51 of 1945 - Amending Chapter XXXV relating to licenses-transfers and refunds of licenses ROLL CALL \%r SEp 11_a 45 • VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck ` I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson V Romney l r Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . t q' .r' AN D ANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXXV of the Revised Ordi— nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 3719, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter XXXV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 3719, relating to licenses, which shall read as follows: "SEC. 3719. TRANSFERS AND REFUNDS OF LICENSES. (a) No license granted or issued under any of the provisions of any ordinances of Salt Lake City shall be in any manner assign- able or transferable or authorize any person other than is therein mentioned or named to do business, or authorize any other business, calling, trade or profession than is therein ,g'v mentioned or named to be done or transacted) or the business, calling, trade or profession therein mentioned or named to be done or transacted at any place other than is therein mentioned or named, and that provision of any ordinance of Salt Lake City that provides for any assignment or transfer or conditional assignment or transfer of any license is by this ordinance repealed. 9 4l. (b) No license fee, or any part thereof, shall be returned for any reason whatsoever once the license has been granted or issued and that portion of any ordinance of Salt Lake City that provides to the contrary is by this ordinance repealed. 0. . it -2- SECTION 2. This ordinance shall not go into effect until the twenty-first day after its publication nor until the thirty- first day after its passage but shall be effective at the expira- tion of such twenty-first day after publication;or such thirty- first day after final passage or whichever of d ys is the most remote from the final passage of this ordi ce. Passed by the Board o ommi inners of -it Lake Cit ;, Utah, this / (/-day of ptembe , 1945, Deputy City'Recorder. :'. r'Ik i q ':63344.prit 11 83 . ... , 12-'14.. = *--,..rn sr, e › a . I.1•1 " ((II)) 94, ' rs'I.• s'L ria" 1 m 0 1 i ...,crl 0 3 c- c. v\ r Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake _,,_• Legol Notices D M Ockey 'RDAEAN AN ORDINANCE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- CHAPTER RRRV of the Revised 944,by adding in nd to City, Chap. vertisiny clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper ter a newsection to be known as Section i rd relating by to"B Board a published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Commissioner. of by Lake-City, Utah:SECTION That XXXV of Utah. • f the Chapter roff Salt Lake City, Utah, 1544, be and the same 1n and to mid Chapter a by adding : tine to be down Section 3710, That the advertisement relating to licenses,which shall read ae follows: REFUNDS OF LICENSES.(a)ANo Ordinance Bill No 51 licence granted or issued under any of the provisions of y ordinances of Salt LakeCity shall be In w Salt Lake City Corporation authorlseer gnable transferable ie therein mentioned person or nerve than do business, r anthoriee any other business,calling,trade or profession then ie therein mentioned or named to be done or transacted for the business,theinnlment trade or naamed was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the to be done or transacted r at any place other than Is therein.mention• , ed ory name®,'•cea'of Deis Lake ision I 12th day o f s ept ember 4. D. 19 45 Thai provides for so, assignment r.transfer orcondWional aesign- o ant or diner of y Romeo is by and was published 1 time (b) o No license censse e fee,pea or y part thereof, hall be returned for any whatsoever the license the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Oars peen atsoe or issued t and that Portion of any ordinance of Sent Lake City that provides to the 12th September 45 lrary is by this ordinance deemed. ,^t SECTION 2, This ordinance shall day f A. D. 19 not go into effect until the twenty. �' first day after is publication nor until the thirty-first day after its ; v;G -7,���C passage but hall be effective at the expirationpubs of ° such t hrat(MY l Advertising Clerk__. [ter publication or each thirty fltef /_ day, after final passage or which. ofever said save is the most re. mote from the final passage of this ordinance. Famed by the hoard of Commie. 'oner6 of Salt Lake City,Utah,this • 11th day of September, 1045. EARL J. GLADE, IRMA F.BIT Eft, .2 to before nee this 14th day of City Recorder.• 2 FRANK A. SHIELDS. �� Deputy City Recorder. ,, D.19 (SEAL) BILL NO„61 Publmahed September 12th, 1045. 'Itl .''-i Notary Public i • • • t 01 . ,` , *ra $ ''- © . . ) ' 1.0 ‘4.,,:s.' *. I ,, '• ,...... 1 , n f•i F., ,(A ' 4 C.•,- MO- . . .. . pei• .. , o., • { 1 . . Z s C \A,