52 of 1962 - Amending Section 12-1-1, 12-1-2, 12-1-3, and 12-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Uta ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, July 25 , 196 2 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinane e passed. Christensen . . Harrison . ✓ '` /�/ Smart. Romney . . . Mr. Chairman 7 AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . 1'J/ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 12-1-1, 12-1-2, 12-1-3, and 12-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the erection of magazines and sale and storage of explosives. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 12-1-1, 12-1-2, 12-1-3, and 12-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the erec- tion of magazines and sale and storage of explosives, be, any'- the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-1-1. Permit to erect magazines. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain any magazine for the storage of explosives within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City without first making written application for and receiving a permit from the Board of Commissioners so to do. Said application shall be signed by the applicant and shall designate the place of erection and maintenance of the proposed magazine, the type of construction proposed, the amount of explosives proposed to be stored therein, the dis- tance from the nearest building in each direction from the proposed magazine, and any other information that may be required by the Board of Commissioners. All such applications shall be referred to the Fire Marshal for recommendation before action by the Board of Commissioners. "Blasting caps or detonators of any kind shall not be kept in the same magazine with other explosives; all maga- zines must be kept locked, except when being inspected or when explosives are being placed therein or being removed therefrom; all magazines must be kept free from grit, rubbish and empty packages; and all magazines must be marked con- spicuously: `EXPLOSIVES--DANGEROUS.' "It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the terms and conditions of any permit which may be issued under this section or to violate any of the provisions of this section relating to the care and maintenance of maga- zines. "The Board of Commissioners may, at any time, revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this section. .Fs) ry(tw' - 2 - "Sec. 12-1-2. Permit to sell explosives. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, sell, give away or other- wise dispose of any gunpowder, giant or hercules powder, nitroglycerine, dynamite or other explosive in any quantity within the limits of Salt Lake City without first making written application for and receiving a permit from the Board of Commissioners so to do; provided, that any person may keep in a closed cannister or flask for his own use not to exceed fifteen (15) pounds of gunpowder. Said application shall be signed by the applicant and designate the place where such applicant desires to sell or store explosives, and the proposed manner of storage. All such permits shall be certified by the City Recorder and shall show to whom granted and the place where explosives are permitted and the authorized manner of storage. The recorder shall keep a record of all such permits issued. The Board of Commissioners may, at any time, revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this section. "No such permit shall be issued, except as hereinafter provided, to any retailer to store any quantity of explosives in excess of thirty (30) pounds of gunpowder in sealed con- tainers which shall not exceed one (1) pound capacity each, on shelves for display and sales purposes and in excess of an additional fifty (50) pounds in a Class II magazine, con- structed in accordance with the following specifications: 'Class II magazines shall be of wood or metal construction, or a combination thereof. 'Wood magazines of this class shall be con- structed of two-inch tongue and grooved hardwood covered on the outside with sheet metal of not less than 20 U. S. Standard Gauge. All-metal magazines of this class shall have sides, bottom and cover constructed of sheet metal and shall be lined with 3/8-inch plywood or the equivalent. All nails, screws or bolts exposed to interior of magazine shall be well countersunk. Edges of metal covers shall overlap sides at least one inch. 'Covers for both wood and metal constructed magazines of this class shall be provided with substantial strap hinges and shall be provided with substantial means for locking. Covers shall be locked except during placement or removal of explosives. 