51 of 1909 - Ordinance 51 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 610, re: applications for permits for sewer AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 610 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 610 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake C.ity,of 1903, •be, and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read es follows 610. APPLICATION FOR PERNiW. PLANS. FEES. plic dons for permits for sewer connections must be made in writing;;)y the owner of the premises, or his authorized agent, and *st ac- companied by a plan; showing the cause of the corkrtectici, .ts ' size and the size-and location of :all branches to"be.connected with it. The application and plan.;-'together with'a fee of .:pne dollar, shall be deposited with the Superintendent of Sowers. All sewer connectiohs shall be put' in to line and grades desig- nated by the City Engineer, who shall prepare a plat of each con neotion and file such plat in his office, for which services and filing the Engineer shall collect a fee of two dollars; provided, j that no permit shall be issued for, nor shall any connection be made with what is known as the intercepting sewer where the fix- tures in the house or property so to be connected with said sewe are lower than the present elevation of the sewer on Fifth South Street at the crossing of the intercepting sewer at Eighth West and Fifth South Streets. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinan- Ices and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the 'extent of such conflict. fi SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.ll, Priced by the City Council of S "!t Lake C ;u ;ct. NTn it 2F1,1909, L and referred to the 1?uyor for ills nu rovttliv •, / C_ recordraryl .,) y p ro ed this au,, of __y_il 1909. ,4 ,..",---- - t t - . ... . .- ,.., ,A. A , i ..,. .. ...J .i A , 5 ' • -1. . . ' ,_ `2_ .: ' ... i; ,-,,,--- ;' z ,....1i....- 7..., ;... - .,. . ,1.,i, "•t... !....:-.:r,_•:),;, :-1 : — ;:i i: 1,1 I •,,,-, .:. , :,.7 C., = ... i-, • . s/ -. (7,, -.. CID ; ;,p,,_,„: .,, , , , .,,i;_,,.,,ii, ..111i.'.•,,,- , ,..,14.,. , . ... .i.J.I.,, k & \-, .71 , ' , ,.;gr, 21 i 9'I), k..14.V je A.:.,,,,,,,..) ;F... ! ,...:••• al -1... 6-: - V: --.**'-' ' 5-2 ;1—,:r„ 4,43.„,, . , -. , t . i ,.. ;,11 ,.. ., 1 ,, *.'*- • ' ' - ' - L'I. . . ' ' \` "...' • \, Lk, ' `."' 1 ' * ,' - .,' '"' .., ,:..:1 ....- 1 -,:, .:11.Li., Sr•; - ,..:. .1. *,•„, .' I - 4 • t 1 t ii t