53 of 1940 - Ordinance amending Chapter 47, Building Code -ROLL CALL NOV,t7 19oio
'rr Salt Lake City,Utah,__ , 193
Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE
1933 edition of Salt Lake City fuildi.n€ Code by enacting,
designating and placing the sections of said chapter in the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1934, to be known
as Chapter 74 and sections numbers 1701 to and including
section number 1725 to-wit:
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah:
SFCTION 1. That Chapter 47 of Part XI of the 1933
edition of Salt Lake City Building Code containing the
following sections to-wit: Sections 4701, 4702, 4705,
4705, 4705, 4706, 4707, 4708, 4709 as amended by or-
dinances passedOune CS, 1936, slarcri. 16, 1957, February
24, 1938, August 30, 1938, 'december 20, 1939 (Dill 53),
December 20, 1939(Bill 54); March 2C, 1940) and May 9, 1940;4
4710 as amended be an ordinance passed ty the hoard of
Commissioners January 10, 1939;4711, 4710, 47.L2X passed by
the Board of Commissioners May 14, 193; 4713, 4713X passed
by the Board of Commissioners .;arch 26, 1940; 1_'7 .4, 4715,
47:16, 4717, 4718 as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners September 22, 1937; 4'71'9, 4720, 4721,
4722, 4723, 4724 as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners September--2, 1936;41-a, 4720, 4727,
4728, 4729 is hereby enacted, arcen_led and placed in the re-
vised ordinances of ID It Lake City, Utah 1954 to read as
follows, to-wit:
r SEC. 1701. It shall be the duty of the builcins,,
inspector of S-it Lake City to enforce all the zoning
ordinances : nr to see to it to,.t grows any building,
structure or _and is used in violation of any- 2oning
ordinance, or other regulation made pursuc.nt to the
Anti_:;ie CI 15 i:evised 'a Lutes
provisions of0Charter d,Title0of Utah, 1933, Lc institute
any apbror,t•iate action or proceedings to restrain, correct
or abate such violation..
'Ft. 1702. Definitions. b'or toe purpose of this
ordinance certain terms rind words are hereby defined as
Words used in the present tense ircLo e the 'suture;
words in. the singula-r number irclue trio plural nuilcr;
and „corks in. the plural number include the singular
number. Any words net defined herein shell to construed
as defined in the building cod ir d.e ;ned. tee sin.
1. "Accessary Use or :building" -- A subordinate use
or building customarily incident to and iec tea upon the
same lot occupied by the main use c,r buiidi.r:r.
. "Ailey" -- A .street or thorourofe.re less than
twenty-six (28) feet wide.
3. "Apartment douse" -- A building c_ :.orti_on thee-
of used or intended to be used as the home el torso or more
families or householders living independently of each other.
4. "Ustablisher Grade" -- "Grade" (1) ieor buildings
adjoining' one street only, the elevation oL the sidewalk
at the center of that wall aajo_i_nin the street.
(`:) nor buildings ,adjoining more than one :street,
the avers to of the elevations of the si,aercic at the
centers of all walls aojoinio.p streets.
(3) 1 or build in 's O<..vinr no ,•r.:i f 1. (oi ni.nr the
street, the saver ge level 0f the ground (fin'_".1,,.cil
surface.) aojr,.cent to the ccaterio • "fits o_ the bail' n,d
All walls abrroxirnacely carallel to end not more than 1
rive (5) feet iron a. street line are to re considered
as s join n e street.
5. "Family" -- Any number of inniviaurls ltvinw_ for-ether
as e sine le housekeepini unit, nni zoinf their coohi.n, on the
G. "'Prom, Y<.rc." -- aor on intsrior lot, cn oron un-
occuoieu sp er on 1,11 SF,,O -i of buil.:ir_ , �.etieecn the
front line of the luiloins (exclusive o._ stew), not the front
lot or street .lane en extehainr •across the -1111 vicotlr 0, the
lot. "ior c corner lot, rn onen unoccuPirrt on.co on thr- sr_,se
lot withe Luilu'In; , beteeen the front line r- the buii_-_;ne„
exclusive of steps, coo the front lot line or street lire also
t;ot'ecn tip site line of tie l u1 r,ainr, exclo ie el stens, ad-
jacent to toe street, and tie nine lot line or •trect line s.nl
extend.inp for tar, full width and aept'h of tie lot.
