53 of 1939 - Amending Section 4709, Building Code, 1933 Edition -- changing zone of Glendale Street and 3rd South ..ec.loa 200 12U-37 ROLL CALL ' VOTING AYE NAY ��� Salt Lake City,Utah, DEC 20 1939 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser V Matheson - - Murdock - - - - Mr.chairman - - - AN OR INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4709 of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 edition, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 21, 1935, June 25, 1936, March 16, 1937, February 24, 1938, and August 30, 1938, relating to zoning districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 4709 of the Salt Lake City Build- ing Code, 1933 edition, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 21, 1935, June 25, 1936, March 16, 1937, February 24, 1938, and August 30, 1938, relating to zoning districts, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to Paragraph "B" thereof one new paragraph designated as Item 15, which shall read as follows: "Item 15. The following described real property in Res- idential.B,2 district as shown on the "Use District Map" is hereby changed to Commercial District classification, and the "Use District Map" described in Paragraph "A" of this ordinance is hereby amended and changed accordingly: Both sides of Glendale Street on the north side of Third South Street, being Lots 30 to 33 incl., Elk. 2, and Lots 26 to 29 incl. of Blk. ', Graeber's Post Office Addition, a subdivision of Blk. 42, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey. And that said "Use District Map" is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tracts of land as a part of Commercial District. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. -2- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 1 Passed by the Board of(Commlssioners of Salt Lake City, ' Utah, this 2,0 /tday of ier/„.-CL A.D. 1939. Mayor. C ty Recorder. ) . .,• 1 -=-=- 10 . . n1.1- (1-:•;1;_f P-7.,9"i. H., .:-_“....›...t .i.i.,3;:ii '-;-'41:.ii:. -", ••11-', ' ..'; ,' S. 9ii e,J T.I.,13 ',.-C, :i._ i-i C.'I.',:iir: .77::: 9:0 L..i-:.“--,, ; :-,;t -.,(.:i 1-,...,._ . _ ;;--;f.--LL . -,1. , ,...:.!",„;Aef.., •:-. --„,;-w 1-1.,:;1 .c.:„„:-_, .:-,ihr: tfiL5,1.1 -*: r, . ,... ,...... . ik. • n -•-• pg j on1 1 ....-., 1741, - i _,.........._ z i ] . 1 . .. I : . , ii\ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake 11 AN oaulNnxB�; Leo 3.Young 3AN 6Yt INAHCE A7dENDINO-SECTIO. d77WW ot.thg Salt Lake Clty Mutldi og Cod,, Ina dit a amended by di i pa Ina-edition; the Boardfnd Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- 11aMaber Rl, 1935„June 25,.1836; March •30:'1938,relating to zoning districts ue"a`. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper Brij{-ordained by the Board.of Commie• sitindrs of Salt Lake City,Utah, -SECTION I. That suction e709 f the published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Salt Lake City Building Code, Lass edy' C y y 'then;aa, m ded by,10nerncea passed by', of Utah. the,Board of •25, 1936, M o Na, 19 7 tOtinaL`1a r,'Juno 2 9, ed A March-1 10 1Bre- gatro zoningo, districts,and t bes4 30,the c ne MU.to be and e I reby.aMe am by adding In and io• Ordinance Bill No. 53 *Irby. ggrr ph' B nthereof one n ,paragraph That the advertisement eSignated,fld_Item.'15, which shall read 'a.gollo ws: • broPert7',ins Residential described'real shown'on the'Use District.M."is hem- rah..t3.ng.+.o.Z.onznl,;.'.J.i.strints...(Sa1t..Le_ke..Ciby •by Changed to Commercial District Gaedi- fication,ed and the Use'District Map" de- orat on) ' ribed in ParagrapCor h"A"of this ordinance P is hereby'amended and changed according. Idarth sidoth side's of Glendale of. Street Third South Street,n'the being Lots 30 to' 33 incl., BM.2,and•Lets 26 • •to 29 incl.of Elk.3,Grneber'e Peat Office 'Addition,a anhdivlaion o1 Blk,42,Plat."C"' Salt Laks cls{y.'"Gen was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the And that a•nd- District to Map" le hereby'changed and-altered01land as a•part above described tract 2 land as a Dart T Commercial District 21st dayof December A.D. 19-_39- ��ale 4ue-oloinl u-a 3heloerd' bib ln e Care it'i a et y Di the eeeh, health and eaiet3i f she habi • - •tanta of Bait Lake City that this ordinentt ' become effective immediately- and was published.-l.tima SECTIN 3. This.m'ainence shall take effec:rimed .Lake its first publication. -Pa-d by the ah,o the 20h Commissioners isda bol the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the City, U 'Utt ,Dec¢mher,.A,D. 1939. • JOAN M.WALLACE (SEAL) ETHEL MACDONAL°'• day of A.D. 19 ity ec ¢r-_ BI;.L NO.53,PublishedCDeceRmberoM eLit,; �ieae. A rtising Clerk. • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of December A.D. 19...3.9.. 1 ary Public, • • • • ••• 11 ) t • e0.1 o tip* - - _ -