52 of 1945 - Amending Section 3658-relating to licenses-fresh meat and fish dealers. Slaughterers ROLL CALL VOTING Aye I Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passe Matheson . . . 4 Romney L Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . / AN ORDANCE Result / AN ORDINANCE AMENDINySECTION 3658 of the Revised Orai- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 3658 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 3658. FRESH MEAT AND FISH DEALERS. SLAUGHTERERS. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, conduct or carry on the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling or delivering fresh meat or meat food products at wholesale or retail, or selling or delivering fish or sea foods, or manufacturing, or selling or delivering sausage or dressing, or selling poultry or game, or selling or delivering prepared, smoked, salted or preserved meats, or jobbing or brokering fresh meat or meat products, sausage, fish, sea foods, poultry or game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah, or to bring into or receive into Salt Lake City or to offer for sale therein or to have on hand therein any fresh meat or meat food products or poultry or game which has been slaughtered outside of the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, without first making application for and procuring and at all times maintaining in full force and effect a permit and li- cense so to do, as herein provided. (b) The Board of Health shall designate a suitable place for meat inspection in Salt Lake City where there shall be brought and inspected the carcasses of all sheep, lambs, goats I' 1 -2- P - or calves brought into or slaughtered within said city for j 1Isale and which have not been otherwise inspected as provided by the ordinances of this city. The Board of Health shall charge and collect a fee of twenty-five cents for each carcass inspected and approved. (c) Any person desiring to engage in the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or sellinr or deliver ing fresh meat, or selling or delivering fish or sea foods, o manufacturing or selling or delivering sausage, poultry or gale, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City or desiring to engage in the business of slaughtering outside the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, where said slaughtered animals or poultry are intended for sale within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, shall first make written application to the license assessor and collector; such application shall contain the name of the applicant, his residence address and the ad- dress of his proposed place of business, designated by street and numbers such application shall at the time of the presenta tion be accompanied by a fee of one dollar, which shall be covered into the city treasury, Vuhen such application snail be made, the license assessor and collector shall at once noti fy the chief veterinarian, who shall inspect the premises wher- the said applicant proposes to carry on business, and upon suc inspection if he shall find the premises to be in a sanitary i condition and to meet all requirements of the ordinances of I Salt Lake City and the rules and regulations of the board of i 1 health of Salt Lake City, he shall issue a permit with a dif- ferent permit number to each applicant meeting said requiremen s, which, upon presentation to the license assessor and collector 1 shall be authority on his part to issue a license to said ap- t plicant for said place of business. 1I 1 (d) Every person receiving a permit and license as provid ed in paragraph (c) of this ordinance to slaughter, sell or deliver, or to slaughter with the intent to be sold or deliver- II -3- ed within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City any rabbits, chickens, poultry, game or other similar meat food products, must attach in a conspicuous place upon the carcass of such rabbits, chickens, poultry, game or other similar meat food products, a mark, tag or brand theretofore approved by the chief veterinarian of Salt Lake City, and which mark, tag or brand must bear the permit number received by him from the Board of Health. Any member or inspector of the Board of Health, or police officer, of Salt Lake City shall immediately confiscate and cause to be destroyed any rabbit, chicken, poultry, or game, or other similar meat food products found by him in transit, in storage, or place of business, where the same is being de- livered, held or displayed for the purpose of sale or distribu tion within Salt Lake City without a mark, tag, or brand, bear ing the permit