7. "tell of of buildinr" -- Is t`ie vertica.L uistorce from
tine "grade" to the highest ,notnt of the corin, )1 e roof
or to the deck Line of n mrnsard roof or to tue everT- e height
of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof.
8. "Lot" -- Lend occunied or• to re occuniec by e Luildine
end its rrcces.tiory luiloines, hnclu.t,_n, such oven sorces ns ere
recuired unier this oruinoner, enc .r vine rout;:. C neon P street
or alley.
9. "One-family Lo ellinr" - c, Y-uiic0inr i r:ord eci or ue-
slyneo to to occupiel ty net more torn one
10. "Public throne" - Pry buildinf or rrrnnines user 1'or the
starspc or hone-Inn 01 more then five (u) steam or motor driven
vehicles, or. There such vehicles or repairer'_ or 'rent for hire or
11. "hear Yerd" -- An oi,en unoccupied sn"ce, exce;rt es ,Zere-
ina7'ter nrovi. ed, on the .-n.e lot vri_t:r ,. br
+,r,r' betcreen the
rear line of tho t:uiidi.nf` (exclusive of styes) =16 t're i'er,r lot
line Inn eytenciin;; .or the '1:1L vci_dts the lot: foe an interior
lot end eaten ;n_ from, tire site lot line to t:le iron), 001 line
for F corner Lot.
12. "hide Yard" -- An oxen unoccupied apace on
same lot mith af 10 lap between the side lino of the
buiidinr (exhipsive oi steps) and the sine line o',_ the lot
and extendin. from the front yard line to the reaT yard
13. "Two-family Owellina." -- A buildinr arralubd or
desicned to be occupied by two families.
14, "Corner Lot" -- P lot fronting on -Lyda or more
intersecting streets, both oE which are et least twenty-six
(re) feet vide.
bEC, 1703. That in OG-i' ta debie..nptp .11btricr ! I'ld
repsulate tro location of dwellins, texidners, trades, in-
dustries and the location of thildinu erected or altered
for specified uses Salt Lake City is hereby divided into
11"Use Districts" to to known as followe: hesidental
district, hesidential "A-421, district, Residemtial "L"
district, besiThntial "UP" district, hesideptiP1 "L-C"
district, Residential "C" district, business "A" distrlet,
Commercial district, Industrial district, Industrial "id
district, Unrestricted district. The boandaTies of said
districts ab scorn upon the "Use District Map" on file in
tiro office of the City hecorder of Salt hake City, Utah. and
made a. part hereof by reference and enrich sain mat is at-
1 ' tached hereto and. made e part hereof, together with the
boundaries of Residential '1E-3" district established by
the provisions or en ordinance bar-sea k;.N' la, 1235 known
as hill Na. 28 and together site the toundariee of -business
"A" district established by the provisions of Item 17 of
an ordinance passed March 26, 1940 and knoWn as Bill -Do. 11
and the Amendments to sr-id "Use District jap" deretofore
made ty the hoard of Commissioners of Celt Lake City- by
ordinances passed by the said board of Commissioners on the
followina dates to-wit: Lill No. ?6 passed dupe fb, 193C;
Jill No. 9 Passed Laren It, 1937; Bill No. 17 passed ebruriry
. ?4, 193,8; flli No. 48 passed , ,n-Pact 30, 1938; fill tic. Oh .
passed December c,0, 1909; Bill No. 54 passed .December LO,
19;9; Fill No. 11 passed March 06, 1940; and bill ao. 19
passed May 9, 1940 are hereby established as the bounasries
of the above districts and the said "Use District Mop" and
the boundaries of the districts shovrn thereon, together
with references, notations and other irrormat .on shorn there-
on and the a.tr:=itions and amendments made tr.croto by the
above described ordinances shall be as much a p::rt of this
ordinance 2w i3' the matters and information set forth on
said main and the amendments thereto were iul-y d scribea
herein. Sxcer:t as hereinafter provided no buLia ins shall
be erected or altered, nor shell any buiidn or premises
be used for any purpose other than is permL Lei in toe Use
District i)n11uhich such building or deemises is locatcn.
