52 of 1912 - Viaduct Denver And Rio Grande Railroad Company ROLL CALL, q 191 - � p'a u: r_e City, Utah,_ ` - vo'r1NG Ye s No I move that C\,,„ M, Keyser Korns Lawrence .... ✓Morris -- - -- Mr.Chairman - - - RESULT - l.....t...i..3... ROLL CALL 841r cu ity, Utah,_ April 17th 191 2 VOTING Yes No 1 move that ordinance Nn .5`.J,_be passed. Keyser .�� Korns - � . -- VI Lawrence . . L.._._... Morris Mr.Chairman RESULT - - I� sa I move to amend Section 2 of the proposed ordinance relating to viaducts to be constructed by the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, so as to read as follows: se;c2 SECTION 2. That the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, a oorporation, be, and )t is hereby,directed and required to construct So ads) at its own expense, a viaduct on Fourth,Street in Salt Lake City, east and west on said street across said Company's railroad tracks situated between the east side of Fifth West Street and the west in side of Sixth West Street said pity, of a heighth sufficient to permit safety clearance for all railroad purposes and surface traf- fic; said viaduct shall be wide enough to permit a roadway thirty- six (36) feet wide between the curbs, and shall have a sidewalk six (6) feet wide on the outside of each curb; the grades of the approach- es of the roadway and sidewalks on each side shall not exceed five and one-half (bk) per cent; at each street intersection there shall be one flight of steps on each side leading to the street, but the sidewalk approaches from each end shall be in incline conforming to the grade of the roadway; the structure shall be constructed of ei*her steel skeleton with conorete sub-grade, or of re-inforced concrete throughout, and either type of construction adopted by the Railroad Company, must conform to the standard specifications for the material employed, and no wooden girders, beams, floors, or railings, stall be used; the said viaduct shall be designed and constructed to permit double street car tracks, and to allow and sustain a concentrated live load caused by passing two fifty-ton passenger oars, or two passing trains of two thirty-ton oars having twenty-foot truck centers, or a fifteen-ton road roller, or a com- bination of any two of these that the width of the roadway will permit; the said street car tracks shall be located in the oenter of the roadway with nine (9)feet eight and one-half (8*) inches between the center lines; the viaduct shall be designed and / struoted so as to provide for proper drainage, and shall hav�6 concrete curb on each side of the roadway; the surface of the road- way on the main portion of the viaduct, or wherever the grade per- mits, shall be of creosoted wooden blocks, and on the approaches, or in any place where the grade may be five and one-half (5*) per cent and too steep for the proper use of such blocks, stone blocks shall be laid, and both surfaces shall have a concrete foundation; all wooden blocks used shall in treatment absorb at least eighteen (18) pounds of oreesete per cubic foot, and they shall be thoroughly dried and made free from sap before they are treated. The roadway shall meet the requirements of standard specifications for such construction. • / � AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance requiring the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, a oorporation, to construct viaducts across its railroad tracks at the intersections of Fourth South and Seventh South Streets with Fifth West Street, in Salt Lake City. WHEREAS, The Denver and Rio 4rande Railroad Company is the owner of and operates a railroad on Fifth West and other streets in Salt Lake City, and from said pity to other plaoes in said state and in other states, and is daily employing in such service a large number of passenger and freight trains which are propelled by steam power over its said tracks which cross Fourth South and Seventh South Streets in said pity at their intersections with Fifth West Street; and WHEREAS, There is a large number of the inhabitants of said city residing en the west side of said railroad tracks, whose business affairs necessarily require large numbers of them on foot and in vehicles by day and by night to cross said railroad tracks at the intersections of the streets aforesaid, and the said traffic and business generally has been and now is very large and is increasing; and WHEREAS, On Seventh South Street aforesaid there is now in operation a standard i,ot*Dle track street railway upon a regular fixed sohedule, to accommodate the passenger traffic to and from each side of said line of steam railroad, by day and by night; and WHEREAS, The hazard to lives and persons and property of the people who are oompelled to cross, as aforesaid, the tracks of the said Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, at the intersections f -2- of the streets aforesaid is, in the judgment of the Commissioners of said pity, so imminent as to require immediate protection and relief; and WEERBAS, Said Fourth South and Seventh South Streets are, and have been for many years last past, and for a long time prior to the reeeiving of the franchise for its railroad and the laying of its tracks at the intersections aforesaid, by the said Denver and Rio Grange