'Magazines of this class shall be painted red and shall bear lettering in white, on all sides and top at least three inches high, "EXPLOSIVES--KEEP FIRE AWAY: Class II magazines when located in warehouses or in wholesale and retail establishments shall be provided with substantial wheels or casters to facilitate easy removal. Such magazines shall be located on the first floor not more than ten (10) feet from an exit door not generally used by the public. ' r9t1 ti - 3 - "No such permit shall be issued, except as hereinafter provided, to any wholesaler to store any quantity of explos- ives in excess of one hundred (100) pounds and said storage shall be in buildings with automatic sprinkler systems and shall be in lots of not more than twenty-five (25) pounds each, with a minimum distance of ten (10) feet between each lot. No such permit to wholesalers shall be issued in Fire Zones 1 and 2. "Storage in excess of the maximums herein set forth shall be in a Class I magazine which shall be erected in accordance with the specifications contained in the National Fire Pro- tection Association's Pamphlet No. 495 and shall meet the dis- tance requirements set forth in the American Table of Dis- tances for Storage of Explosives. "Sec. 12-1-3. Violation of permit prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or store any quantity of gunpowder, giant or hercules powder, nitroglycerine, dynamite or other explosives in excess of that authorized in the permit issued under Section 12-1-2, or keep or store any quantity of gunpowder, giant or hercules powder, nitroglycerine, dynamite or other explosives in any manner not authorized by said permit and it shall be unlawful to sell, weigh, or otherwise handle any of the said explosives in the presence of an open flame of any kind. Sec. 12-1-4. Explosives with extra hazard. Hereafter no person shall keep, store, sell, offer for sale, give away, use, transport or manufacture within the limits of Salt Lake City any of the following explosives in any quantity: Black powder, liquid nitroglycerine; high explosives containing over sixty (60) per cent of nitroglycerine (except gelatin dynamite) ; high explosives having an unsatisfactory absorbent or one that permits leakage of nitroglycerine under any condition likely to exist during transportation; nitrocellulose in a dry con- dition, in any quantity greater than ten (10) pounds in one exterior package; fulminate of mercury in bulk in a dry con- dition; and fulminate of all other metals in any condition, except as a component of manufactured articles not hereafter forbidden; or explosives containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect August 15, 1962. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect August 15, 1962. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of July , 1962. 2 MAYOR \s;0101114 CORDER (S E A L) BILL NO. 52 of 1962 Published August 2, 1962 A"3a Atehhaese Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notice! ,'' • D M. OcKey ".01 RDINANa ,,, 01 OOD1NANOE,AM tIODING SIC- tiers 12=1, 1aa2dd.1'd 12.J,•add 12.1.4 r� 7 Lakih Cll2Ye Ulan:o[distances-of-felt' Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising talon. f an es and ,ara' aeragg oY«Pf°aIY a. a° 'Clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Ba It prdatnea e6 me Boom of ut nmtaaioners of salt Lake cifY,' GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- 128Crlx J,T'e C�t1es al-1S4 o(h'na°-'ae'' lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in vislemrao l FIin ipi:lotto eteoCrtae Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Fe% h nC my e ra OW.' W rel a e d d to B6d a r power' �aa IJI.1-1:Pbamyi�l19`I tMagee That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto pinespr i bell nl or—mul fain !IT I morel 4-AIp OL oI',kxFlo- i anporbei from the Baplace Co, Sc1.t-.T.akP.. i-t.y-.�_1.J-..ho_57...-?f_15�.6.? Ives within the limits of Stllf L KB'LIi WI1hW1 i r zmaking rllfae pPll f n ig tl elYl 9 a permit f fne Bo rd of Com 0 I�„ npll mIn anaa,..ih Prpt e --An..Urd-J-ounce-IS-)_at Lag to ar.ecta-on maba U inr ao,Of a Pniyll<n�n' ill p Iha• Mire a eXpfp°lyes OPa d t e a dred e'g 1 the a atan r me era-�alnq .-Qf-..mPaEI7,i17-P.G .c�.LLCJ us'11P, �'T].CL StO7^£}({Q.-9 f Ir1 eac�d,14,a fioth r in or r on Imaadmne, ne'n l Other I therm r In ihef Y E rl9ulraa by the B Id .ar a shelf e i An a b pima, _-Jr.X J-n.&1.V-e-ta,., tone shelf referred to the:Sire �- acllen'fri'iner-Board afa cor mUslan' ara,Biasll p.cepr or detonators of anv '.kiintl haft not'be kept In.the.saae -'- ageiln�with other leslvess it w=y must be krg 41 9'1(. %, -rrr na1J being Ins pact Q br �Bn a%Plea�te�a a e nano nla rnereld was published in said newspaper on bugust-..2.