1 L1(.•. }'7Q4`: Resi, ential "A" district. (a) In Des-
identisl "A" nistrict no buildini or premises saaoLl be used,
and no InliLdinF sh. Ll be erected whicn is ar anted, intended
or designed to be used for other than one of the folio: i_n�-,
1. One-family d7reliings;
Two-family diellinps;
4. Courcaes;
b. aibraries and museums;
G. Public Darks, public recreation srounds ina clay-
grounos, but not including privately caned commercial
arsuseusent parks or commercial recreation hounds;
7. Farming- red truck gs,deuiddr, nurseries and r�r.een-
hous es; provide:;, tart greenhouses shr11 1;e et b:rclt rt
beast sixty (60) feet i'rorn the front lot line.
8. Railf_o0u or street railscions ;t: Lions and
rights or way, not inclu. in rai .o:-nyrrds or sheds.
9. Public toil:i.Lns, except penal oc :sr-;nt: l institu-
Lb. Cemeteries aijoinin}r or in e.:tehslon to epist:i_vo
cemcte boo.
11. Telephone exc`ro-n c where no public ru ,ine-a office
and no repr,i r or storm_rso facilities: are mains-' n_-d.
(b) in a Residential "A" dAstrict bui_- in-in and uses,
such as are ordinarily aonurte.nrrt to -say o0 the uses listed
above, but not involvi_n.s the conduct business, shad_; be
permitted, subject to the limitations herein provi..-Aea:
1. Accessory uses custom=.rily incident to the in ave
P. The office of a physician, musician, or other
orof:essional. person, a-hen located in 'its or oarA.welling;
also customary incidental 'home occupations engager in by
individuals within their awelr_inzs, provided that no
window uisriL-y is made.
h. I name plate not exceedin: one a..«, one-'half
(l ) square feet in area.
4. Asignboard not exceeding ei ht (8) anuare feet
in area, appertaining to the lease or sale od the property;
also r bulletin board not exceeding eight (8) souare
feet in area erected upon the premises of a church or
other institution for tee 5urcases of adroi,ying the
name 'Ittd activities or services therein, rroviaec., when
set buck within two (2) feet of tide bu id ng line.
5. Renting of rooms for longing purposes only, or
the furnisninfr of table board for not to exceed six (6)
persons in a one-family oar-fling.
6. Dormitories, fraternity or Sorority houses or
boarding houses occupied only by the faculty or students
of a public educational institution and supervised by
the authorities thereof', subject, however, to the ex-
press condition that such dormitories and fraternity
or sorority houses shall not be located or establishes
more than 600 feet distant from the _ends end ,remises
occupied by the institution to ,':nice they are incident.
7. d private garage teat shall occupy not more than
seven (7) per cent of the area of the lot and shall be
located. not less than sixty (60) feet from toe front
lot line (thirty (3.0) feet for P. corner lot on the side
street) and not less than fifteen (15) feet from any
dwelling on an adjacent lot, unless it is a part of the
main building or located in a terrace or retaining wall.
If locates in a. terrace or retaining. wall, such. garage
shall not project in front of' the terrace or retaining
wall and shall not extend above the top of s: ia terrace
or retaining wall more than two (2) feet, and in no
case above the level of the ground floor of e dwelling
on an adjacent lot.
SfL. Residential ".A-2" District
1. In a Residential "A-2" District no building- or
premixed. shall be used and no Luiiq n€ shall to erected
which in arranged, intended or designed to be used for
other than any use permitted in r. Residential "A" Dis-
In a Residential "A-2"District for every build-
ing erected there shall be a side yard along each lot
line. The least dimension of any side far shall be
• twenty-five (25) per cent of the building height, but
in no case less tnan four (4) feet, and the total width
of the two side yards for any lot shall be fifty (50)
per cent of the building heig,'it but in no cr.-se less
than fourteen (14) feet except as provided for under
Section 171.7 od this orrdineace.
In a residential "C-2" District the front yard,
rear yard, and height regulations shall be as specified
for a. Residential "f?" District an. the area ratulations
for buildings hereafter erected or altered to n.ccommodato
or make provisions for additional families the required
lot area per family housed shall be 4,000 a uc:-re feet
for a one-family dwelling. and-6,000 square feet for a.
two-family dwelling.
4. The Residential "@--:" classification created and
established hereunder to be known LA; tar tesinenti:al
"A-,`--'" District shell apply to that portion of Salt Lake
City, Utah, known ec. "Marlborough Pls-ce," a subdivision •
of all of lots 4, _a, 6, 17, 10 and 19, _'loci: lb, 5 Acre
Plat A, Lip field Garvey.