number as hereinbefore described being attached in a conspicuous place to the carcass thereof, and no person shall deliver, have on hand or display, for the purpose of sal- or distribution in Salt Lake City, any rabbit, chicken, poultr , game or other similar meat food product without a mark, tag or brand bearing the permit number, as hereinbefore described, be ing attached in a conspicuous place to the carcass thereof; provided, however, that the approved mark, tag or brand of the United States Government meat inspector placed by any official meat inspector upon the carcass of any rabbit, chicken, poultr , game or other similar meat food products, shall be accepted in lieu of the mark, tag or brand hereinbefore required. And pro- vided further that any person who actually raises any rabbits, chickens, poultry, game or other similar meat food products may sell the same direct to the consumer without complying wit the provisions contained in paragraph (d) hereof. A restaurant for the purpose of this ordinance shall not be considered a consumer. 1 (e) Every person so licensed shall have painted in a con- -4- spicuous place on all vehicles used in the conduct of his busil- ness the permit number issued to him by the Board of Health in letters not less than three inches in height and no less than 5/16th-inch stroke. Said permit number shall also be printed on all invoices and sales slips used in said business. (f) No license herein provided for shall be issued for a greater period than the calendar year in which it is issued. The Board of Health shall charge and collect a fee for part time inspection of slaughter houses according to the following schedule, which shall be payable monthly and covered into the general fund: For part-time slaughtering a charge shall be collected of seven cents (V) per head for every animal slaughtered, except- ing however rabbits, chickens, poultry, game or other similar meat food products; and provided further that every person en- gaged in the business of slaughtering shall pay not less than $200.00 per year and no more than $1200.00 per years and pro- vided further, that a flat fee of $2400.00 per year shall be collected for the inspection of animals slaughtered in a slaugh- tering establishment located more than thirty miles distant from the corporate limits of Salt Lake City. Payment of said fee shall entitle licensees to manufacture or sell at whole- sale or retail meat or meat food products, fish, poultry or sea food within Salt Lake City. (g) The following licenses charged under the provisions of this ordinance shall be payable to the license assessor and collector in advance as follows: For wholesaling or wholesaling and retailing, or manufac- ruting and wholesaling meat, meat food products, fish or sea ;,. food, per annum, or any part thereof $200.00 For jobbing, manufacturing, delivering, brokering at wholesale meat, meat food products, sausage, fish, or sea food products to retail store, restaurants or similar places of business, per annutp,or any part thereof $50.00 -5- The payment of said fee shall entitle the licensee to operate one truck or vehicle without the payment of the license fee • required by Salt Lake City therefor. For peddling meat food products, $25.00 per annum, or any part thereof, for each vehicle so employed. Retailing fresh meat, meat food products, poultry, fish or sea food products, per annum, or any part thereof . .$25.0+. Retailing smoked meats, salted meat and prepared meats only, per annum, or any part thereof $12.50. (h) No person shall sell or keep for sale, nor shall the Board of Health issue a permit to any person to sell or keep for sale fresh meats, meat food products, poultry, fish or sea food products in Salt Lake City unless such person has first installed in his place of business hot and cold running water, 1 a walk-in ice box or other adequate refrigeration sufficient to keep such meat, meat food products, poultry, fish or sea food products fresh and which refrigeration has been approved by the Board of Health of Salt Lake City. All such places of business shall be kept closed between the hours of 6 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock a. m. 1 (i) Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to allo peddling or selling meat, meat food products, poultry, fish or sea food products at retail from house to house by carrying the same in a vehicle or carriage of any kind or otherwise offering said meat for sale by peddling. (j) All permits and licenses issued pursuant to this ordinance shall be subject to revocation by the Board of Com- o missioners whenever in its opinion the public health or safet shall require, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Healt to make recommendation accordingly. (k) Any person violating any of the requirements or prov - sions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean.r.. SECTION 2. This ordinance sh take effect on November 11, 1945. I • -6- Passed by the Bo rd of Commissioners Salt Lake City, 1 Utah, this Tay of May I ,9?4/1/17A,C1p." City Recorder. • • T!"