52 of 1925 - Paving Extension No. 193, Third and Final ROLL CALL
• Barnes l . Salt Lake City,Utah, ,192
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
art ,: ; / �1 L'y/iL9
Mr. Chairman..
iN ORDINANCE LEVYING , TE.X and for the assessment of
property in Paving District No. 32 (Paving Extension ho. 193)
for the purpose of grading, constructing special drainage system
to carry water across and along streets and intersections, curb
and gutter, private driveways, installing water services and
sewer connections to back at curbs and paving with warrenite
bitulithic pavement thereof',, 4th "Cast Street from 13th to 17th South
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of halt
Lake City, Utah:
STCTION I. That the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Dis-
trict No. 32. (Paving Extension No. 193) for the purpose of grading,
constructing special drainage system to carry water across and
along streets and intersections, curb and gutter, private driveways,
installing water services and sewer connections to back of curbs
and paving with warrenite bitulithie pavement thereof, to-wit:
Lots 1 to 9 incl. of Elks. 1 and 2 North Waterloo
Add.; Lots 28 to 36 incl. of Elks. 1 and 2 ;a.shington Place
Add.; Lots 27 to 34 incl. of Elk. 2 Chicago Add.; Lots 1 to
4 incl. of Bike. 1 and 2 last Capitol Ave. :!dd.; Lot 1 of
Elk. 1, Lots 1 to 8 incl. of Elk. 2, and Lots 1 to 4 incl.
of Elk. 3, Waterloo Add.; Lots 1 and 24 to 33 incl. of 61k.
2, Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Elk. 4 and Lots 8 to 12 incl. of
Elk. 5, Lenwood Add.; Lots 6 to 14 incl. of Elk. 1, Leawood
Add. Amended Plat; Lots 20 to 25 incl. of Elks. 1 and 2,
Wellington Lid.; Lot 18 of Elk. 1 and Lot 17 of 31k. 2,
Amended Plat of Chelsea Add.; Lots 26 to 32 incl. of _ilk. 1
and Lots 31 to 42 incl. of Elk. 2, Baltimore sub.; also be-
ginning at a point 26.17 ft. east of the 5.ir,. cor. of Lot 40,
Elk. 2, Chicago Add., thence S. 166.5 ft.; also beginning at
a point 26.17 ft. east of the b.-. cor, of Lot 21, 31k. 2,
Chicago Add., thence a. 150 ft. ; also beginning at a point
33 ft. JJ. of the LI.W. cor. of Lot 40, Elk. 2, Mice b welder's
1st Add., thence 3. 503.9 ft.; also beginning at the N.�. cor.
of Lot 33, Elk. 2, Lenwood Add., thence S. 12 ft.; also Lot
6; all in Elk. 13, 5-tore Plat "A", Big field Survey, abuttin .
on both sides of 4th Past Street from 13th South Street to
17th South Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, con
strutting special drainage system to carry l .ter across and along
streets and intersections, curb and gutter, private driveways, in-
stalling water services and sewer connections to back of curbs and
paving with warrenite bitulithic 4thast troet from 13th to 17th
South Streets, said pavement to be forty-four (44) feet between
curbs with double track from 13th South Street to a point .73 ft.