SEC. 28't% Residential "1" and "i-2" Districts.
(a) In residential "f" end "L-`-" Districts no bu-i.l_.inf
or o -mic'u shall be used, and no bull irnc so- it be
erected crrhic'i is e,i rani e d, intended or desi,-nod to be
used for other than one of the followio uses:
1. Any use permitted in a Pesihentiz L "A" or
"A-2" District;
2. All dwolline s, Plats, apartment and hoar.'-Li
or ioc..yin� houses without stores;
4. Clubs or fraternal societies, eaceit those the
chief activity of rhich is a service customarily carried
on as 7 business;
5. IIosnitals, sanitariums and institutions r or
philanthropic or eleemosynrra' uses, other than. correct-
ional or for insanity or other mental diseases;
6. An institution for subnormsls :*hen located not
less toso six hundred (600) feet from any es;.ellin._
or apartment house;
7. Public utility buiieinls, from arks no noises,
vibration, fumes or odors ere emitted;
8. Outdoor a; vertisLos structures that otherwise
comply pith city o.. inence .
(b) Accessory uses shall be as sueci 'ied untie
Residential "A" District, Section 1704 dsrnerobbl (L), in
conforcity with the requirements iovernin- such uses. In
addition tiereto, ;public rzraLes may be Maintained for
store purposes only, where no _epaLr facilities are
provided, when located not less than sixty (CO) feet from
the front lot line and not less than thirty (so) feet from
any other street line on which the property faces; provided,
that there s'nall le no entrance or exit 2Jotor vehicles
within one hundred fifty (150) feet of an entrance or exit
of a public school, church, o_ayrrou:-i or other public or
semi-public institution; concessions and servic:e shell
also be permitted es accessories within hotels, etc., pro-
vided. that access to cucn uses is only row within the
Resi.lentoil "i-f" District. 1. In a
lesidential "Es-I" district no luillin:n co premises shall
be used, _.na no bullciinb shall be erected v:rhicn it ar,T11 ,
intended ar ueeii:nec--. to le used for other tar n one c the
s'ollo?;inr ores:
(a) Any use permitted in a Hesiriential "A", nA-2",
"L" or "B-2" district.
b hoops fm,• retail business.
c Druk, storbusiness.
d Banks or o.:fice buildings
e Barber shops and. beauty parlors.
f Theaters.
y Rest.rnrants and tearooms.
h Gasoline service stations.
2. ho build_inE or structure shell i e erected or
altered in a 0esidentiel "B-L" district for any rn the
uses enunorstee in items (b) to (h), inclusive, or this
section, unless the plans for such building on structure
shall hove been submittec to hnd an0,001/ad by the :board of
Commissioners of ;.;it Lake City.
3. In a Residential 'TB-3" district, for every build-
ing erected, t;iere shell be a "front yard" and "rear yard"
of such dimensions as are required for all buileines
erected in a Residential "L-f" district, on:_ the "height"
regulations and. the "area" regulations shall 1.e as specified
for a Residential "8-2" district; as proviJed in t ections
1714 to iW0, inclusive, e' this Chapter.
4. Tile teaidentiel "E-B" clas"i is tion created and
established hereunder to be known as the Residential "P-5"
district shall opply to that bortion of Sblt Lake City,
Utah, known es the property abutting. on South Temble Street
from State :'•treet to Filth bast Street end being more
particularly describe_ as follows:
'll.ie north 100 it. o1 Lots 5i and Es, }doe. TS, In c
north 100 it. of Lott b, 6, 7 end 8 of fled: 7:1, Plat ",A_";
the north 100 ft. of Lot:: :; and 6, Elocr:: 6�', tic the north
100 ft. of Lot: b, C, 7 and 8 of Floe' Li , Plat "B"; all
of Lots 1 an:., ;' of 'blocks 10, 11, it-, 13 rsna 1^ of Plat "D";
and all of Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, of Block 1, Plat "I",
all in Slit Lake City Survey.
and the s .-.r are hereby chnncea from t csidenti:.l ";;_%'n and.
Resi,,enti„I "C", respectively, to the new Po.tiSertiel "L-5",
created. hereunder.