!! 52 tecr . 4— • Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED SEP 25 1945 ,914444, Cirri Hi:COMM First Publication in • Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAH, 3 ss , County of Salt Lake r l� 'l r -- Legal Notices ?'41,y AN ORDINANCE A nettny AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN SECTION 3666 of the Revised Or dinancea f Sal Lake City. Uta `'.:i Beingrst sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- . fi duly p J He it ordained by the Board Ait5 � Commiasfonera of.Salt Lake City., Utah: remising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper SECTION I. That Section 366• i the Revised Ordinances f Sale. Lake Cr be Utah.Reaaameel in hereby published.in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State amended to read as iollowe: 9de,tees. FRESH MEAT AND of Utah. FISH DEALERS,SLAUGHTERERS. (al It shall be unlawful for any Person to engage in, conduct o carry on the busines of slaughter- ing, i t or delvering fresh meat dr meat C food That the advertisement Products at wholesale o retail, e }going or anudelfarin` fish ere` Ordinance Bill No 52 node, ve mg sausage o, o easing, r delivering sausage r dressing, --. selling ing erin Premed, game, o ked. snl delivering preserved mess erPJob. Salt Lake City Corporation lg ar roringate, a )nor meatea or brokering a fresh meat o Products, sausage, itch, sea foods, Poultry or Sell within the corporatr Emits of Snot Lake City. into t to bring faro or into Salt Lake City or to offer for le therein a to have a Rand therein ana:freeh meat eat fool p.angle or Poultry er or Which was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the -^—harrtP'been tsug,teorlate limit. f viintsfds si-tha • without float atilrhorBapplteation to 26th day of September A.D. 19 45 and was published 1 time • the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 26th day of September A.D. 19 45 Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27.th day. of Se-ptember A.D.19 45 Nott arm Public • • Fa .t"- Any member or inspector of the Board of Health. or police officer, of Salt Lake City shall immediately and Dreeurtni•and at elf times confiscate and cause to be destroyed maintaining lull forceand effect any rabbit.o chcken. Dmmieta0 a a permit and license$0 o do, as game, and similar n t toed found by him , transit, herein Ibl TheidBoard of Health shall products t (e, Ti of delivered. designate suitable place for eat • n where yhg(ff�� being livered, inspection inSalt Lake City where hq (A,moil; f the purpose of there shall b brought and limped. .l 99Rllllll111 t b t mark, Salt I it [ l] and Iambs. elm ay ., th t ark,to flit No hall sell or goats1 brought into >'3 r theIt number keep 1 ra ehall the Hp el slaughtered within 1oily or axle. described e being O o[ H sltb 8 narm!t to a.• and which have t been otherwise L ;t 4 P Place to perch 1 a keep tar seta Inspected provided by the rdi- the 7iv f and person fresh • ntaaet food products, nces of this its, The Board Of hell 1 0 hand o Hs. .Point 9 a food products Health shall charge and collect Pl t .r a. P P e of sale o n S It S e lees such per. .Ice of twenty-hvr cents in' each d st It Lake City, any ''t inn h fled ship place s Inspected and approved. rabbi. " Poultry. g or .�t� d b ld.runnier carcass Any person desiring to en. pith t'B -t b aned dltf'`S°'1 to b g theb 'f linghler- d M n des t y �Yfi tf aenk to G t f d Prod R l Slit g d selling. or F Ili be h - Y',Sic,: _ which et foo sellingdelivering fresh eat, or beforepig to fli attached to P + setting eel dish 11 oC 7 th r fh a8c h A by tall foods, l !etnb g or or' approved t 'k eb d 1 the d f r l re l e Clty. nr delivering uuy a ,VL d St e t mat lee- 1 h t f, _business shall game 'thin t j,An,at uu'� t limits 1W the hours of Sall Lake C` -..-, l"',a toe D lot pl s4` official met f 6 pt 1 _,l d d 0 'clock gage theb slaughter- Sabbittorr carcase game an Or �t rabbit, b E find od t o it Inman f other 1 t } d products, -(il A Lhl R i this ordinance It Lake City,..