on the west side and 60 ft. north on the east side
north of 17th South Street,,and forty-four (44) feet between curbs
on the west side and 60 ft. north on the cast si.e,
with single track from 17th south 'Street to a point 73 ft. north,,
and all of said pavement to be eight (8) inches thick with six (6)
inch concrete base and two (2) inch wearing surface of warrenite
bitulithic, the portions of said street opposite the property here-
linbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and
benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, deter-
mined and established that said property will be especially bene-
fited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and
said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform
rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the
;entire depth back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be
assessed upon said parcels of land is Thirty-two Thousand Seven
Hundred nighty-eight and 65/100 032,788.65) Dollars; Twenty-nine
Thousand Nine Pundred ,:'orty-two and 65/100 ( 20,0o2.65) Dollars
or ;is and 41/100 ( p6.41) Dollars per front or linear foot of
abutting property for said forty-four (44) foot roadway (double
track) , there being 4,671.24 feet abutting said portion of said
improvement; One Thousand One Hundred Seventeen and 20/100
(41,117.20) Dollars or Light and 40/100 (48.40) Dollars per front
or linear foot of abutting property for said lofty-four (44) foot
roadway (single track) , there being 133 feet abutting said portion
of said improvement; Thirty-six and 00/100 (06.00) Dollars for
private driveways, there being three (3) private driveways at
Twelve and 00/100 (42.00) Dollars per driveway; Dive Hundred
Ninety-four and 00/100 (4594.00) Dollars for private driveways,
; there being twenty-two (22) private driveways at Twenty-seven and
00/100 W7.00) Dollars per driveway; Light Hundred Thirty-seven
and 00/100 4837.00) Dollars for sewer laterals, there being thirtc-
one (31) sewer laterals at •Thwenty-seven and 00/100 (427.00) Dollar
! for each sewer lateral; Two Hundred Sixty-one and 80/100 (;261.80)
' Dollars for water services, there being seventeen (17) at 'fifteen
and 40/100 (: 15.40) Dollars for each water service; the cost of
installing which water services and sewer laterals and the cost of
construction of which driveways and the property benefited thereby
is hereinafter set out, and all within the bound .ries of the lots,
blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the
total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement,
according to the contract entered into for the ;-performance of said
work and making said improvement with Gibbons & Reed Co., Contrao-
' tor, dated the Zara day of June, 1925, and the City Treasurer is
hereby authorized and directed to assess, in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned:
The east side of Lots 1 to 9 incl. of 31k. 1 , the east
side of Lots 1 to 9 incl. of 31k. 2, tiorth 'Waterloo Add. of Blk.
in; beginning beginning at a point 26.17 ft. E. of the E. E. cor. of Lot 40,
2, Chicago Add. of Elk. 13, 5-Acre Plat .A thence south 166.5
ft. of Elk. 13; beginning at a point 26.17 ft. east of the S.L. co .
of Lot 21, Blk. 2, Thicar, Add. of Eak. 13, 5-Acre flat A, thence
!north 150 ft. of Elk. 13; the E. side of Lots 27 to 33 incl., the
IE. side of the south 12.5 ft. of Lot 34, Llk. 2, Chicago Add. of
Elk. 13; the E. side of Lots 1 to /, incl. of 1k. 1, the E. side o'
Lots 1 to 4 incl. of .31k. 2, East Capitol Ave. Add. of 31k. 13; th:
E. side of the south 100 ft. of the north 112 ft. of the ';est 726
ft. of Lot 6, the R. side of the south 145.5 ft. of the west 726 Ti.
of Lot 6, of Blk. 13; the C. side of Lot 1,of 31k. 1, the E. side
of Lots 1 to 8 incl. of Elk. 2, the 1. side of Lots 1 to 4 incl. 0 ,
iBlk. 3, Waterloo Add. of 31k. 13; the a. side of Lota 1 to 5 incl.
of Elk. 4, the E. side of Dots 24 to 36 incl. of Elk. 2, Kenwood .Ado.
of Elk. 13; beginning at the c.3. nor. of Lot 33, .ia. 2, Kenwood
Add. of Blk. 13, 5-Acre flat A, thence south 12 ft. of Alk. 13;
the E. side of the south 42 ft. of the north 52 ft. of Lot 1, Elk.
2, of Kenwood Add. of Blk. 13; the V. side of Lots 28 to 36 incl.
of Elk. 1, the N. side of Lots 28 to 36 incl. of 1k. 2, Wabhingto
iPlace 'Add. of Blk. 13; beginning at a point 33 ft. most of the 33.5
cor. of Lot 40, Elk. 2, Eice & Gelder's let Add. of Elk. 16, 5-
Acre Plat A, then south 503.9 ft. in Blk. 13; the W. side of Lots
31 to 42 incl. of -Elk.. 2, the W. side of Lots 26 to 32 incl. of
Blk. 1, Baltimore Sub. of Blk. 13; the S. side of Lot 18 of Elk. 1,
the W. side of Lot 17 of 31k. 2, Amended flat of Chelsea Add. of
1 &
Blk. 13, the W. side of Lots 20 to 23 incl. of Elka,2, Wellington
lAdd. of Blk. 13; the W. side of Lots 8 to 12 incl. of Elk. 5, Ken-
wood Add. of 21.k. 13; the side of Lots 7 to 14 incl., the W.
side of th 13. 14 ft. of Lot 6, Elk. 1, Kenwood Add. Amended Plat
of Blk. 13; all in 5-Acre flat A, rJig Field Survey.
