53 of 1905 - Ordinance 53 of 1905 – Amending and re-enacting Section 81, re: building ordinance. t.- 1 q ;1 1 — 1 11 , 11 I 1 ! III AV ORI) IN .A. 40E . 1 An oralndsoo a..a)ndirr;. and re-cvoLiir, Sec,,ion dl of ibo Revisedl Ortlin':,:lo,,s ,,e t;,. f,, .7, ,, r, t; 1 1 Be it ordained by tho Cit, Counoll of Set Toll_o Cit:,,, Ut,.,b1 STTTIN 1. That Sootinn 81 of the Reives Oruiwnoin; of Salt . I 1 1 I .ke. ."ity ide, aud WO*, hereby le use:wed old. re-ouected so as to i1 H read ao fellows: SECTION 81. IiINTI1T. A-7) ARMiES. It -hell be unla-4",,L1 to I fp oonstruot lintels eieept as follows: All lintels used to SUP- ,- port walls or Wor ;w017.11t:3' over openintni BYLkal be of sufficient '.1 1 strength : n.1. beerin,,-: to oarry the suVorimposed'yeixht, und iron beanso r lintels when supported at the ono. by brick; .0,2!, 4 4 04,44,7 4 14,11, rz3ohaii reit upon ,i,n troll ii:Lattha 61-X 444- ' '4-c f'''''' • 444 1 thfirfull size of' the bet,rin,, on, all arches no, Ily.ir;,. saffi- 1 ' o!,.ent piers or :1-,%triento to roviet te thrust of ,.. o suporim- 1 1 posod lsed, sldPt 1 19.Lve propr ,,M suffielent iron ties, and there 11 11 shell be no wooden lintels Wit within tho fire distriot. rIECTIOU 2. All ord.in.nc -e ,ur,.: 1,,rte of ordineces iu eltm.fliat 1 harevrit'p ..ro 1ri'' ropoal-'. to ',Ilo e;,tent.r.1" :,enh aonfliet, ,11i SPCTI ' h. rd..! o,ilf_nnce shall rake effect upon alToval. I 1 /e%tce Passed by the City Council of Sal _Lake nCity U ,,_.. June 30th, 11905, and referred to thg_MAYP .:F.9.,Kil• ,...--1 400;,: :' 1 ' 1 ,;.,,:„__---ir .... .-4•2=115z, 'Approved this J day of July,19054 ,,,_____ C•ty Recortier. 11 L.,7 . /e-•`---:-4--y-__ ' f')/ -- r —..., 53 ,L • • • sr, • . c cq : • . §0 , _ I 7 - 11 011