51 of 1901 - Ordinance 51 of 1901 – In relating to stands for licensed vehicles. Sill No. for AN ORDINANCE IN RFLATION TO STANDS FOR LICENSED VEHICLES. BM IT ORDAINFI) FY TP CITY frITNIII, 07 SATT LARK CITY, TITAP. Section 1. That Sections 2 and 7 of Chapter LIII of the Tioviied Ordinances of Salt Lake City, in relation to stands for lioensed. vehicles, andythe, swie are hereby repealed. S . 2. That it shall not bo lawful for any licensed vehicle, When net actUally employed, to be kept standing on any part of the pub- , 'lib hiE/nwaysof the City, except illmdiately in the center of streets *ere there are no railway tracks, and upon streets whore thorn are eailwaytracas4 within three feet of :u.ech tracks; nor shall it be lawful for any soh vehicle to take a stand within twenty—five feet of the pleae who e ari.;, other such vehicle may be standing; Provided, that 0,1 Second South Si,rest 1,yatween State and rain Streets, it hall not he lawful for any, such vehicle to take. a stand on any portion of the north nide cf said street, or shall a-1s,, sunh veMrle ta:;:e stand within f'ifty feet of any etreei, crossing. Sen. 3. Any peroon vtrantin7 ay of the ,rovisions of tnis ordinance shall be liable to a fine in an, sum not exceeding one Y:indred dollars. Sec. 4. This oriinanne 1 all tate effert upon epproval. :51 4,4 fi