51 of 1973 - Amending Section 111 of Bill no. 21 of 1966, of Western TV Cable Franchise Ordinance, passed Februar ,i VOTING v^"Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 12 19 73
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harrison �` \
Phillips f
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section III of Bill No. 21 of 1966, of
the Western TV Cable Franchise Ordinance, passed on the first day
of February, 1966.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section III of Bill No. 21 of 1966 of the
Western TV Cable Franchise Ordinance, be, and the same hereby is,
amended to read as follows:
"Section I. * * *
"Section II. * * *
"Section III. Indemnity and liability coverage. It is
expressly understood and agreed by and between the grantee
and the city that the grantee shall hold the city harmless
from all loss sustained by the city on account of any suit,
judgment, execution, claim or demand whatsoever, resulting
from negligence on the part of the grantee in the construc-
tion, operation or maintenance of its system in the city.
The city shall notify the grantee's representative in the
city within 30 days after the presentation of any claim or
demand, either by suit or otherwise, made against the city
on account of any negligence as aforesaid on the part of the
grantee. The grantee agrees to maintain and keep in full
force and effect at all times during the term of this franchise
ordinance sufficient liability insurance coverage to protect
the city against any such claims, suits, judgments, executions
or demands in a sum not less than $100,000 per person in any
one claim, $300,000 as to any one accident or occurrence and
not less than $100,000 for property damage as to any one
accident or occurrence, the city to be named as an insured.
A certificate of insurance executed by an insurance company,
acceptable to the city, shall be filed with the City Recorder
as evidence that there is in full force and effect the above
required insurance."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 12th day of June , 1973.
BILL NO. S1 of 1973
Published-June 15, 1973 -
, ,1,e }�,1 In n �
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Section Al of Bill No.21 of 1966,
-'.of the Western TV Cable Fran
Wise Ordinance, passed on the
ordained by the Board of
first q yof February.1966.
Be Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal a ver-
it ';
Utahmissiol�rs of son Lake'City, using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
l N.21'ofT1966 Section Western newspaper •printed in the English language with general cir.
TV Cable,,:'.runchise Ordinance,
be,-ant'Mutt same hereby Is,., culatum in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
amended to read os follows: •Bemlan 1.••• County,in the State of Utah.
"Section II,'•••
"Section,III.Indemnify Red liabil-
ity coverage.N is expressly under-
stood and Greed by and between That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
the grantee and the city that the
grantee shall hold the city harm-
[less from oil loss sustained
any suit,MOM sustained by the;
city On aCCoan+ An Ordinance amendin Section III of Bill No. 21
. . ., _
'monk execution,claim or demand
whatsoever, 'awning from negli-
gence ,
e°cnstruction of, operattioe^e, of 1966, of the Western TV Cable Franchise Ordinance.
maintenance of Its:system In the.
city. The lite shall notify the
Grantees representative In the city 97_3
Whin 30 days�uffer the pmsenta- Bill No.Al of 1 ._
fi `rm of any tot-or demand,.
either by suit of otherwise, ode,
against lgnce asiroleresoid on tthe any
of the arontee.'.The Grantee agrees'
to maintain an "keep in full force
tand effect at 0�f times during the,
erm,of-,this franchise ordinance.
sufficient'liability'-Jnsdrance cover
age to protect tOe oily against any',
such claims,subs,lodgments,exe uttons or demands in sum ne was published in said newspaper on
less than 61 '00 per Per;on in.
any one claim.'6300,000 as to any'.
he`"Wnti000fren°m less than$ao, or po^ v June 15, 1973
damage as to,env one occident or
occurrence,the it to be d
as on insured.t4a by it e of ^
conk/any. acceptahle acceptable to the city, '----
shall be evidence
with theCity Record-
la effect
1 the Is in full fequi 0 ce r m , v '
SECTION 4 In the opinion fine Legal Ailuertising(;.erk
Board of Commissioners It Is pee-
eswy to the health, peace and
welfare of S the lont9 of Salt.
Lake e that thishis ordinance shim
take effect upon Its first,publics
Passed by the Board oPcpmmis-
shiners f Salr Lake Ciht.1 Utah,
,Ms nm Gov ar June,E.J. y 20th day of
E.J,O6s" to before me this Si Ximver
Vt City order
(SEAL) 'r II11 .
_ 3'_BILL NO.51 of 1973 A.D., , 19 IJ
Published—June 15,1973 IA1)
Notary Public
My Commission Expires