FORTY-POUR FOOT ROADWAY (sin,-,le track. )
The L]. side of the south 73 ft. of Lot 1, Elk. 2, Kwnwoo
Add. of Blk. 13; the W. side of the south 60 ft. of Lot 6 of Elk,
,r• -J-
1, Kenwood Add. Amended Flat of Blk. 13, 5-Acre Plat a, Pig field
TO REGULAR _'.S3ESSLIE T. 21`2.00 per driveway.
• The E. side of Lot 7, Elk. 1 of North ,aterloo Addition
Hof Elk. 13, and the 4. side of Lots 31 & 33 of 31k. 1, Washington
Place Add. of Elk. 13, 5- Acre Plot A, :.jig Survey.
TO REGULAR ASSEauif BUT. 4p27.00 per driveway.
Beginning at a point 26.:17 ft. 3. and 54 ft. S. from the
N. 3. cor. of Lot 40, Elk. 2, Chicago Add. o_' Elk. 13, 5-Acre Flat
A, thence S. 25 ft.; beginning at a point 26.17 ft. E. and 125 ft.
N. from the n.E. cor. of Lot 21, Elk. 2, Chicago -dd. of 31k. 13,
5 Acre Plat A, thence N. 25 ft.; the E. side of Lot 2, ilk. 2, $asr
Capitol Ave. Add. of 131k. 13; the E. side of Lot 5, Elk. 2, the E.
side of Lot 3, Elk. 3, Waterloo Add. of Elk. 13; the E. side of
the 2 . 14.17' of Lot 4, and the E. side of the a. 10.83 ft. of Lot
4, of Blk. 4, and the E. side of the N. 8 ft. of Lot 28 of :'d'1k. 2,
Kenwood Add. of Elk. 13; beginning. at a point 33 ft. W. and. 50 eft.
N. of the S.W. cor. of Lot 21, 31k. 2, Rice A Gelder's 1st Add. of
Elk. 13, 5-Acre Plat A, thence N. 25 ft.; the :4. side of Lots 82
& 33 of Elk. 2, Baltimore sub. of Elk. 13; the 4. side of Lot 17
of Elk. 2, Amended Plat Chelsea Add. of `ilk. 13; the I. side of
Lot 23 of Elk. 1, the a. side of Lots 20 5 22 of 31k. 2, Welling-
ton add. of Elk. 13; the W. side of the _i. 5.5 ft. of Lot 9 and
all of Lot 10, Lots 9 & 10, and the side of the R. 18.3 ft. of
Lot 11, of Elk. 5, Kenwood Add. of 31k. 13; the :1. side of the S.
34 ft. of Lot 7, the W. side of Lot 8, the W. side of Lot 11, the
4. side of Lot 12, 1iagassdkin , the 2. side of Lot 13,
of Elk. 1, Kenwood Add. amended Plat of silk. 13; all in 5-acre Pla
A, Big Field Survey.
The W. side of Lot 30 of Blk. 1, the ;J. side of Lots 31,
33, 34 & 35 of Elk. 2, ;lashington Place Add. of 31k. 13; beginning
:it a point 33 ft. 4. and 175 ft. iv. of the 6.4. cor; of Lot 21,
ilk. 2, ;ice & Gelderls 1st .Add, of f'ik. 13, 5 acre Plat A, thence
N. 25 ft.; also beginning at a point 33 ft. ;J. and 250 ft. north
of the S.A. cor. of Lot 21, )31k. 2, -.ice & Gelder's 1st .Add. of
Elk. 13, 5 Acre flat L, thence E. 50 ft.; beginning at a point 33
ft. 4. and 375 ft. L. of the S.•N. cor. of Lot 21, Elk. 2, 'Rice &
Gelder's 1st Add. of Blk. 13, b Acre flat A, thence 1'. 25 ft.; the
4. side of Lots 27 & 28, 30 & 31 of Elk. 1, Baltimore Sub. of 31k.
