52 of 1978 - Vacating Richards Street located within the subdivision of Lots 2 and 7, Block 76, Plat 'A'. Vwx11u Mr.Chairman , 1.(.II1 LtI +� I move that the Ordinance be passed. Agraz /c Greener gC C_-' 7-7.140 Z 44 Phillips ✓ Result AN ORDINANCE �/ /7 AN ORDINANCE VACATING Richards Street located within the sub- division of Lots 2 and 7, Block 76, Plat "A" in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Richards Street located within the subdivision of Lots 2 and 7, Block 76, Plat "A", in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is vacated and declared no longer for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way: COMMENCING at the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 76, Plat "A", S.L.C.S., thence running North 660 feet; thence East 66 feet; thence -tt' South 660 feet; thence West 66 feet to the place of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on, in, under or over the confines of the above-described property, if any, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub- lication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake C . , Utah, this 28th day of March, 1978. , �. IP A t , _� JTemporary Chat CITY RIf ECO 15 R (SEAL) v BILL NO. 52 of 1978 Published April 1, 1978 (Certified copy sent to City Auditor's 5-8-78 for recording) 5 2 c� 3105813 STATE OF UTAH, as. City and County of Salt Lake, I MILDRED V. HIGHAM City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance vacating_ Richards Street located within the subdivision of Lots 2 and 7, Block 76, Plat "A" in Salt Lake City, Utah. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 28, 19 78 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said CS AL t, 8thc-- _dayof May .. . 1978 . ` R yh' 'll, j a, ,74 1 E g,;;,- (/ City Recorder Published .. April 1,__ 19....78.. C.J BILL NO. 52 of 1978 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACAT- ING Richards Street located within the subdivision of Lots and 7,Black 76,Plat"A"In Salt Lake City,Utah. Be It ordained by the Board of Conuniseloners of Salt Lake City,Utah: \I• SECTION I.That Richards Street located within the Bob't< division of Lots 2 and 7,Block 76,Piet"A",Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly de- scribed as follows,be,and the same hereby Is vacated and declared no longer for use OS streethavenue,alley or codes- than way: COMMENCING at the swift- weal corner of Lot 2,Block 76, Plat"A",S.L.C.S.,thence run- ning North660 feet,thence East 66 feet;thence South 660 feet; thence West 66 feet totth place of beginning. Sold vacation Is made an- nreeely sublect to all existing rights of way end easements of all Public utIlilles of any and every description now located on, in, utter or over the Confines of the above-described Property.If any,and also sub- loci to the rights of entry thereon for the wrath0 id maintaining,altering,repair- ing, replacing, removing or 'I, rerouting saki utilities and all of thorn. SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first Passed he the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 2811i day of MarcInfo h, JENNINGS PHILLIPS,JR. Temporary Chairman MILDRED V.HIGHAM City Retarder (SEAL) BILL NO.S2 of 1978 Published Apr111,1978 (A.47) rlr MAY 1 0 i97 c.) 5ivItr71.of KA „• • C5 - - W-6- our 5.2. nI1N 3'�a Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Shana D. Palmer. AN ORDINANCE voc,r- ING Richards Street located within the subdivision of Lois 2 d I,Block]6.Plot"A"lb Salt YBeitr dinedUtah Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal Commissioners of"SaltoaLake P Y g 'C'9ECTON That Richards advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Street located within the ob a;yisit„,er Lets z and],Biprk (except, Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Utah, Pint"A",Salt Lake CIN, utah, moat uarm�Idarly d„- language with general circulation in Utah, and r'f'_"nP en' 5�,t%4,1;" published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the streelt, y"„1a,alloy tor use State of Utah. 1r;�02.AMF.NCING at the south. c121;noflot2,Blook I6. rl�"A s lcs..me ra That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto Ina North 660 feel;lt,64thence Gast b 46 feet;thence Rath 660 feet; I thrrlce West 66 feet to the place I{of hcvinvaca ssid y son Is made e Pub notice of an ordinance vacating Richards St. Iv vacation to oil cents nu rights of way and tieseasements an of all publiccrinitionn of alovcnfed and eve, r o the confines of undo elabove described on, 0,Iv.It any nd also suLL e 1 io for for lasts purpose em of maintaining. alteripng,, repair- ing. ing rutinglsaid utilities and all oof tier, SECTION 2.This ordinancest ''sohllctake effect upon fill first Passed by the Board of Coln- ' '.Inn rs f Salt Lake CI11yy. Utah,this Still day of March, 19/8. ChairmanJENNINGS TemporraryL April 1, 1978 Mn. .OREO V.INGHAM was published In said on P City Recorder (SEAL) FILL O Apri 1I.1 Published An(II 1.19]0 (A-411 Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11kh day of BRz i:1 A.D. 19 7.8.... ' Y1 /�ilCliL ` . /,, 4,7/( Notary Xblic My Commission Expires Juno 1, 1981