52 of 1929 - Amending Section 1258 relating to licensing and regulating boxing contests ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE AY Salt Lake City,Utah, December 31st 192 9
Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - -
Finch - - — �� /l• r'�`�i"'�
Moran -
Mr,Chairman -
Result - - -
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to the li-
censing and regulating of boxing contests.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1258, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to the licensing and regu-
lating of boxing contests, is hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1258. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm, or incorporated club to engage in, give, promote, or
operate any boxing contest or similar athletic exhibition
without first obtaining a license so to do.
The license fee to be paid into the treasury of
Salt Lake City for such license shall be $500.00 per year,
or any part. thereof, payable in advance.
Said boxing contests must comply with the following
rules and regulations and any violation of or failure to com-
ply with said rules and regulations shall be unlawful:
1. No boxing contest shall be held on Sunday,
Memor-al day or Christmas.
2. No boxing contest shall be of more than teh
round duration and no one round of such contest shall be
permi ted to extend for a longer period than three minutes.
3. There shall be at least one minute intermission
following each round.
4. Each contestant shall wear gloves weighing not
less than 5 ounces, provided, that if the contestants weigh:
more than 145 pounds each they shall wear gloves weighing not
less than 6 ounces.
5. No contestant under the age of eighteen years
without consent of parent or guardian shall be permitted to
be the principal in any match.
6. No bet or wagering at any boxing contest shall
be permitted by any person, firm, or incorporated club before
after or during any such contest in the building or on the
premises where such contest is held.
7. Contestants shall break clean and must not hold
and hit. Butting with the head or shoulder, wrestling, or
illegal use of elbow or knee shall not be allowed in boxing
contests and shall be unlawful. There shall be no unsportsmai-
conduct on the part of the contestants. This includes
the use of abusive or insulting language.
8. Any contestant or promoter who shall participate
in any sham or fake boxing contest or wrestling match or ex-
hibition shall be restrained from participating in any boxing
contest or wrestling match or exhibition to be held within
this city for a period of six months. If a contestant shall
take :.part a second time in any sham or fake boxing contest ,!
or wrestling match or exhibition within this city he shall
be barred from further participation in boxing contest4or,
wrestling matchoor exhibitionein this city.
9. Prior to each boxing contest, the promotor must
have the boxers examined by a competent physician, who shall
determine whether they are in physical condition to engage in
such contest, and the promotor shall not permit any boxer to
engage in any such contest unless such boxer is in proper
physical condition so to do.
SECTION II. Any license issued hereunder may be revoked
at any time by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City upom
notice and hearing for violation of any ordinance of Salt Lake City,
or rule herein prescribed or law of the State of Utah, or for any
other good and sufficient reason.
SECTION III. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioner,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inha.bitantsl
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall, take effect immediately.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of .CommissiOrt rs of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this _ . et _ day df _ D_e�em -_ __� 19.29 .
I y Recorder.
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Proof of Publication
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tainting to the lion,sing a id tego
laIlegI of hosting
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lt30N r that Section,UM,Ito }
viasa ordinance& of salt Lake City I Milo l'Veleigl'1 .,•���
t°tab 5920 tainting to the licensing being first duly
end regulating of boxing"'Matta to 1
o v d2 8"drt TAM ue riWlplsfor sworn depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of the SALT LAKE
1g ersan flan dp �.Dr110 ;WI...110
ates iy box ngt'coats cop similarailr TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day
Pitts Cob Tifton without first obtain
titans]license feett do
paid into the at Salt Lake City State of Utah
treasury t Bait Lake City for such.
license efeelL ha 9550 00 Per year in any
ohTt;ihereo(,.pa`,Vable lit advance ,^t
Raid ig conferee ulnae comply That the notice Fri Ordinance bill 5$ Re
with thea following
follows rules and regale f
Reim aid a violation.of r fatter°
to comply y+1, said mule&and regale
thin&&hallanta"tul Licensi and regulation of BoxingContests
on SUNtt°aaa x gmu cent rl ail be held ng
,111e day or Christ
Ie No boxing contest Shall he of
hen ten rounds duration and
round of ouch contest ehrll be
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otetmismiop following each
t 4�d1'a h out stand shall wear
gloves ,eighths soar USA than it of which a
atoea p ovdied find if the router copy is hereto attached was first published in said newspaper
taste weigh mole than /15 WeIghm
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fps contest tshall be�fie tt 'by-any and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
pesten firmor into tea chi he
fbrei after dtaringg any much n ****
test in the'building'or on the herel>ttees ik**tk
t4here awl conest 1 held for
7 ContestantsMutt! break clean
and must not hold and hit Setting
with the heed cis shoulder wreetlnig
t illegal use of elbow or knee Shall thereafter the full period of One Insertion
not be allowed in bo tg malts and
tot C b uurawful c 7'h rt shall bin ut
u leil rtaman like op act oft the part
pf she contestants This aneludes lansuaDgM the last publication thereof beingin the issue dated the 2nd.
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cointestan ot t oil t5Oetotet sotto
shaft participate in any sham of fake
hexing contest or wrestling match or dayof January
exhibittom shill be restrained from A D 19 30
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six months if a contestant shall)
take •art a a coil time In any hams
sing sourest or wrest NE
,s, ithlpitlap within eh5ie i,SY
it,"'• �. �uT`' 1 —- Subscribed and sworn to before me this7t$. day of
i t es or exhi•it one p _. -_ _ .-� -_.
it a • to emelt boxing Contest the
ffrSlnotst Meet bags the ooxere al' January
seated by a co etent phyelmam wile A D
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d>I_eh ootZt attiring mt{1 fife 'M In
Noner hyslld l sand Flort to to tt Notary
Bi.CoioN II n Ii 070 ti pt y Public
SSyipartdor may rpv ii t* .p.
t�une b the S gJ t
kits costs Lei.llgg nif,.;s't Mycommission expires NQV♦ 25, 1933
AkRT Salt Lake City ar e l°t r'e"
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Proof of Publicatiot
The Salt Lake Telegra
✓: '== /7 0
t 3C County
Entry No.