing is satis-
tied that there- in good cause for such change of name, that it aill not
be dtrimental to the general interest and that it should be changed.
SECTION A. That the followin9 ,lescribed street 1Ialch has
heretofore been designate4 on the official map of Salt Lake City a$
Browning Circle, be, and the same hereby in, renamed Kristie Lane, The,
City Engineer is hereby Instructed to make such chan uoon the official
map of Salt Lake City; the Street Department i.e hereby instructed to
change the street sign on said street to Krioti Lane; the City Recorder
is hereby instructed to give official notice of said change to the Salt
Lake County Recordr, Salt Lake County Surveyor, Satt Lake., County Clerk,
the Salt Lake City Felice 04:pertinent, the Salt Lake- City Fire D, partment.
the Salt Lake City Water Department and the United StateA,3 Post Os: ice.
Said strett heri,to:Core, knoN,a as Brovning Circle and by this
ordinance renamed Krietic Lane, is more particularly dr.scrib(:d ap follows;
"Beginninq at the Southeast corner of Lot ?, El
Rey Park Sec. 15, TomAehip 1 South, Range 1
Eaet, S.L.M.; thence, North 89 49'10" Wst a distanc0
of f:.38 feet; thence Westerly along the arc of a
, 325.00 foot radius curve to the left. tangent to
,\ ,
ow...A nt,
- 7 -
vhich bears North 9949'10" t. at, a 11itance of 83.70
feet, to the point of beginning; thence from said point
of beqinning, alonq tar arc of a 1. 6.95A foot
radius curv,i to the, tight, tangt;nt to which bears South
757517S" We-et, a 61,itanc, of 108.59 iTet; tbence North-
krly altim) the arc of a 575.00 foot radius curv:- to the
right, tangent to hich bears North 5534'32" West, a
distance of 140.50 feet; thence Northerly along thp arc
of a 30.7t, foot ra,!!ius curve' to the right, tangent to
which bears North 41-34'32" West, a distance of 20.40
1,z'et; thence Souther;y along the arc of a 40.00 foot
radius curve to theth 1 it, tarint to which bears North
334'37" West, a distance of 178.72 fe,t? '01-oce East-
erly aloncl the arc of a 30.76 foot raitut curve to the
right, tangent to vhich bears South 79 :14'32" East, a
diatancc of 20.40 feet; thence Soutiv,riy along thk arG
of a 675.00 foot radius curve to the Ult., tang:sat to
ehich beams South 4134'32" East, a distance at 102.72
feet; thence Southerly along the arc of a 23.16 foot
radius curve to the rilbt, tangent to vhich bears South
5534'32" East, a distance of 51.6.1. fket; thence East-
erly along the arc of a 375.023 foot rdiuo curve to
the right, tangent to i,,hich bears Worth 49'25'78" Eact,
as distance of 147.49 fret, to the point of beginning."
Passed by the Board of Comissionern of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 25th day of July , 1962,
J. Bracken Lee --—
Herman J. Hogeneen
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 50 of 1962
Published August 2, 1962
ECOK1956 PVE 16
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE CHANGING the name of the street called Browning Circle to
Kristie Lane.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 25th of July 196 2
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 21st day of August 196 2
.4411641110 City Recorder
Published August 2 196 2
- -
BILL NO. 50 of 1962
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt-Lake
AN ORDINANCE CHANGING ih'e �� lvi 0o l(F)T�e Ot the- rreei alletl 0rownlllp
Clrcle to Krlstle Lane. -
WNwith the S'It Lake Clry eamt',
isslon req es In not the na [
n e"Prererle�'�grl'.„Pro Te1,4;;�e1ej Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
WH ar A0, en Aai'A Sa"art neat clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
mat Inert i5 g a ama ter 'u ni
dQanga Of nam0,filet It will not be GRANT, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
etrimantalIl to-{he general Interest i /
and the}TNEREFORE,changed.
anRREg T OR lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
M19510NERS OFESAOOA D grt, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, [n the State of Utah.
SECTION 1.'That Ines hereto odei
tiiDeB (roet h^h has heretofore
b n dwlg r d m Onr<I r 6' That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
A t Ir .to a, a ow B CI Iodj' g
nYi IeQLa9 -Thn C11Y m GinVil(l( _
�Y o f h tea I it h' I t i a
hag iv rn es r I m q f spgf� Sa_ I,i'ke (1,.4',y Ni__7. NO 50 of 1-g6;,
her ytits;uct dto change theistrsetr,
hereby, to hang'the.street
IIen Id reet i0 Krrstle Lana.:
ep tCtPWyy Recoo�er Is nerebv lnsrrucl-', �1 Y1 Ordinance Orl earl�;'911�; '�,^_F; name of the street
dhatfge'foY the'Sall rc aka fount°sce. Y
Sai,ts comer,
Costly CClerrk,they¢Sbif t Cr!Lake.'�IW Police Degortmrnn Ie' or;1 1 ed. Drown.1.nc, C ,
Salt Lake Cci Flre Department,ine
Salt Leke ed Water Deoarrmea'l
a Said estreiet d heretofore srketaWOe.
Brodning.Clrcle a by tills ordi-
nanced.Krbetie Lane,is more
rlcularlY described as follows;IS.I
":"Beg[nnlrfd at the Southeast ur-
Ser r Lot 2t EI Rey Subdivlslor,i�
c.15,Townsblo 1 South,Range I
East,S.L.a 5herlco Nertn Bteat; air, s'' 1 �>�,
10"West n dl5fance fo 6.08• tact; nn
thence,'"or, l a'ng the arc of' d L'P''� e
Jas.eg toot rgpTdich e m rile Irrr,- was published[n sa[ newspaper on. _.._ _.__.__�____.__.
tangeit W Mch bears' boric
f et, t"West,point Sibeginning;f ;
teen l0 Ina aidl begi
Sinned from said point of Deayln--
In9, toot r long ine r f e
rio9e 7not olus a }o ine
fight,}''Bent to which Bears South
Coat;2th Weer dlsrly oho the
freer; thence {torch eras along rho
Of a SrS.00 foot retlius curvy to �-/
file Ighn gent f0 which p
North 55•Bl']Y'-West, a of IaRce4 C e
of 140,50 feet; thence Norinerlsl
along hrel AZ?'
?'rPonge Yewht b 0 41•3/ a West, F Legal Advertising Clerk
root radius carve to the 101t,ton.
Wnt to which beers North 3°04's,"I'
es, distance of ne14 test;'
thence aEatreriY IOn9 the
rlahr,IlanrOent todwhitn hearsr South)
h9°ad'Jth Ees1,a distance of 20.he
feet: thence Southerly along the
inc't a 5a 5.00 leer radius curve t0
e tan, tndgenr rd hlrn rbe.rs before me this '�S`tt. day of
South dl°3 fret; Easn a distance
along5 the arc n118.16 tool V arliusl p
t l0 ids rnnl, tang"; tg A-D. 19 V2
I wh this,cars Soulii 55°ad'32" enry \
Ead0ylc c f 51 dr for 11
Ierld g th f 1, n-
Soar roan V to11 ht I'-
Ea t to whl h b N to 2 1e
East,a dl I }l.".d9 f t to )
the ooinf f beginning."
/ ,�
Passed by the B d r c rs•clone-s of I It L k C Utah,this
251h tleY of JuIY. 196a. _ _ C--_A_
Notary Public
iSEALI cIIY Recorder.
511E N0.50 al ietu
r�,PCubllsbnd August a,Ioo2 iC-Oil
L"ly Commission Expires
IAi'ii Oil, 1(365,