53 of 1914 - Limiting the number of news stands on streets VOTING Lke City,— vilittel „ ,. oait a \ 'w' Shearman !i Wells kr AIR WO . \X) MAIWAI i,t't iiNk 1,Aka ' 104 MoLawrence \srit Www,44. 0-1 ti 4)644 NAN P\s41"lirtik nis Mr.Chairman 417 ' 4,1,\Arl AAMIL4A tf\---‘:tt AI . Result .I. 1 r' \ ' 'I q Ai ij ' Illikki 1 l , - . . - „ .• „ Passed by the licmrd of Commissioners of Salt Lake t City Recorder. Mayor tt, Shearman Wells 1' Lawrence crud, r kke, ,i(r Morris • ti, 21.11 AAA.4,t 1 ,(!c t q i Mr.Chairman rt.l(PI', •(4•-0 N., Result 1" ,, j•• 1 if( 1.?'4\fr (tek.4... i t A v,, tc - AAA i if OA t itet VOTING Yes ,....„ Shearman _V le/ Lawrence eYs/..4.—e:.eC---5.A.--•(_„k• /r.....2 elL--el/ 4 Morris Mr.Chairman 1 Result 6te/?-7 -. Cif (----C _----- At . ,• Passed by the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cit h, 110 A1A - s , ,...„..\, City Recorder Mayor VOTING Yes Na Salt Lake City,Utah___,Apry1_¢, _1914 Lawrence Morris td I move that the ordinance be passed. Shearman Wells t Mr.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE An ordinance amending andr e-enacting as amended Section 1204 of Chapter 40, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City "Of 1913, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1204 of Chapter 40, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, be and the same hereby is amend- ed and re-enacted so as to read as follows: "Sec. 1204. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on the business of selling lunches or any article, thing, merchandise or commodity, from or in wagons, cars or any other vehicle or structure in or upon the streets of Salt Lakc City, within the district bounded ci. the north side of Sout, Temple Street, on the east by the east slue of second East S3rreet, on the south by the south side of fifth South Street, and on the west by the west side of first Jest Street. Pro- vided that newstands, not exceeding eight in number may be permitted to occupy space within said district at pcs itions to be designated by the Commissioners, for the sale of news- papers only. thirty SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect mace days',after n its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 0, 14. 01y Recorder May 53 . hI die a • 12, v IGra c26 EF ' "V r r 9 n.71 Cra tDco 00 3 n a — �' v a _