52 of 1904 - Ordinance 52 of 1904 – Amending Section 732, re: employees in the Waterworks Department. it AN O h G 1 N A N C E • An ordinance emending lines 12,13,14,15,1e 1 17, of Section 732 of the hevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Fe it ordained by the City Council of 'Seit Lake City, Uteh: SECTION 1. Thet. lines 12,13,14,15,1e &c 17, of Section 732 of the hevised Ordine:ncee of Salt Lake City, be, end the sere are hereby emerged so es to read as follows: "One tenkaatr et parley's Reservoir ,et e-salary of seven hundred'end eighty prtdollars per agnpr. Three tankiRer at Thirteenth Last reservoir et a celery'of seven hundred end "h°eight.y dollere -per ennum,°eech, Three ten.krcen et Twentieth Bard tank et a salary of peven hundred --and `" eighty dollars per ernurti --each:" SECTION E. All ordierces end parts Of-ordinances ir, conflict with the above provisions ere hereby -repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION Z. This ordinance. shell take effect upon ep oval. q. =r bcr a ^nn^ri of ^L? fe�x �itv, Uth ;,1 `.;h, M4, zi r.-e:(` -.`ri for hi.S 4porr•,v,d this -2v ^f :.�;xril, 1.934. 52 • 4 : 4:4 t l C 44 ' ' ' ...7 ,^;1^1"-: lc ,Ct t It. t4P!eit•;t ',gift 7nibn+,) ,nislit,ie 11 .ttfl Merl tt$ 10 444+geefe,70 h 1 l iv,, +.,!U •y.1fl 441.3 t14; 1: if14jrl ttt^r e•'ff t4 b)mifFtn tt ,: ill t 31. [)?[.si•i1 rent, f34 .t 'LCI7;i`•4i. J , - ! :; ra E.lb1•).1 tie444 17d 4w.e7 eft bon •14 tr1tf1 7Mea '(el 7fi aiola ir;,c o b ..i ;ewc11^? '((tt i ccsl,, c> 14a 4 +y 4r4»94 si17eq se ' ks1�Ist ,nee .,, ,,q, ^ncli lily ii 1w•,i 4 1�r C Zg **41 pNt+as. 1 1 1/4 `,.;is.C.) 13 4 a ,,t. x : ,.: r,11.+04 I'l +, l� Atli? + t f nf�► i tot � ;t .izat� ` �- 6d `1•4001i1 .iU11t tA0 Stf't[rb y}/,t: ,(• it ,,, ••)u ',,' 7/ .i',9gSii,.- 1^ i.tian ti,.. 1:417J1Ev! fil .; 41'r.f3j- .'`iJ i9U7 t'i31r-. 1fit ..( t1143O91 y11444 171 9nri+Or^10 iV^13 .1 'v^,<<^1 r„:J t79111 „i:,i ttet'i 1-r,?., ^ -N•..e. .w .,ar. d i E