�_.7,Q-f??.e rr ben emdvea f r tree,, all azlncpp must ben kepi pree from antl' ubblsn one pIY kages; 1 r all yezlneaimust ES,-.b ked GOGOCuo.' fiXPIy05Sy. o,-DAN- �GEIt0 ha - It h IIb iiltul}pr YZi i lal f hYqq�eE he Ft�sllrrn na b atsound f der fhl ms ctl n ornlvo locate airy or i a P I Iwf..fr thh rlo r Ierhra le the c ere main / ff }manta f magealhea. •r� -(��� �� 'C✓L---1 The Board oe Cem alseleners Y -e er d unATI6er°`'•gyNN. e°f'{nut} 'Legal Advertising Clergy Tin. o ec. 12-I-1� FFarmlf to S5ell exseo e H fhall':b s_.yynla ve fwi otherwise ther I eo i.dispose elir n Ivegunpowder a y o. slant or••dserculosf owder, nir glycerine,Psnamlre a Iht h• n Io atvSalt Lake Gllrrliwithtoull firs^Irlmiak- cel written amid croon for d r Colmmissioners:sarrto doe provided, `hat lsler person ma e keep Ina closed Dints xcor ask f as gown use to before me this 3rd clay of gunpowder.said acplicat?on shall tie Itfined by the applicant end designate o s late Y/here such to Ives,i desires GG a) ; proposed ell anne o Plosives, ll ire A.D. t 9..11. � emitsa b of certified All such cermus shall be,,shell by ine ar Ra<oraer and Snell snow to Whom granted and the place where. a%Floslvaa parmiItatl and the autnorizetl manner of �ecgrEe )Trll \ r,Nrar a all keep o � such parm�ts Issuctl.'Tha Board of ../ _{ -.e t -([�_��-.�, Commissioners anv Nme, . �-L. revoke any permitection. under the j- - ---- °r°Nel'?'an delp,Z,e'n he laeeee, Notary Public accept as heremafrea Provided, to any taller to ervre y a tilt' r pouldssv of gunpowder in died con- laineres of hall not sealed n° Ion display and eareseOZ'aO0 bout Of anaedillonal Illty fill excess Ina lass II magazine, -?s towing specltloallon nce {ih thecfcl- I.. ri 4 a> Y Yr`»a 'Class II gaelree shall be of ombination thereof.n traction, or e'Wood magazines of this Class small be constructed of two-Inch tongue and grooved hardwood covered on the outhan 20wUrs SnStandardalG Gauge. Alls metala sides,bottom Inds class shall strutted of sheet metal and shall be lined with 10'Inch plywood or the. equivalnt.All ails,screws Sr belts exposed to Interior k.f Edges se covers hail overlap sides oft metalast Inch. one 'Covers for both wood and metal shn tructed magazines of this class all be provided with substantial strop hinges and shall be provided with substantial s for locking. Covers shall be lacked except sisnadaivlee p'Maga zings of�a„[lass shall be painted Withered and shall desbeand lettering. least three n inches high EXPLO- IIVES—KEEP FIRE AWAY.'Class II m aunts when located in houses orwholesale and retail withbl lsbstarli55 el wheels or c srtersd to facilitate easy removal.oSuch mega• aloes shall be located on the first floor t more / k ralm anc eoltCp door not generalll b y used ' o a eb mit shall be Issued. nncept as herein alter providea, to y wholesaler f0 store any nuantity at explosives In excess01 one hun- dred(1001 pounds andsaid storage shall be in eulldlnee wlto automatic s rinklar systemsore and shall be in lots of than a -ilue (25) dunes eah,with ee minimum als- senee of tan(to)feel between each lsnail No Issued such InFirs Tonet to s 1aand 2s "storage of the m ma herein set north shall ba In be moms I magazine which shall be erected contained accordance with t Natianel Fire Protection Association's Pam- thlet No ulre and lahallt forth Inc the American Table ofa¢Olatances for Storage f Explosives. Sec.f2-1-0. Vloletian of permit aany ny Olersson It shall h keep fors unlawful any r hercu'ei of gunpowder, dye r namIte or other explosives In excess of that authorized In the permit 1 sIs- sued under Section 12.1-2, or keep I store any quantity of gunpowder,; giant or hercules power, nitro- pglycerine,n dynamite r other hex- land by sold permlin end It shall be unlawful l to oft th welsh,l or Isle} the presence of ars open flame of v biny h Sard,l2er.eaWlorivepe sftall rsion keep,store,sell,offer for sole,give transport r facture wayhin Ire limits f C explosives City of the following a plosives quantity: fleck powder, llco�ld nitroallrosl nitroglycerine; high olesions c gl over sixty blot cent of I nlrnaslvserine Ingest stitch dyne n - isat(sfO 011ory absimbent Ora one that permits leakage of nitroglycerine un der any'condllon likely to exist dur- Into transportation; nitrocellulose in greater t endit n 1101 paunas9 lnnore exterlor package:fulminate or mar. cony In bulk In a dry condition;and fulminate Of all other metals In any emanufacturedaartiicles not hereatfter an ammo ammonium sell and as chlar ate.''' SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Comnilssloners, it Is eub n asey f hehIedn -Onfe Lend City that this ordinance take effect ASECTIOhl J62.ihIs Ordinance shall take Pssed CbyA thew Boardl oft Commts- 2I5 h dayfOf July,a1962 Ily,Utah,this J.BRACKEN LEE Mayor IIOO UER RecrI. ENSEN IS EALI BILL NO.52 of 1962 Published Adeus1 2,1962 (C-41) —5—a