52 of 1903 - Ordinance 52 of 1903 – Paving Extension No. 7. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levying a tax upon property abutting on both sides! of Second South Street from the east line of State Street to the west line of Third Nast Street, in Paving Districts Nos. 7 and 16, for the purpose of providing for the grading, curbing and paving thereof. le it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That said Council does hereby levy a tax and pro- vide for the assessment upon the real property hereinafter described; abutting on both sides of Second South Street from the east line of State Street to the west line of Third last Street, in Paving Dis- tricts Nos. 7 and 16 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Said tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, curbing and paving said portion of said street, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that the grading, curbing and paving of. said street will thereby benefit the property abutting thereon, and hereinafter described, to the full amount of the estimated cost thereof. Said property is to be assessed at an equal and uniform rate, in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portion of said street. The cost and expense of making said improvement is estimated at twelve ($12.00) dollars per linear frost foot, and the tax hereby, levied and to be assessed upon said. property is twelve (412.00) dollars per front foot abutting on said portion of-said street; and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess said , property in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned. The property herein assessed consists of the following described lots and pieces of ground, to-wit: All of lots 5 and 6, block 55; all of lot 5, the west 66 feet and the east 81 feet of lot 6; the west 51 feet and the east 84 feet of lot 7, and all of lot 8, block 56; all of lots 1 and 2, 52 -2- block 71; all of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 72, plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, as the '�ssam/'e are shown upon the official plats of said City to a depth of / U t feet back from said street. The total amount of said tax to be so levied and colleeted,at the rate of twelve ($12.00) dollars per linear front foot is thirty-'I one thousand one hundred and four ($31,104.00) dollars. swim 2. that said tax levied as aforesaid upon said prop- erty shall become d iinqueft' as follows: zc_ . _,I...-,--,-«_. of the total amount so levied shall- become 071 delinquent /_,--, 2/ J. f Jy. ev--�.— i -zz , 4 / r 3 o-z.-,� : ;C a--,� / 27a' it _ z /yf . Xach of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of 79 per annum from the time of the levy aforesaid, and r of any or either of said installments shall be unpaid when they be- (tome delinquent, interest thereon •hall be at the rate of 10% per annum until such delinquent installments are fully paid. S. that the entire amount of tax so levied and assesse u on said property may be paid by the owner of any of said property, 11 or the entire equal proportion of said tax upon any piece of prop- arty may be paid by any person on any part thereof within ninety (90) days from said levy, and thereafter such pieooe or portions of property affected by this tax shall be exempt from any lien or charge therefor. SBCTI01 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. jj r/=4--d, Paving Intention No. 7. ,,- - 3 4- ,'ig i- . i . ..-- _'.1'} r , i-)'- .1 ', ?n, , i.Qn'-, • ej L__L Li�'L_ ,,,,__ -s- 5:1e1.1 :LEA ,"A• .+. L f ,^� saotd , bna E ,S ,1 atot to .CIA ;IV otd b.k,e to at,etg tr:tottto arcs noqu narorfe ela amen erft ea ,lev^ciri i;,tt0 .toelta busts molt -load ,teo't _ to rftgeb a of %tt7 trs,betoe[Lon bna bstve! oe ed at xis/ busts to Innonsa tatot erCT -10'+tirit at tool tno'ft /sena leg eissc!Ob ( SL evlewt to eta 'Kt .amILob (O0.aiOI,14) 7uo2 fun beiluctceno b a10, ergo -Kolq bt.isa now betaae T.8 ee bets .0 xat = .9 awo.CLo rxt r+tooed .0 L a i s etuooed Care betvd; I7: cinema Late sri l 1n a e a .4 Co ? neup tLb y Ar g- teeletni wahb t.Csrfa trrtt erft tgeoxe et-nem/latent burs to rio.eta bru ibises-lots vvel ens to emit srft mo^x't ru aaa 7sq IkT to etpry aril to -el der[t nerfw bta;nu ed .EL&fa atnemttatan.i btae to lerftte 70 vna to led tO eta/ edt is el Made noe-cedt tt;;3ntnt ,tneupntlsb ntnoo hisc; xllul e/A atnemIfstant tneupntteb rf wa Itttur taunna eeeesa.s bfte helve/ oe xat to In-oms ezttne erft tsiq'r .t NOTTWR ,g1'xago7c f btae 40 Icaa to 7snwo erft xd btaq ed yam 0/0gorxq btaa no -gold to eoetq +ynu nods; x.bt bursa to no.itIogo'xy I.csrspe ra'zttne ©tit 70 testa ntrlttw Zoe/erft tlaq ins no noateq %as qd btaq ed %am Iztle to anott7oq 1e eeoetq rloira YettasIerft funs ,iveI bleats mo^c2'eib (OQ} "zo net/ los mo/t tgnfax6 es°ffaria *at atrit yd betoe22s tizegolq ./olelent e„/effo .ls;voYgga nou toelle eAat Ilerfa son.antb-o atr{T .t+ IIOZP*8 .4 .ox nottnetnI rntvac