53 of 1917 - Paving Extension No. 132, Fourth and Final ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, June 6,
Green I move that the ordinance be passed.
An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property
on Herbert Avenue between Eleventh East and Twelfth East Streets,
and on Twelfth East Street between Michigan and Yale Avenues, in
Paving District No. 31 (Paving Extension No. 132) ,)for the purpose
of providing for the grading, Curbing and guttering, constructing
drainage system and private driveways, installing water services
and sewer connections, and paving thereof.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District No. 31
(Paving Extension No. 132) , for the purpose of providing for the
grading, curbing and guttering, constructing drainage system and
private driveways, installing water services and sewer connections,
and paving thereof, to-wit:
In Lots 7, and 14 to 16, inclusive, Block 17-A; 1 to 18,
inclusive, and 45 to 54, inclusive, Block 1; 1, and 31 to 55, in-
clusive, Block 2, Gilmer Square Subdivision, Block 17-A, all in
Five Acre Ilat "A", Big ;:Field Survey, abutting on Twelfth East
Street between Michigan and Yale Avenues, and on Herbert Avenue
between Eleventh East and Twelfth East Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, curbing
- 53
• and guttering with cement (where curb and gutter is not alreqdy
constructed), constructing drainage system to carry water along and
across streets and intersections, of vitrified and concrete pipe
; from ten (10) inches to twelve (12) inches in diameter, construct-
I ing private driveways, installing water services and sewer connec-
tions, and paving with bitulithic pavement (szid bitulithic pave-
ment to be twenty-four feet between curbs on Twelfth East Street
between Michigan and Yale Avenues, and thirty-six (36) feet between
curbs on herbert Avenue between Eleventh East and Twelfth East
Streets, and all of said pavement to be six (6) inches thick, with
four (4) inch crushed rock base and two (2) inch wearing surface o
bitulithic pavement with gravel aggregate) , the portions of said
streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter des-
cribed to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement,
and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said
property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount
of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby
assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linea
foot frontage upon said portions of said streets fronting upon and
to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax
I hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is ten
thousand six hundred thirty-nine and 61/100 G10,639.61) dollars; 1
four thousand four hundred seventy-seven and 54/100 ($4,477.50
hdollars, or three and 35/100 ( 3.35) dollars per front or linear
foot of abutting property for twenty-four foot roadway, there being
1336.58 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; five
thousand five hundred seventy-five and 77/100 ( 5,575.77) imut
dollars, or three and 79/100 ( 3.79) dollars per front or linear
foot of abutting property for thirty-six foot roadway (curb and
gutter already built) , there being 1471.18 feet abutting said
portion of said improvement; one hundred fifty ( 150.00) dollars
.... —
for t)rivato 0...rvewo.:7s, or ter..ty-five 25.00) (3.ollaro for each
Oriv,Ito driver then) bein.r rin' 1.riv-te iriveivay to hundred
fifty-two ( 2.52.00) dollrrr for l'ator :ervices, or twelve (Z12.00)
dollerr for each VTt.7.T 7,.-.rvico, those boin 21 viter services; and
one 1-urrlrca. eilitv-fc,ur a'..n.e. 30/100 ftli_34. 0) (oll.,rn for sov.'er
connoctionE, or nine an.c.1. 70/100 (,9.70) oll.-:.rs for eaeh sevor
connootior, tllorc, boin 19 ,!e '(..:r ccuylectiops, i:lo cost of the con-
strro'Ao71. r(i! inrt "'altinn of .:' .. a..-tO, th ;;.roarti 1)on,fite&
there:tr.! 1,2 lorolar.ftor rot 01.4=; onc7 all -:,itl..in 0o boundnria., of
illo lotr, 1l0c,7s 7:i10 rtr,.ctr aovc T.. hticci ih of.10. ,7:irtriot,
±rt.,,2 cost r,-.,I3 coc,t -„a(r Ire;;' foot of r, 16 irarove-
ment, :10c7,7: to tl)o contrct c:litrc.. in.lm for th,.7, .erformarwe
of nal6 - or'' fr', riAld-n nik7 1. -.7ovonaiit, wi. h r. J. Morxh, Oon-
troto-r, incororted, Latcel the 31; (ly of July, 1916, : lad the
Trearnror in horoby authorircl -:.ru7. flrectoa to r:.F..;:leco, in Jccord-
Jnce Tith the. -:,v.ovirions (C ti,ir ordill:r3o, for the purpose herein
Twority-fotr Mot Roadway.
Beginnin 31.93 feet v,u.i. au . Cu feet nortl: from tho r.outh-
et eerier of Lot 16, Bloo'k 17-A, live Acre 171,.1.t "A", Big 'Biel.
