52 of 1942 - Amending Section 776 Revised Ordinance 1934, salaries in bureau of Mechanical Inspection ROLL CALL S1
Salt Lake City, Utah, .P 24,5i,/2
- - - V/ I move that the ordinance be passed. 72
Keyser - - - _
Matheson - -
cCon ie v'
Tdesc,e "
rt..Chairman - a _ AN DINANCE
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance
jassed by the Board of Commissioners on February 9, 1937, relating
to Bureau of Mechanical Inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 776 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on February 9, 1937, relating to Bureau of
Mechanical Inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
BONDS. The Board of Commissioners may appoint and employ a
Chief Building Inspector who shall have charge of the Bureau
of Mechanical Inspection and whose duty shall be to inspect,
or cause to be inspected, all buildings and structures erected
or proposed to be erected within the city; and to carry out,
enforce and perform all duties, provisions and mandates desig-
nated, made and set forth in the ordinances of Salt Lake City
concerning building, building inspection, plumbing and electric-
al inspection, and to examine and approve all plans and speci-
fications before permits shall be issued and to execute all
permits, certificates and notices required to be issued; and to
enforce all ordinances relating to the installation or mainte-
nance of plumbing and drains; to issue permits for and inspect
all plumbing and drains; to enforce the ordinances relating to
installation and repair of electric light and power wiring,
fixtures, appliances and apparatus in or running to any build-
ing within the city and to inspect and supervise the same.
Said Chief Building Inspector shall be qualified as a
competent, professional engineer or architect, licensed as
provided by the laws of Utah.
The Board of Commissioners may employ inspectors, who
shall be assigned to the division of said Bureau of Mechanics)
Inspection, and whose duties it shall be to assist the Chief
Building Inspector.
The Chief Building Inspector shall receive a salary of
f not to excee Vk3300 Der year, and the inspectors shall re-
ceive salariOs ,iot to Xceed Ak2700.00 pe yeaD',
's 4 ,9 SECTION 2ti6$Its?the pinion of t Bo rd o1''O Ymmissioners
i it is necessary t St ie :peac health and oeefe ¢f t inhabitants
of Salt Lake City ll�8.t4his rdinance sha tr4}e)eff .e,BB immediately.
SECTION. . This seance shall;` .ke' ,fectk upon its
r , first publication�t
Passed by the Board of Comressioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this / Y of JLl / A. D. 1942.
ity Recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
STATE OF UTAH,}County of Salt Lake
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� 4 i.ot L-o H. Young
rd b "aba a 1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
pqe aflt 33Po df lth
Ilk"'a pp, , N q IaN5� reds unc vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
'7,i i'ir a rdPii b N. .34:en bsC dni•
; d9a�iq� yre qe tla tr,.utan published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
8CC IOFJ 1 t o Dn':776 I t
1tevloed rtllpanC 1*salt stake dWWY. Of Utah.
tltel. les "ea,�amended^by an.ordinates
.De aid ba the,Board t•Oonthehieton ere on
February a 1a37 relating'.to,.Bureau,of S r 1 t Lake C i t;c Corp.
.heae¢v1gld 1 I.p.opn be and the seine
p,,@ose amended,Se rp'M� -a follows: That the advertisement
,, Aw,. at. oom3leeiunira mpY'n• to {;`e Bureau of
,lle, 'and amnia a•chef Building in. Ordinance :All 2 R lrt n
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ch ee Ping bll,electrical'
B cal'ban bled inen, and
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_sex m 6 ppd n r e A ylaee tape was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
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i�b� :4A- epeot 41"0a• the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
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Tl a Ohlef'Bbildlni InSpeetD then're.
'nelee eatery',bY,nbt,tn'M a p330eRn
.nee yeaa r,gnd the inspectors hell recast.
alables not t exceed ja70a'Aa.Ter,year,
of N 7. In the .pinion of "the
'toar t f Co,hrnl nape Stfai ne spare '
to the peat -health and s Beta f the 2Z.
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