H.C. 1708, , r;si(:.antis' "C" _,istrict. (a) Tn
Resi.ionti-oi "C" District no }cil_.1in,- or Premi c,c s inii
be used, and no bulLiin, shall re °recce, v.`ii_ch is
arranged, intended or desi,r:nel to be used :'or otee than
one of tie tol.Lowin, uses:
L. Any v;;e rrrmi.tte. 1.osidert i a1 "A", "7-,'" "J."
or "b-`-'" Oistri.ets;
Choas for retail business;
oruf. :;toms;
9-. Tans, fire or police sttians, theatres;
C. Lunch rooms and restI r;.� �nt..;
h. ;hoe venni/ soots;
7. Farber shops and beaut-y osstor.s;
8. Puislic s + 2Ces;
9. Gasoline .service stations.
(b) Public r. cos and eaoline serv] c stations
bnaCL not be -ermi_ttod ,I thin one hundred (100) Beet of
any dweliins or apartment house.
Uses in this district shr.11 le sub,;ect to J'eont yard
provisions required in aojoinind residential_ areas.
)1t; 1
M. I14.33.' In I Usineas "A" L)istr•ict no k:uI[ 1is, or
premise shall ire used end no ru i1,iinr out- he erected -hi en
is srr.�n1en, intended or ._F ,i r.oc1 to be user tor ot,ier
than one of the fol.Lowinr uses:
(a) Any use fermitten in £ 'Fe-:itontft I "In, "A- ",
"h", .0s-f", or "1,_,1 District.
b "polo le distributor.
c Printinf Plant.
(((d ftorare warehouses (-or , res a . mo ca an;._,_r,e
which -ouLu not create a nuisance).
M `,s;t drin!r l ott!in r iont
Automobile salesroot, es nsivo of Uei ut.r 1,ot.
No Cuitei.nt; o.r structure shall ie erected or altered
in a business "A" district for any or the IA-I' cnumereted
in items (b) to (f) inclusive of this section, or ass sne-
ci ileo in r: iesidentir 1 "B-C" district, unless the alr rats
for such lui_.Ldin€ shall have torn sill-mitten to -nd sn-
proved by the Board of Commissioners of S:,it Lc.'_re City.
In r_, business "A" District toe n.eicht and area rep-
uladohs shall be as snccii'ie.i Jor a besirienti,_1 "1-?"
District, as provided in Sections 17i4 to L7f0 incLu_sive
of this Chapter.
SEC. 1`77t0, Commercial District. (a) Ail bn - inr s and.
premises may to use° for :any aurcose per_mittca in 1'.esi:;enticl
ngn, "A-`:", "I ", "r;_2° and °C" Districts L:cc also for any
trace, inaustry or use except as cronitited in Past 1V, Chap. ,E-'
1 u,i.iainf
Uniform „ anJ, except Inc following, -mh.ich are hereby pro-
hibited, subject to the provisions of Section 1718 o,_ this
ordinance and of paragraph (b) hereunder:
1. Any trade or use prohifitea in an iniuctrial "_)ictrici
2. P ciu manufacture;
3. Bag cleaning;
A. ho1 L'r works;
5. I reveries or distilleries;
6. Erick, tiLe or terra costa, rcr nuf-acture or stor: e,
except storage within e building;
7. Celluloid or similar in:-nu1'acture;
8. Cnc:rcocl manufacture or nutve:cirin ;
9. Chemicals manufacture of ohjecti:,neble or annrerour
10. Contractor's plant or ';tore.,e, c:_rce;t vaaere set
back at -Leaet one hun re<; (100) feet;
ll.. Cosa tar rroaucts manuf'.cture;
lr rio, pounl;.