13; the W. side of Lots 36, 38, 40 of Elk. 2, 3altimore sub, of
Elk. 13; the W. side of Lot 18 of Elk. 1, Amended Plat Chelsea
Add. of Elk. 13; the W. side of Lot 22 of Elk. 1, the d. side of
Lots 21 & 22 of Elk. 2, Wellington _:.dd. of Elk. 13; the N. side of
the 5. 34 ft. of Lot 7, Elk. 1, Kenwood Add. _':mended flat of Elk.
13; the E. side of Lot 2, the 5. side of Lot 8, of Elk. 1,,,Nater-
the E. side of Lot 7, 81k. 2, North Waterloo Add. of Elk. 13,
l0o Add. of Elk. 13;,, the E. side of the a. 12.5 ft. of Lot 34, Elk. ;,
Chicago Add. of :31k. 13; the E. side of thee. 115.0' of the L.
127 ft. of the .1. 726 ft. of Lot 6, the E. side of the 3. 112.5 ft,
of the W. 726 ft. of Lot 6, of Elk. 13; the E. side of Lot 1 of
Blk. 1, the E. side of Lot 3, of 'la. 3, '.`Jaterloo '.dd. of 81k. 13;
all in 5-Acre Plat A., Big ;.Field uurvey.
The E. side of Lot 2 and Lot 8, 31k. 1, the E. side of
the E. 12.5 ft. of Lot 4 of ilk. 2, ,Borth laterloo Add. of Blk.
13; the E. side of the E. 112.5 ft. of ;the 4. 726 ft. of Lot 6
of Elk. 13; the E. side of Lot 3, :Elk. 3, WaterlooLad- of Pik. 13
the 4. side of Lots 28, 29 & 30 of Elk. 1, the side of Lots 28,E
29, 30 & 31, 32, 33 & 34 and 36. of .ilk. 2, •;ascioton Place `.yid.
of :ilk. 13; beginning at a point 33 ft. and 103.9' a. from the
cor. of Lot 40, Elk. 2, Rice S Gelder's 1st Add. of 'Elk. 13,
I' 5-Acre Plat A, thence a. 40 ft.; beginning at a point 33 ft. :'J.
1 and 228.9 ft. 2. from the B. 71. nor. of Lot 40, A.k. 2, idoe &
Gelder's 1st .:1dd. of 314. 13, - 5 done Plat :., thence 3. 25 ft.;
'also beginning at a point 53 ft. J. and 328.9 ft. S. from the B.
T. cor. of Lot 40, 531k. 2, :dee & Gelder's 1st Add. of 31k. 13,
15-tore Plat A, thence , 25 ft.; alTfini5iAcre Plat A, Big *Field
Survey; as the same are shown on the„plats of said city to the
entire depth back from said streets, and to collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City.
Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and. Review of the property described in Section I
of this ordinance in Paving :]xtension No. 193, of Salt Lake City,
for the purpose of grading, constructing drainage system to carry.
water across and along streets and intersections, curb and Futter
private driveways, installing water services and sewer connection.
to back of curbs and paving with warrenite bitulithic thereof, is
hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned in said
completed lists, and the report of the Board of Eo„ualization and
Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake c,;ity, are here-
by ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be Payable in ten equal
yearly installments as provided by law and, ordinance with inter-
est on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per
annum, payable at the time each installment is due. In the event
any installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day
the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid
at the time said installment and interest are due, shall become
due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve
per cent per annum until the same of the property assessed.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners o Salt Lake City, Utah, thi.
- a o ,i•2 .,.':A.D. 19' . .., .
- „.., _.. - .. ..._.
a y itecorder. - mayor.
4' "< �"97
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ik , e
. t-37