50 of 1972 - Amending Chapter 1, by amending Section 5-1-12, Subsection (4), setting September 1, 1972 as the dat NULL l,MLL j''
_ May 16 72
)TOTING Aye ® Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19
Mr.Chairman.... 11/1■
I move that the �dinance a passe .
Harmsen WI. A,
Harrison ININE 3�tar—
Phillips M.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 1, Title 5, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to existing buildings, by
amending Sections 5-1-12, subsection (4) , 5-1-13, and by adding to
said chapter three new sections to be known as 5-1-13.1, 5-1-13.2 and
5-1-13.3, relating to interior stairways and requirements.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 5-1-12, subsection (4) and 5-1-13 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to
existing buildings, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as
Sec. 5-1-12 * * *
(4) All requirements of Sec. 1313(f) must be completed
on or before September 1, 1972.
Sec. 5-1-13. Id. Doors and openings. Section 1313(i)
of Volume I, Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, adopted
by Section 5-1-1 of this chapter is amended by adding
thereto the following:
Room doors opening into a corridor shall not be less
than 1-3/8" solid core doors except that use of existing
panel doors may be continued if they are protected on one
side by equivalent of 3/8 inch fire retardant plywood
bearing the Underwriters Laboratory label of approval; pro-
vided, that in lieu of the fire resistant plywood above
referred to, doors and frames and casings may be painted
with two coats of intumescent fire retardant paint, the
undercoat of a contrasting color and all edges and surfaces
to be painted with approved covering; and, provided further,
that the intumescent fire retardant paint meet the following
specifications: Flame spread 15 to 25; fuel contributed
25 to 30; smoke developed 0 to 10.
SECTION 2. That Chapter 1, Title 5 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, (Building Code) , be, and the same
hereby is, amended by adding thereto three new Sections, relating
to interior stairways and requirements, to read as follows:
Sec. 5-1-13.1. Id. Interior stairways. Section 1313(f)
of Volume I, Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, adopted
by Section 5-1-1 of this chapter is amended to read as
(f) Interior stairways. Every interior stairway shall
be enclosed with walls of not less than one-hour fire
resistive construction.
Where existing partitions form part of a stairwell enclosure
wood lath and plaster in good condition will be acceptable in
lieu of one-hour fire-resistive construction. Doors to such
enclosures shall be protected by a self-closing door equivalent
to a solid wood door not less than one and three-fourths inches
(1-3/4") thick. Enclosures shall include landings between
flights and any corridors, passageways, or public rooms neces-
sary for continuous exit to the exterior of the building.
The stairway need not be enclosed in a continuous shaft
if cut off at each story by the fire-resistive construction
required by this subsection for stairwell enclosures.
If it is determined by the Chief Building Inspector to be
totally impractical to enclose the stairways as contemplated
by this subsection (f) , he may provide that not more than two
apartment doors on each floor be within each stairway enclosure,
provided that these doors are one and three quarter inch (1-3/4")
solid core doors and further provided, that such enclosure
wall be built as close to these doors as possible but in no
case more than five (5) feet away. Where this variance is
permitted, a second door from each apartment so affected shall
be provided on the hall side of the enclosure, or in lieu of
such secondary exit, an approved product of combustion detection
system shall be installed in each such stair enclosure with a
six (6) inch alarm bell on each floor.
Enclosures shall not be required if an automatic fire
extinguishing system is provided for all portions of the
building except attics, bedrooms, apartments, and rooms acces-
sory thereto.
Sec. 5-1-13.2./1Iternate methods. Section 1313(m) of Volume
I, Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, adopted by Section
5-1-1 of this chapter is amended to read as follows:
No alternate method of obtaining the fire protection and
safety required by this section or imposed by the Chief Building
Inspector of Salt Lake City, may be used unless the Board of
Appeals, including as a voting member for this purpose, the
Chief of the Fire Department, finds that such alternate method
provides protection and safety equivalent to that required
Sec. 5-1-13.3. Id. Additional requirements. Section 1313
of Volume I, Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, adopted by
Section 5-1-1 of this chapter is amended by adding thereto a
new subsection (n) as follows:
Requirements of this Section 1313 are deemed minimum require-
ments and if the Chief Building Inspector determines that the
building in question is otherwise unsafe, and does not provide
the protection and safety contemplated herein, he may invoke
whatever applicable law he deems appropriate to effectuate
the intended purposes of this section.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
16th day of May, 1972.
BILL NO. 5Q,of 1972
Published Mny 19, 1972
j1 1°hi\ n� `�W��° Mayors
ty R c r r50
Affidavit of Publication
totilakn Clv.vUtng,by
rmengi 1 ins 5 buildings, on
entling Sections 5 adding
�!(). �1,13,and by adding to said:
M14p1Pr Ihree e lions 1. Ile
I k n 5 rotc l 1s 2 d y 1 a
rift tof�istairways.and ♦y;
r 8 d 1 d theBard f 'All,
Commissioners at Solt Lake City, : y- Sf1e
UISECIION That t' tsS.I 12, Take
subsection(41 ,d 5113 of the R I
d Ordinances of Salt Lake oils.'
Ufah..,1965;relating to existing build.
to road the folloor ncrenv B�t7c_P�e1pa
(d)All requirements of Sec.1313(0
'must be•Camnletea on or before
.September 1,19/2.
scion 1-13.,1a. Volume
qe I,Uniform
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal a ver-
.Buildln PCode of O Edition,
adopted l
by Sect coda.1990 Fthi lac•adopted
is tiling clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
'amended by 5 adding g thereto thertol-
newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
Room doOSS opening into a corridor
halt not be)essthan 1,38 solid cara rotation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
,doors except that use or existing •
pane''doors t on bec°ti uedlIt e County,in the State of Utah.
lent of 3/8 inch fire retrirdant plywood
label bearing lapprodal;oroviddd,that ry
Ilea,br the tiro resistant plywood That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
aboVE referred to,doors d frames
and casings may be painted with two
pot f intumescent fire retardant
coots of undercoat of contrasting
ontrastmg _�,yt Oxs]inariee.relating_'fin_interi Qr_stairtaags_and
color.and l edges and wrtades to be
painted with approved covering;and,
provided further,that the into Mescent
0 retardant 111 .at me fol.. —_rear Ze_Me11at__137.�.,1,11a..-5.Q_2£-1972.
tiro retard int point Fiume spread
IS to.25;fuel contributed 25 to 3n;_
smoke develope to 10.
SECTION 2. hat Chapter 1,Title 5 I _
f tite-'.ReviseT Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965 (Building ----'--"-'
'Code),he,and the samehoreby is,
amended b padding theren three new
Sectlons, .luting to Interior stair,
and requirements,to read a -_ .--
Sec. 13.1 nlerior ways.
80 a Code, O/0Editon, (opted
bV fe CtiC,,read g01Yol�ows:nnnfer is -
U,00hd teri°r sfai ao 101 Every
wido .pan ba ed e.i h was published in said newspaper on __Ma3r 1.9.E-197Z
all9 f not less man on ne.ho.pour fire
construction.Where existing sr wi i'm parr
of o stairwell enclosure wood loth
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Legal Advertising Clerk
ll ar slit,poi re.re if cuteeotr 0Sttok
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;with x IS)inch alarm pan on ear
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