51 of 1980 - Amending sections 18-2-14 and 18-2-17 establishing refuse containers specifications and specifying m ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 2 of Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to garbage and refuse, by amending Sections 18-2-14 and 18-2-17 and adding a new Section 18-2-17.1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 2 of Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to garbage and refuse, he, and the same hereby is, amended by AMENDING Sections 18-2-14 and 18-2-17 and ADDING a new Section 18-2-17.1 as follows: Sec. 18-2-14. Refuse containers - specifications. This section shall apply only to collections made by the City or a private contractor working for the City. Refuse containers shall be provided by the owner, tenant, lessee, or occupant of any residence. In the event any container that does not conform to the provisions of this section is set out for collection, the collector shall have the authority to deny collection services for such container. Any container not meeting the requirements of this section will. be tagged by the collector and shall not be used again, but shall promptly be replaced by the user thereof. Containers must meet the following specifications: (1) Reusable containers: (a) Must he metal, plastic or rubber, tapered construction, equipped with suitable handles, tight fitting covers and be leak-proof. (b) Must he in good condition and not have any ragged or sharp edges or any other defect liable to hamper or injure the person collecting the contents thereof. (c) Shall have a capacity of not more than 30 gallons and shall weigh not more than 75 lbs., including container and contents, when set out for collection. (d) The City shall not be responsible for normal wear and tear of containers nor for any damage or breakage to rubber or plastic containers. (2) Non-reusable containers: (a) Plastic bags must be 2 mil thick or greater, have a maximum capacity of 30 gallons and weigh not more than 50 lbs. when filled. (h) Pasteboard boxes must have a maximum capacity of 4 cubic foot, weigh not more than 50 lbs. when filled and be dry at the time of collection. Larger pasteboard boxes must be collapsed and tied in a bundle for disposal in accordance with subsection (3) below. (c) Wooden boxes, barrels and other similar 51 containers must have a maximum capacity of 30 gallons and weigh not more than 75 lbs. when filled. (d) Non-reusable containers shall be considered refuse and removed for disposal along with their contents. (3) Non-containerized items (bundles): (a) Non-containerized items must be securely tied in bundles which shall not exceed 18 inches in diameter, more than 5 feet in length or weigh more than 75 lbs. * * * Sec. 18-2-17. Materials not collected. This section shall apply only to collections made by the City or a private contractor working for the City. The following materials shall not be set out for collection by City crews or contractors working for the City whether placed in a container or otherwise: (1) Highly inflammable or explosive materials. (2) Hazardous or radioactive waste material. (3) Hot ashes, cinders, clinkers or stove ashes which could ignite other refuse. (4) Dead animals. (5) Septic tank waste or holding tank waste from recreational vehicles or travel trailers. Sec. 18-2-17.1. Material requiring special preparation. This section shall apply only to collections made by the City or a private contractor working for the City. (1) Small animal waste material must be dry and mixed with sand, sawdust, commercial pet litter, or similar absorptive material, and double wrapped in paper or placed in a separate plastic bag before being placed in a refuse container for disposal. (2) Sharp objects such as broken glass, knives and hypodermic needles must be double wrapped in paper or other suitable material so that no sharp edge is exposed before being placed in a refuse container for disposal. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect July 1 , 1980. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13th day of May , 1980. taws., P2 „) CH IRMAN ATTEST: ///:EGA ! CITY RECORDER -2- h Transmitted to the Mayor on May 13. 