53 of 1935 - Amending Section 956, relating to public offenses, curfew law. ROLL cALL V VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193 Coggin . , . I move that the ordinance be passed. / ,., Knight - • i - - -L V ! Lee W7(...../. X, i • _ '- - '`.., r '1' N.." - Mr. Chairman - - -L v 1 Result AN ORDINANCE I I AN OPDIYANCE AmErT)Iyc -,:OCTION 956 of the LevTred Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1956, reiatinf to public offenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commisal6hers of 'La:lit Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. Chat Section 956 of the Devised Ordinances of Bait Lake City, Utah, 1954,. relating to public offenses, be and Ube same is hereby amended. to read as follows: SEC. 956. MINORS ON STE:LETS AT UNNEASONABLi HOUES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for minor persons under four- teen years of age to be on any of the streets, alleys, or public places in Oalt Lake City between ten o'clock p.m. and four o'clock a. a., except such minor bo attended. by some suit- able and. proper adult person. Ib shall be unlaaiful. for any parent, guardian, or other person, having the legal care and custody of any minor easier fourteen years of ape, to allow or Fe'9 permit any such minor to go or be in or upon. any of the streets, alleys or public places in said city within the time heTeinbe- fore prohibited unless such minor be then and there accompanied by a suitable and proper adult ourson. The chief of police shall cause a curfew boil or whistle to be sounded at ten oicloc.k each night. aaCTION in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhapitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become offecLive imodiately. O.oCTION it. This ordinance shall take erect upon its first puollcation- Passed by bh. Deard • -ttmiso J1E, .., 01. ,0_L, ..0 city, -I •,. let '1 d', • • •.. ._ . 1 i 1 i .....s..4, 1. . s. . -. sr- :.-,..--:4 --':.• — c` m tfl . r -,-.11‘...,.., i'78 1 ' 2 i-!:‘4 :'• VI F 0 a. es 6I*°'&\.;•:,.-,_ _ . [ ..- m . i : . . . • • • - 1 • . . , . I II I , 1- . , 1 • 1 • • , , • , I . , 4. • I1rnnf ofilltilitrattillt Tutted £Metre of America STATE OF UTAH ss• COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 956 of the Revised Ordi- H. P. THOEPSON. names of Salt,LakeCity, Utah, 1934;relating to public offenses. _80. ioaleIlatneod by thel Hoard of �"" Commissioners f Salt Lake Clty, Utah: being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk the Revised Ordinanc s of 8 It Lake City,Utah,1934,relating to public offenses,be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in SEC.956. MINORS ON STREETS AT UNREASONABLE HOURS PRO- HIBITED. It shall be unlawful for minor persons u Bdner fourteen years Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. o of age to be n y of the streets, alleys or public places 1n Salt Lake. City between ten o'clock p.m.and four o'clock a.m,exceept Ouch mi- AN ORDINANCE. nor be attended by me suitable That the Notice d nlawful forrer parent It shall be u ar- dian, or other person, havingg the _ legal care and custody of any minor • SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION under fourteen years of age,to al- low or permit any such minor to go or be in or upon any of the • streets, alleys or public-places in said city within the time herein- before prohibited unless such minor ' be then and there accompanied by a suitable and proper adult person. The chief of police shall cause a curfew bell or whistle to be sounded at ten o'clock each night, , the Boa Board of Comm eelo ON 2. In the opinion is of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- , necessary to the peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that thisisordinance be- come SECTION13e]This mmd ordinance shall paper in its issue dated the 19th take effect upon its first publica- tion. Passed nss doby"the alt Haar/ of Comte December , 193 5 Shia lath day of Decemb City,, 988tah, day of .. , LOUIS MARRCpUS.Mayor. • (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD. • and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Hill No.53. City Recorder. Published December 19, 1935. • December 19th. for thereafter,the full period of One insertion the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the. 19th day of December ,A.D.193 5 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of December ,A.D.193 5 Notary Public. Advertising fee $ (533' z Z 0 t ,c • ut *» O s tat 0 O IJ a a, F