";11rvey, tenoe north. 6C.5 foot; r.00 :JOJ:1 A curve to the right
ra8irr. 73. 6 feet, 73.,7,3fe ; 1T4Jact aloe , j tscxv-o to )le left rad-
ius 164,C4 fact, 164.67 ft; t..,310 aort . 175.1 fo(2.t; t). enco alofl..?
o e r.ve to .t.', left r,:tlius 594.2.6 feet, 148.22 feet; thence north-
, weterlw93.25 Teot; IL e,eoo ,_?,1 -ci.; a cl,a .e t 'fto rig3-,I radius
172.76 -1.-et, 19.4) feet, i:), 111 ; )art ):(` Lots 7, ama 1,1 '6° 16, in-
cluivo, BloA 17-A; t%.:o eat side of Lot 1, Block 2, kAlmer 5quar,
Subdivision; be40_nnin5 at the northeast corner of Lot 55, Block 2,
Gilmer ;;quare Subdivision, thenoe ecuCa 9.99 feet; thence along a
ourve to the right radius 98,64 feci,, 98.6 feet; thonoe along a
curve to the left radius 139.26 feet, 57.5 feet, being part of
Lots 52 to 55, inclusive, Block 2, Gilmer Square Subdivision; the
east side of Lots 1, and 45 to 54, inclusive, Block 1, Gilmer
Square Subdivision, all in Block 17-A, Five Acre Flat "A", Big
Field Survey.
Thirty-six Foot Roadway (Curb and Gutter Built)
The south side of Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, Block 1; the north
side of Lots 31 to 55, inclusive, Block 2, Gilmer Square Subdivi-
sion, Block 17-A, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Yield Survey.
Property Assessed for Private Driveways
In Addition to Regular Assessment.
The south side of Lot 18, the south side of Lot 14, the south
side of Lot 13, the south side of Lot 11, Block 1; the north side
of Lot 31, the east side of Lot 1, Block 2, Gilmer Square Subdivi-
sion, Block 17-A, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey.
Property Assessed for dater Services
In Addition to Regular Assessment.
The south side of Lot 16, the south side of Lot 4, the south
side of Lot 3, the south side of Lot 1, the east side of Lot 48,
Block 1; the north side of Lot 33, the north side of Lot 35, the
north side of Lot 37, the north side of Lot 39, the north side of
Lot 41, the north side of Lot 43, the north side of Lot 45, the
north side of Lot 47, the north side of Lot 49, Block 2, Gilmer
Square Subdivision; beginning 77.35 feet east and 364.5 feet north
of the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 17-A, Five Acre Plat "A",
Big Field Survey, thence north 50 feet, being part of Lot 15;
beginning 77.35 feet east and 414.5 feet north of the southwest
e /'7
corner of Lot 16,n Five-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, thence
north 50 feet, being part of Lot 15; beginning 77.35 feet east andl
464.5 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 17-A,
Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, thence north 50 feet, being
Part of Lot 15, ; beginning 77.32 feet east and 514.5 feet north o
the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 17-A, Five Acre Plat "A",
Big Field Survey, thence along a curve to the left radius 394.26
feet, 50.17 feet, being part of Lot 15; beginning 73.53 feet east
and 564.5 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 17-A,
Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, thence along a curve to the
left radius 394.26 feet, 51.09 feet, being part of Lots 14 and 15;
beginning 63.18 feet east and 614.5 feet north of the southwest
corner of Lot 16, Block 17-A, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field 'Survey,
thence along a curve to the left radius 394.26 feet, 42.21 feet,
and northwesterly 10.73 feet, being part of Lot 14; beginning
26.14 feet east and 714.5 feet north of the southwest corner of
Lot 16, Block 17-A, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, thence
northwesterly 33.86 feet and along a curve to the right radius
172.76 feet, 19.49 feet, being part of Lot 14, all in Block 17-A,
Five Acre Plat "A", Big yield Survey.
Property Assessed for Sewer Connections
In Addition to Regular Assessment.
The south side of Lot 17, the south side of Lot -178- the south
side of Lot 9, the south side of Lot 8, the south side of Lot 5,
Block 1;
the south side of Lot 3, the south side of Lot 1,/the north side
of Lot 32, the north side of Lot 34, the north side of Lot 36, the
north side of Lot 38, the north side of Lot 40, the north side of
Lot 42, the north side of. Lot 44, the north side of Lot 46, the
north side of Lot 48, the north side of Lot 50, the north side of
Lot 52, Block 2, Gilmer Square Subdivision, Block 17-A, Five Acre
Plat "A", Big Field Survey, as the same are shown upon the official
plats of said City to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from
said streets, and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in ten
equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each
installment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one year after the
ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such
improvement becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in two years
after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in three
years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in
four years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth there
of in five years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth
thereof in six years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-
tenth thereof in seven years after said ordinance becomes effectiv•;
one-tenth thereof in eight years after said ordinance becomes
effective; one-tenth thereof in nine years after said ordinance
becomes effective; and one-tenth thereof in ten years after said
ordinance becomes effective. One or more of said installments, in
the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may
be paid at any time within thirty days after the ordinance con-
firming the levy of the tax becomes effective, without interest.
in the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid not
being paid on the date the same becomes due, the whole amount of
the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest
are due, shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at
the rate of eight per cent per annum until the sale of the propert
assessed; provided, one or more installments, in the order in
which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be
paid on the day any installment becomes due, by paying the amount
thereof and interest to said date.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Paving Extension No. 132.
Fourth & Final Estimate.
Fs l
Pa sed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
June - , 1917.
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