51 of 1903 - Ordinance 51 of 1903 – Fixing compensation of officers and members of the Police Department of Sal • 4- y AM OPOTITAI 2' . Ar cr3ina^.ce fixinl the _crpencaticr of the cfficern an3 Terbers cP the .olive 0erartre'nt of Ilolt. Lase PT IT ORCAT0 PP CTI! IDINCTL 0F' CALF LAT" OTny ;1PAm: 7,eoticr 1. That .__etior 12 of"an oriirarce corla.riaini tee Police CerartTert. rP Seat Lane City, rf,escrihirl the namher of officers and rce, 1efinin3 their :Yetis„ fixiel their,�comprrr,tioo, art rrcoalirl all prior orliranceo,",pasrei a-4-2�g w..-�;'ic�r-LswLe�; mow..-a-n.ca,.�rP,�.c ai/-a'�.y an cCwt...«-c-ti J d by for Cit.v 0o1r2,il +ray_ 27th, 1ra02, ant. aporcve9 by t+e 4rayor .lane 2r.1, 1202, he cr.+r1 to roai oo Pollux i' Zere /h/./503 Yw nce calory sn.1 aoT re 'sat,,ir of the officers art rerbers of the Police. C^re.rtTent ehal! be -jollcws: Ohio? of r^1ic. a^l ,Jailor, 1.1030.00 oor yesr. Cactoin of Ptlioe, rr " rr City Ceteotiver,' each, 12(2,0.00 Duty ^erlrarte, cart', 1070.00 r' It Voertc3 Policerer, each, 103C.00 rr " r<c< lrrleert:, each, 1020.30 " " All other Policeren,csch, exc p' , _rvc1c Policerer, 1020.30 " " Plcycle Policerer., 1.0t0.0C " " Ate..... tart. •Jai!cr, 102C.00 " " Pri>cr i.ar',s,each, 1:020.00 " " Vatron, r.11,an it n Cect.i__ ill _. lirsecrs _r par''- cP _riirc.rcoa it conflict herewith - 6re hereby reprolel. Fsleotior This oriinrrre otall togs ot•frot. .cur oprovol. c l/ 1G�GG� .i1/ �JO3 a/Passed by th-a City 0ounoil of Coat T,e_. //July, 3t.,.i, v _07 i1, 1. a,ra ref rroA to th^ _To or for his amorovsl. of oDPOVo,.. this IS __ . . . 4d.a.. 5 .‘b i h1P\i 0 a e VV n