1980 Mayor's Action OR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER (SEAL) (� BILL NO. 51 of 1980 Published May 23, 1980 -3- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake - - ------- -dlt 40 CE Shana D. Conaty AN ORDINANCE AMENI111JG Chanter r of Title 15 of Ihr golheoe Ordinances refuse, ss by Salt mending Sveti?'ai1181214 and'I?I2-1 i and adding a new Secfinn 10-2-I1.1. tie ii ordained by the City Council of Salt 1.aka City,Utatl: SEnces o 1.dhal Chapter 1 of TAOTe'of la in the ,,hafiri Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal Ordinances of San theAy�the Utah,i0,a fended to r;,ENo-- NG Se«edbe.18-2nldhaYltld o-2-17 ant'ADDING a newts ctio'n advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily 18-2-D.1 as follows- . _ - Sec.I9-214.Refuse_contammrssnucifiotions.This section (except Sunday) newspaper printedin the English ,ball apply only to collection,working forby❑,e.city :a pr, language with general circulation in Utah, and to a provided rovid eking fnr the GInt, Rellise contaipa:� of all he?rovi a by 111e event any con lesser,or n o,,., of Y: ,anncn In the event any container that dne;nnl published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the conform to te..OF visions of Ihls section c et out for col !echo',bhe Ia10Cfer shall have,he authority to deny col- State of Utah. Iertion site ee h ,tamer-Am container et nnl meetingtheT Ire t f'thist 1 lagged d v the Ii � shall i user C .but n II ' promptly/het d by ill sa thereof,`again,' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto meet ft to fo fi at ns eI• j1 • (a/Mon tie r plastic robber,tapered ,trnaion, h,ned wtn;.autiable na.lmes, rynhr fitting Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to d be leakproof. ,,��yd� covers Must b•? 9odV YAndition and not have ally edges or any other defect liable to hang- . ragged ore the person collecting the contents,hrreol. per (c)Seall have a cap!t e,f not more than 30 gallons Garbage & refuse and shall) ion f dri” IS Ills.,including container and ca Cg ,wnen se tQiof[� Ileclion (p)eho f c s tat°'bt hf rf any damn for normal ,al and bear al Con[pf��i Syr.. or for 0 V damage or firc•..k 56 to)Non.rar Was cah,eisn ineners_ (:))Plastic bags m steers: (i Plastic aces r be l mil land or igh not unr, It 130 gallons and welch not mar, than SO lbs.when ti l l�,y lb)PiC roetar es must have a maximum cane sty oft cubic at the h not more than SO lbs.where filled and be dry the r of collection.on.Larger or dl0,,.ard xes must .wilco andd tied in a bundle tot disposal in accordance Witty nesechon(31 below. Id/Wooden bo% barrels andother I :I t o Y I v a c p IV f'0 1 nr non'h I al�ys lrr,..n hay t R d. May23, 1980 ml N - '� 'containers:shall n end ad was published in said newspaper on refuse e dl toalong 41' it content,. (3(Non Non-container eded itemsenl moe9). la)which shall not a Item:19 i is cccnrdia reed In i bundles5feshall eig 1O n diameter. than Sf..1�,1 yy!1 weigh - t IS lbs. x re-y-n. M tar 14fr collected. hI ashall �f .�` 'dA ,F�1 .l�-_) � .f ��I� 2� 1 l I 1 collections °"bthe II " Legal Advertising��lerk-- contractor working 1 la Cify.The tf 1 r 1 ..1 be st he -wi dth l City i-. tors working for the City whether nlacetl in a u,n.a tit- n otherwise. (1)'light,inflammable or eunlo,ive material;. (2)Hazardous al'radioactive WOSO1 material, 29th colt(3) to dJ cis,eie:ers.clinkers or stove ashes whi.al "e me this day of (d)Dead animals. (5)Septic tank waste or holding tank wash,tom re. rearmnal Vehicles or ravel traders. 80 Sec.1h2-Iz.1,Material re special n ...A.D. 19 requiring City t section ate contractor ppcY w to fur heC t. tiY fh� C'ifY or a private limalworking ter the 000t (1)sand,animal,cote material must b,dry.and mixed er sand, d commercial r litter, lar material,and double ppntl in Parer or cries, i coit f or Id t1 hagbefore A I 1 in a s .r ()Sharp objects e, JJ - 1,4,oclormic ot-,Iles mu,be double,manned in gaper n. beers bej�n eluded 11-,e r,.0s"container no mrdisposal. Notary Public SECTION J.This Ordinance•,nail tak:;erred July 1,1r00. Passed by hi,City Council of Salt Lako City,Utah,Ibis 1301 day of May.1yb0. RONALD J.WIIITCItLD CHAIRAIAAN Al'T1-S1 MIL.I1ftt-0 V.If1GNAto CITY RC CORDER Tra nitted to Me Mayor nil May 1.1,19a0. Mayor's Action I[-D L.WILSVN MAYOR Ail I-:ST t0ll-DRI-U V.I-IGHAM C.-ITV Rr.CORDER ISEALI BILL.NO t'tit 1[eli u,,n r,P 1