13. Oyectulf manufacture;
14. Finctric'1 central station nower ni'3nt;
16. hoary cloth or sand or_oar manufacture;
16. i'ne,melinc';
17. Excelsior i fibre manufacture;
18. t,Yterminstors or insect poisons manui' cture;
19. Fern or cereal mill using_ power in excess of 50
horse power;
20. Fish smoking and curi_ni;
21. -lour mill;
23. forge plant;
4. Gle.s:: or glass products manufacture;
25. Glucose manutiacrure;
26. Ice mr,nufocturinf plant or store, exce t tee
manufacture by electricity;
27. Japanning;
28. Junk, r.ogs, etc., storage;
29. Lamp black: manufacture;
30. Lubricating c're<:se cr oil comnoun:Ai_nn ;
31. Lumber or shingle mills using more th<rc 50 h.n.;
32. PJachinery manufacture;
mr:.chine shons using in excess of 50 h. .;
34. Malt manufacture;
.'J. hna torn manufacture;
3C. Mattress manufacture using in pacer^ a, :_>!) o. p.;
37. Oilcloth or linoleum ra-nur acture;
38. Oiled rubter manufacture;
39. Oxygen manufacture;
40. Ore reuuction;
Packing plants;
. Paint, oil, etc., manuf'c.cture;
4:c. Parer snd pulp mrnuf' cture;
4s. Petroleum refining or by-nroaucts xinul cture, or
storage of petroleum products or by-oro,ucts in r;cesa of
one thous,nc; (1000) gallons, except that 'bur (l+) 1000-pa-l-
ion tanks r,re hereb-- cermi.ttec at am one service station;
45. PickleJ' ctory;
46. Plrnin. :Hill or 'crood•a:'orkin. .lent usin^ in excel
of 50 h. I,.;
47. Plaster monui'=.cture;
48. PoTer, light or steam olrnt central station;
49. Enilrorayard shops or roundhouse, except street
car barns and shops;
50. :'.educing or refini.nr ;metals;
5i. Pock crushing;
5S. Rollinr or blooming mill;
53. Rubber or gutty; percirr-, munull cturc from crude
54, i,lt works;
55. Sauerkraut manufacture;
56. Sausage manufacture, except -!snare manufacture
for retail tr-'de;
57. Shoddy manufacture;
58. ;'hoe blacking manufacture;
59. Slaughtering or cleaning, of animals, foil or fish;
60. Soap manufacture;
61. Soma and compound manufacture;
6`.'.. t;tarob, glucose, etc., manufacture;
63, steel or iron ills;
64. Stone or earthenware manufacture;
65. Stone mill or quarry;
66. Stove polish .manufacture;
67. fanning, curing, or storage of nines or skins;
68. Textile mills;
69. Ve'etatle oil, or other oil manufacture;
70. Vinegar manufacture;
71. Yeast plant.
(b) Stables, lumber yards, fuel yards, dyein', and clean-
ing establishments, public garage, mortuary, milk distributing
stations or food products manufacturing:, shall not be permitted.
in Commercial Districts within one hundred (100) feet of dwell-
ing. or apartment house.
` p Cft
SEC. 371 Inuustrial district. (a) In ?.n Industrial
District all buildings and premises on', be used for any purpose
permitted in hecidential "A", "A-2","B", "1_5" end "C" an
Commercial Districts, and also for any other trade, industry or
use, except the i olloming, which are erohibitem, subject to
provisions of section 1718 of this Chapter;
1. Ammonia-., bleaching power or chlorine manufacture;
S. Asphalt manufacture or refinin€f;
4. Blast .furnaces;
5. Cement, lire or pl aster-of-oari s :,Janui_acture;
6. Co'te ovens;
7. Crematory other than a crematory looted in a
8. Creosote treatment or manufacture;
9. Disinfectant r=nd insecticide manufacture;
10. Distillation of bones, coal or wood;
11. Fat renreri ng;
1S. Fertilizer manufacture, except the cold_ compou ping
of nonodorous materials;
l3. fireworks, explosive manufacture an.. ,storcgc;
14.. Cas manufacture or storage in excess of 10,000
cubic feet;
lb. Gelatine, glue or size manufacture;
16. Gre .:;e or tallow 'n::inu 'acture or refining;
17. Hair factory;
18. Hydrochloric, nitric, suln'nuric or sulr';mrous
acid menu.,' cture;
19. Incineration or reduction of c arbc_re, offal or
20. Petroleum refining, or storr,gr in aces,, of the
capacity of sour (4) 1000-gallon tanks;
21. Potash :nsnuiacture or refining;
22. faw hides or. skins, storage, curio curihe or tanning.;
Tubber manufacture from the crusematerial;
24. Slat,-liter houses;
25. Smelting of iron, coopor, zinc or tin ores;
S;6. Stock yards;
27. Sugar 1_'ef i_nin ;
28. Tannery;
29 Tar distillation or manufacture;
50. Tsr rooi=in,:, or tar wnteroroofinb . nufactu-,ae;
31. tool pullin., scourin{, or .shoddy manufacture;
32. toy other trade, industry or use that is noxious
or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, smoze, gas,
vibration or noise.