Railroad Company or its predecessors in interest, streets of said oity dedicated to the uses of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That it is necessary for the protection of the public, and the convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City demand, that the grade of Fourth South Street of said city at its intersections with Fifth West and Sixth West Streets be raised above the railroad tracks of the Denver and Rio Grande Rail- road Company, and that it is necessary as aforesaid that the grade of Seventh South Street at and near its intersection with Fifth West Street be raised above the railroad tracks of the said railroad company, and to these ends that viaduots be oonstraoted for the purposes aforesaid, as hereinafter prescribed. SECTION 2. That the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, a corporation, be, and it is hereby directed and required to con- struct, at its own expense, a viaduct on Fourth South Street in Salt Lake City, east and west on said street across said Company's railroad tracks situated between the east side of Fifth West Street -2- and the west side of Sixth West Street in said city, of a height* sufficient to permit safety clearance for all railroad purposes and surface traffic; said viaduot shall be wide enough to permit a road- way twenty eight (28) feet wide between the curbs, and shall have a sidewalk six (6) feet wide On the outside of each curb; the grades of the approaches of the roadway and sidewalks on each side shall not exceed five and one+half (5}) per oent; at eaoh street inter- section there shall be one flight of steps on each side leading to the street, but the sidewalk approaches from each end shall be in incline eonforming to the grade of the roadway; the structure shall be constructed of either steel skeleton with concrete sub-grade, or of re-inforeed concrete throughout, and either type of construction ' adopted by the railroad eompany, must conform to the standard speci- fications for the material employed, and no wooden girders, beams, floors or railings, shall be used; the said viaduct shall be designed and oonstraoted only fer the ordinary road traffic, including a fifteen $on road roller or motor truek; it shall be designed and oonstraaotel to provide for proper drainage, and shall have a oon- orete sorb on each side of the roadway; the surface of the roadway on the main portion of the viaduot, or wherever the grade permits, shall be of creosoted wooden blocks, and on the approaches or in any place where the grade may be five and one-half (5e) per cent and too steep for the proper use of such blocks, stone blocks shall be laid, and both surfaces shall have a concrete foundation; all wooden blocks ; used shall in treatment absorb at least eighteen (18) pounds of creosote per cubic foot, and they shall be thoroughly dried and made free from sap before they are treated. The roadway shall meet the requirements of standard speoifioations for such construction. 1, J -4- SECT/ON 3. All columns, pillars or supports of the super- structure necessarily required to be plaoed in any part of the streets last aforesaid, not closed to the public, shall be so con- struoted and placed as not to materially interfere with the public traffie and use of said streets. SECTION 4. That the plans and specifications for the construc- tion of said viaduct shall be made and provided by the said Rail- road oompany within sixty (60) days after a copy of this ordinance shall have been served upon said Company, and thereupon within said time presented to the City Engineer and the Board of Commissioners of said city for their approval. When plans and specifications are approved by the City Engineer and Board of Commissioners, the said Railroad Company shall within two (£) months thereafter begin the oonstruotion of said viaduet, and thereafter continuously carry on said work of contraction and complete the same in such time as may be reasonably n eessary, but, in any event finish the entire work within eighteen (18) months from the date of service of this ordinance upon said Company. Upon the construction of said viaduct in accordance herewith, and its acceptance by the Board of Commissioners and Engineer of Salt Lake City, said pity will thereafter Dare for and maintain the surface thereof, but the said Railroad Company and its successors shall thereafter care for and maintain the structural or supporting portion of said viaduct. SECTION S. That the said Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Com- pany, a corporation, also,be and it is hereby directed and required to construct, at its own expense, a viaduct on Seventh South Street in Salt Lake City, east and west on said street across said company's railroad tracks situate between the east side of Fifth West. Street, and the west side of Sixth West Street in said city, of a heightfr -5- sufficient to permit safety clearance for all railroad purposes and surface traffic; said viaduct shall be wide enough to permit a road- way thirty-six (36) feet wide.between the curbs, and shall have a sidewalk six (6) feet wide on the outside of each onrb; the grades of the approaches of the roadway and sidewalks on each side shall not exceed five and one-half (5*) per