* 'a slouat ehAll he accepted i lieu of the 4.47.,fll be t tied t II oreddhn8 t d animals OLy or is. e Ihng at meat fontl products tended f sale +1 corporate ate ,arlt tag brand h bef booby. fish orsea food products a ,'1 't f Salt shall first teeulrc.A And provided I ih. that it. tail from house to house by make writtento thelu• any Derapn who actually .. an, carrying the e r vehicle.or t^!;such sp rabbits, chickens. poultry, gameor carnage of any at o Otherwse ideation enell o[ magi similar lar meal 1 d D ducts offering said meat for sale by DEd- the applicant, 1 e cadress o eimaer the fame o<diiect o with oing. and ins adds Dio➢ease n without plying 'tn ill All permits and licenses is- le ePi boa noise ns the ern. contained 1L sera sued pursuant to this O ordinance graph Id),h. r A tel err 'mamicat,nn ns men 1 to dmame shall shall be aubiect to revocation by shall t the it - preeenla- the Hoard of Commiseionere when• lion be anent a foe of net be considered consumer. r r its pinion the public health e dnuar, wl ; rev irl 1 ) Every person so eve licensed or in ety halt require,end it shall shall havepaint. in D dotard a t the '4 T hen eu h placeall vehicles used - be the e recommendation the Boar of ording application h d collector shall lit thed t of h b thecense...ear 1T make men according. of theh 1 [ D t number , to,himby Ikl A person :deleting any o1 h shall inspect the premises 1 theBoard AI letters t - the requirements r provisions of 1 H 1 applicant Proposes t 1 [h for `'� h, height not tine d' shall be deemed F business,.and n 4llch 1 ti c, no] i h `^5lli _i bk p4 d guilt f demeanor, t f h hall Sind the n e l 3 SECTION 9 This ordinance hall I b sanitary conditionand nde on d in all said ,lee slips Pak efect on Nor 1,1945. met all a tircmente of'fifeused No] 'S"t`` coded for Deemed by the Board of Commie. (finances of Salt.bake City d the ' 1 loners of Salt Lake City.lltah,this rules and gulatione f the Hoard shall tie d y,ty r period 25th day of September,A.D.1945, of Health of Salt fake City,he shall than the lE d ��'_hien t EARL J.GLADE, . issue a permit with a different per. I is _d.TheB hall - Meyer, t b to each applicant meet- t d troll p t IRMA P. BITNER, ing 'd requirements, which, upon according ape t S n' City Recorder. t t the — (SEAL) 67 presentation to the licence assessor 1 h h it h 4OP 'tryryrr.. Why- dcollector, shall be authority 0 d covered into lh �S tit, DiVbsd.Septeelber Seth, 100, h t f t a license to a d For me applicant for semd place of boat- charge shall be moose c, '{ n cents shall per head t i Idl Every Person receiving pal slaughtered, permit and limner a provided to ever rabbits, chickens, g•,! rat - paragraph fel of this ordinance t0 game. or other similar slaughter, sell r delier, r to Products;and proved north."oat • slaughter with the intent to be sold eve, person engaged in the hum- ordelivered within the corporflcorporateese f slaughtering shall pay not limits of Salt Lake City any rob- less than $200.40 per'Year and no bite, chickens, ➢oultry. game or min' than S1200.00 per year; and • other similar meat food products. ' provided further,that a flat fee of must n O attach in a O aicoue n� 2400.00 per year ellen be collected pen the tare s of such rabbets, for the inspection of animals elxu4n- chickens.. poultry. game O other. .area ,a slaughtering eatabltahment molar eat foodd-productr s.a mark, loted mot than.thirty miles die- tag brand theretofore•approved ca Pant from he corporate imits of by the chief veterinarian of Salt Salt Lake City. Payment of said bake City,and which mark,lag or fee shall entitle licensees to Yuan. brand mace.bear tbe,permit um- ii re. tier received by him from the Board tail meat or food products, on era of Health. _ fish, ,poultry o sea food within Salt Lake_City. licensee ed under The he provisions of Phi ordi- nance shall be payable to Ills license ass and collerof in advance a follo rs km wholesaling or wholesaling and retailing,or manufacturing and wholesaling meati meat food prnd- uets, fish 0r a food, pet e , • of any Cart hhereof .$200,00. For Droning, manufacturing. de- livering. brokering at wholesale meat, meat food products, sausage, fish, or,sea food products to retailMtrteu restaurants o eilarnlaces thereof E�',$5000nu m t• v a oaf' The payment of ea id fee shall en• title the licensee to operate one tnnk.e f''tvFe1-0ol 0e0 ra ytuhir ep bybait Lake City therefor.F7/ r peddling meal fond products. stir oe r ao a part hreon,Dior aeaeh vehicle played. Retailing freak meat, meat food products, Per an, fish p a food Products:e; per r any Dail three[ , 526.00.E Retailing smoked meats, salted eat end prepared meals only, per 012.9E or any part thereof . . .... •S 0 . • ft i_.,, . 0 x•-=' iS ,... ,-,, \ ot ' ``t.-• . -.., = ti- - 1 _, = .,.., --i e. (... K2....