51 of 1949 - Amending Paragraphs (a) of Section 1305 of Uniform Building Code 1946 Edition, relating to windows. ROLL CALL AOI" 18 1949
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
VOTING Aye Nay •
Affleck I move that the ordinal be passed. /
Matheson . . .
Mr. Chairman . . ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
the Uniform Building Code 1946 Edition as approved and adopted by
Section 1301 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah
1944 as amended.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Paragraph (a) of Section 1305 of the
Uniform Building Code 1946 Edition as approved and adopted by
Section 1301 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah
1944 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commi-
ssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah on the llth day of September,
1946 and designated as bill No. 65 and as amended by an ordin-
ance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah on the 2nd day of August, 1949 and designated as bill No.44,
be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 1305. (a) WINDOWS. All living rooms, kitchens,
and other rooms used for living, eating, or sleeping purposes
shall be provided with windows or skylights with'an area not less
than twelve square feet (12 sq. ft.) nor one-eighth of the floor
area of such rooms. The window area in bathrooms, wa.tercloset
compartments, and other similar rooms shall not be less than
three square feet (3 sq. ft.), unless adequate mechanical ven-
tilation is provided. Not less than one-half such area shall
be openable, provided, however, in lieu of windows or skylights,
kitchens may be vented through separate individual ducts of suf-
ficient size to allow for a complete change of air every five
minutes, by means of separate manually controlled fans, and suit-
able devices to prevent backdraft.
II _2_
Required windows shall open on a court, yard, or street
leither directly or through a porch with a minimum clear height of
not less than seven feet (71) and a depth of not ;more than seven
feet (71). Such porch shall be at least 50 per cent open on at 1
least two sides.
ij The width of such courts or yards shall be not less than
three feet (31) when such courts or yards are not more than two
stories high measured down from the top of the building and shall
Abe increased at the rate of six inches (6u) for each additional
story in height..: If such.`oourt is entirely surrounded by the build-
Iing it shall have a width at least SO'per cent greater than that
otherwise requiredu
SECTION; 2. ..In-the opinn.o:n of the Board of Commissioners,
fit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that thrs',o'diranee.shall become effective ir!medir
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
(first publication.Passed by the Board of Cormnissio er of)Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /Qd day ofd47
t, A. I?.' 49.
II ! `;,.
"Mayor '
City Recorder /
III �i
I i
• Presented to the Board of Commissioners
AUG 1 8 1949
First Publication in
- algooRpatt
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Legal Notices
AN ouponsoL'
PARAGRAPH(a)of Seetton 1305 of
the Uniform Building Code 1946
eotlod rrOrpof . 'ew a vain Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
es of St Lake lty,Utah 1944
11 ofmi o .pa.ne by�tnLB�ca c1t;
Utah: 6f vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
SECTION 1.That Paragraph(a)0f published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Section 1305 of the U¢ifppr.BuildingCode
adopted by 46 Edition
Section 1301 of the Reoved -
ssed Ordinances of Salt Lake CItR, O f Utah.
Utah 1944 as amended by a
C dinancionere8eof by the Board
1 48 and deslgltnhtedy s billNo.b65 That the advertisement
and 6a mended by aan ordinance
passed by the Board of Commis-
loners of Salt Lake City.Utah on
the 2nd day of August, 1949 and Publishing An Ordinance Bill No. 51
t designated am is here y0 amended to
read as follows:
"Sec. 1305. (a) WINDOWS. All
Hying rooms, kitchens. and other
rooms used for living, eating, or
wsleeping purposes shall be provided
ith windows or skylights with an
area not less than twelve square!
feet (12 eq.ft.) nor one-eighth of
the floor a area f such rooms.The
window re In bathrooms, water-
closet compartments. d ther was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
W1pas rooms shall not be less other
three square feet(3 sq.ft.),
Aden is
prel d d. Not uate elesss thanttlaone-half
-such area hall roe openable pp day of A. D. 19
video, however,to lieu of windows
or skylights,kitchens may be vented
through separate Individual ducts of On August 20,i 190
sufficient change also t allow for acorn- and was published
diet cn.nge of air every Imo
note by o. s paste
abivy devices to prev fans. d ult-
le quired i prevent shall
o. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Required where hall pen en y
court,yard,or street either directlym
orthrough a porch with a thanntmum
etr 7')s ofnot less f a dayof A. D. 19
rs'e nn a (yyth ofnot seven
than feet (per Such en on
at be least 50 per cent open On
at least two sides.00The
yards shall width of
Inot less than such three ( is
i¢as(3) when such a courts tWb a/ Advertising Clerk
high are not measured down from
the top of the building and shall
be.increased at the rate 01 slur
inches (6") for each additional
story 1n height, If such court Is
entirely r nded by the build-
ing it shall have.a width t least
50 per Cent greater than that other-rn to before me this 22nd day of
wise required."
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners.it Is nec-
essary to the Inhabitantsalth of Salt A.D.19 49
saLake City that this ordinance shall
become effective immediately.
SECTION'3.This rdinanoe shall
take effect upon its first publication.o
Passed by the Board f Commis-
loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this —
18th day of Augguu t,A.D.3949.
IR1IA P.BTTNER Notary P lie
City Recorder
Published August 20, 1946.
Proof of Publication