SEC. ±i . Industrial "B" District.
In an In..iustrial "B" District oil tuilings and rremiscc
may be used for any purpose permitte,o in :e aihential
"q_3l "B", "B-2" and "C" Districts, Commercial and Industrial
districts, rna elf.o for the story;oe cif petroleum products or
by-products not to exceed a total capacity of 100,000 gallons
on any property held differ one ownership.
the said T',Suatrial "r." clasaibicat1on crzateu and est',b-
li .heel. hereunder, to to '*nown as the Industrial "f" Iaistrict,
shall apply to that portion of Salt Lake City, Utah from i,cc
West street to Ito ;Vest street tetvrern Ito South_ ❑.ni 'th South;
from 4th West to 7th 1 est between 9th South ono. l Mtn. South
streets, any from "ad South to 3rd South between 6tn and 7th
'Rest streets, except the 'property abuttin on 7th. 'West street
to a. depth of 120 feet; also between 1st aaff ?'n_' west streets
between Harris avenue arcs 17to South street. Said district
is more particularly described as follows: all of blocks
8, 9, 10 and 11, Plat "A", and all oi. Flocks 1 and 14, flat
"C", also the east 540 feet of flocks ;_, 11 and 38, Plat "C",
Salt Lake City Survey; also the east 60C feet of block 8,
Five-Acre Plat "B", and all of block 25, hive-Acre i'let "F", '
a l i of ]Flock: S. and. 4, Richland Audition, P subriviaion o_'
Lots 2. and 3 of block 10, :'ive-Acre Plat " ", Ilia: _Meld
l' r i
OLD. 1 Unrestricted District. (a) in pa. unrestricted
district all lu Elinor ant premises reey be user )r r v'T fa ful
nurpose ex.cert those which. by ordinance a-re exc'lused from
within. the city. limits.
CO Any uses prohibitea in Section letm ira.ustriel
District) that are to be undertaken in tni_- district shall be
located at least €00 feet distant from the boun,,.crt' line of
any Residential "t", "A-`Ii?, "73", IT}_''", "U" or Commercial
SEC. 17Y1. front Y.crr.r;. In oil residential dtv'tri_ct no
hart of any iuildin (exclusive c;i' steps) nor lI le created
nearer to the property line n which it ioces than The Vernone
alignment of exiati.ng uu:ici_nrs within the. same block ".'-optza r e,
except tort a front ye.rd need not ho ;.o?e tin SO feet in
depth. There there ere no ex_istini• buildin, ecitfin trio scmo
block i.rontate, the minimum depth of the front yarf s'h: ll. be
20 feet. One street it oi_t: e only of a eosne ' lot shall be
exempt from these provisions, except th t in such event the
bu._ldin- on that side shall be set br.c'.c not less, thr.n ten (10)
beet. In a district where tie street . _. tr: __ tinirr,fl th-n
ono hundre_+. (100) feet no rail, fence or other structure shnil
be erected and no ned -c, shrub., tree or 0.nar ravodi shall
tug maint .inoo in such location oa to cau e _'.. .-,cr to to:t.asafoic
by obstructing the view. .`mere a residential district and a.
commerci:.l district adjoin each other, rr'ithin the same block,
the front snd side yord reruir.t ions sha__L haplythe com-
mercial district as cell os to the residential district or
the residential street.
SEC l `. die Y_i'��.c. in a1 L 3esiaentu l "A", rrf.", a-ce
"13-4-2" Districts, ::or every tuilhin erected there snail to
a _isle r nrd. a1on�, coon lot line. The le 't diwd.sion of cony
.,ucli siae J r ohsll be f b i of the boil.,n n id.ht, Lot in n
case .less than cif,ht (8) feet for Residential "ia"; 3Cy„
of the builrsinn height, but in no cfne less then eiY (€) feet
for l esidentind "f", and rb , of bui i:z:- -1:Y it, lout in no
case less than four (i) feet, for e r,:i: emir l "E-='", are the
total width. of the two race yaren for :any ore _net r'rrii ; in
70 of the bu-i e_in� hen nt, but in no case be:lone than ty enty
�,0 feet for n e::.ieientie.J_ "A"; Eu;_, of the dui_L: ,_n; height,
but in no ease Less than :seventeen (17) feet, for _-:e:io_cntiai
"E", rend 50% of the building height, l:ut in no case lees than
fourteen ( .^) feet, for i'e-i lent it l "±_di
In all Residential "C" fistricts ci.de yarch re not .r•e-
euired, except that whenever the Lorna :^r ii_n' cc. a En i_=enti.al
c "C" District fours a common boundary with a l,csi.:ential "P",
".A.- ", nI" or. "h_ +r District, then a side yc_rci of a e,icii;h equal
to tort required for maximum side Yarns in the adjoining
j district shall be recuirer on that sire aejrcent to the common
;;EC. 1 . hear Yards. In all residential districts there
shall_ be a rer.r yard ed not less tern tar uty-rii-e ("5) feet;
provided, hor over•,tint not more than 40 her cent of the area
of the rear yard may be occupied by a. one story accessory*
budding riot over fifteen (15) feet in hei rit.