pent; at each street inter- section there shall be one flight of steps on each side leading to the street, but the sidewalk approaches from each end shall be in inoline conforming to the grade of the roadway; the structure shall be constructed of either steel skeleton with concrete sub-grade, or of rewinforoed oonerete throughout, and either type of construction adopted by the Railroad Company, must conform to the standard speci- fications for the material employed, and no wooden girders, beams, floors, or railings, shall be used; the said viaduct shall be designed and oonstructed to permit double street oar tracks, and to allow and sustain a concentrated live load caused by passing two fifty-'ton passenger cars, or two passing trains of two thirty«ton oars having twentrfoot truck centers, or a fifteen ton road roller, or a oombination of any two of these that the width of the roadway will permit; the said street ear tracks shall be located in the center of the roadway with nine (9) feet eight and one-half (84) inches between the center lines; the viaduct shall be designed and constructed so as to provide for proper drainage, and shall have a oonorete curb on each side of the roadway; the surface of the road- way on the main portion of the viaduct, or wherever the grade permits, wooden shall be of creosotedoblooks, and on the approaches, or in any plane where the grade may be five and one-half (5i) per cent and too steep for the proper use of such blocks, stone blocks shall be laid, and both surfaces shall have a concrete foundation; all wooden blocks used shall in treatment absorb at least eighteen (18) pounds of creosote per cubic foot, and they shall be thoroughly dri ) 1 made free from sap before they are treated. The roadway shall�`$e the -6- requirements of standard specifications for such construction. SECTION 6. That all columns, pillars or supports of the super- structure necessarily required to be placed in any part of the street mot ,Olosed to the publie, shall be so constructed and.plaoed .;asdnt to materially interfere with the public traffic and use of ilu.h-vetreets BZTION 7E TEit tWeiplane and speoifioations for the construe- Aon of said 414441 0104C1A made and provided by.the said Rail- ;;4104. Company t ix 'eixtak 6©) days after a copy of this ordinance smell have beek aerved u * the said oompany, and thereupon within 8140. time presented to the• City Engineer and the Board of Commission- .eie of said city for their approval. When plans and specifications are approved by the City Engineer and Board of Commissioners, the said Railroad Company shall within two (2) months thereafter begin the construction of said viadnot, and thereafter continuously parry on said work of construction, and oomplete the same in such time as it may reasonably do, but in any event, finish the entire work within eighteen (18) months from the date of service of this ordi- nate upon said Company. Upon the construction of said viaduct in accordance herewith, and its acceptance by the Board of Commissioners and Engineer of Salt Lake City, said oity will thereafter oars for and maintain the surface thereof, but the said Railroad Company and its successors shall thereafter oars for and maintain the st /)t� al or supporting portion of said viaduct. (J /iC +7- EMOTION 9. An ordinance approved August 22, A. D. 1911, directing the construction of viaducts on Fifth South and Seventh South Streets between Fifth West and Sixth West Streets, and all other ordinances in oonfliot herewith, are hereby repealed. SE ION 9. This ordinanoe shall take effe t upon publication theit04u tr 43. I .4 c ic) } -6ttbse illy the P r o !sinners of S`a4l' t C .Rtah, ca CA Ap;' 17tb, 11 c ,y r,ecor<er Due Service of certified copy of the within and foregoing ordinance hereby admitted this 11 t day of April, 1912. cX 4 " 4' 1.4 . oo dttorney-for-benver & Rio Grande Ry.Co. Due Service of certified copy of the within and foregoing ordinance hereby admitted this , day of April, 1912, at o'clock. General Superintendent for tfie Denver & Rio Grande Ry.Co, atete of Utah, T P ss. County of Salt Lake. r R. A. Calton being duly sworn, says: That he is a police officer of Salt Lake City; that on the 22nd day of April, 1912, he served a oopy of the annexed franchise upon J. W. Mulhearn, General Superintendent of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, by delivering to and leaving with G. S. Anderson, Chief Clerk of said Mulhern, such copy, at the office of said Mulher= in the City and County of Salt Lake, Utah. G � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of April, 1912. Notary Publa.c My commission expires /K.1,,e , /� /`2-�y -r- ,IIc?I .CI .A ,SS terrrrrA iievo'rggs eononrnxo ra .8 VIOITOf8 ;f;`;;oi.'of; Fnn .drrro2 rit3f',1 no etorrb.e.Iv To noctoult rf o orft snftoo7b r..1:s1 i)it.o , ;J-oo'.t4 Jon- rftx28 brcn taoW rft9-.tq neowted atee'rt2 rfttro8 .bol:oorroz ti,do'rorf o-i0 ,rrtPt79zori 1.0111noo rxl e.00rrsnibxo zorito i_J J:. I cfrr r rro,fsr,t•,Can:o oIst Ilrsrfa eonsniryio afriT .E' O', J,W ' - 'TS r orft -0 -f i i . Tii:r.., !:' :; 1rI! i, ror- '? i ''fi ri co ' `. \ i nrr I 1 (I: 't r.. ) 19 17;,...., . n f', -ris. '1 c aC fv':r0ri 9rrf1 \ . )'i 9'', -11 . Ili(i:'i'' .. ,:'i -.. r 3' .: ::)', HCr(I,