,EEC 374;'. Side and =,.ar Yare Unite tlon:. (a:) The
area of a side or reaT yarci shell re open rrd unobstructed,
except for the ordinary projections of ':i r .o, sills, Pelt
courses, cornices rnd other arnaMentri features to thr extent
of not more thin four (4) inches, except th::t where the build-
ing is not riot e then two (F` ) stories in height she cornice o
eaves may project not more than two (it) feet into .such ys.rh.
(b) An oaen iron flre escape joy project not more than
four (L) feet into r. sine or revs yard.
(c) Where a rear yard or r side yarn in r_ resihcntial
district abuts on an alley or pera_r;_neat open ;nay the yard
shall be deemed. to extend to the center of such .`ilnyr or way.
(d) In all "use" districts there snail ?e maintained a
side yard sad. s iccr yard or all a_osrtment o.ou[Fs, tenen:ect
houses, and hotels es provided in this or.i €:ace.
(e) On any Lot held unc.er s serarate o-nedddfibp from
adjacent lots, 7Cic, of record at the time o? the passaL_eo'
this ordinance, toe File . arc, repuirements may be waived to
the extent that the buildable width o' such lot it not re-
duced to less thbdi twenty-six (`lf) feet, except that at
least a three (3) foot side >ard is reculre:l on both ^iue:, of
all lots.
(f) On a r•ea_r yard for a corner lot bn _,2c.cor: build-
Inv may be built nearer to tie front lot line thsol thirty
(Y,o) feet, provided such tuildinfb be not over twenty (f0) feet
long and be located as near to toe sine line, fa:rthesi, from
the street, ac the vriatn of lot will permit.
ccSEC. '± Non-Conformist Use. Any use of bui.l:-'in:-s or
premises at the time of tine passage of this ordnance may be
continued, althouc'h such use noes not conform to the provisions
hereof. In the case or a hui_lai.nr such use may be orren.cea
throughout the building, provided the.t no :structural altera-
tions are mode therein, except those re°u_irec, 1-by law or
ordinance. Proviuint no structurbl alterations are pad e, r
non-conform.tnp use may be changed to any use oermitted in a.
district where ch non-conformin; use ccouL be Permitted.
Any non-corn ormin . use changed to a more restricted use oP to
a conforming use oh'1J_ not t.cereafter be ch,n1 ed back to e.
less restricter_! use..
No nor-conforming buildina zhicb has teen daTafed by
lire, explosion, rct o_ Cod, or act or the public enemy to the
extent of more than sixty (sO) per cent of its .assessed value,
shall be restored ec cent in conformity with the rerolo bons
of this ordinance.
Any non-coolorming use bui_lei.n1, existing in any resicen-
tisi district at the time of the passage of this ox°uinance,
may be reconstrucucni or replaced to conorm with all recui_re-
meats for a Eeoidentia.l CO" " District, inclu di nd all reeuired
-le- .
yard spaces.
SEG. 7:f1:0... haiiht fenulations -- Cenerel. (a) So ,t, eit-
irw or hotel, unless of ftreproof constructt, o, snail be
erected to a. heisht of more Lain three M stories.
(b) Desincntial :Districts. In a fesidential "A" District
no dwellinp, edall be erecter:, to s heisht in esetp- Cot tnirt,y-
five (H ) -feet onS no l-aiioins shall be erectac to a holant
in excess of fifty (so) feet.
In a besidential "h" District no tuiten• an.all be erocteti
to a nalpht in a; case of forty-five (45) feet.
In a Residfntisl 11B-2 District no -thifip,ins sall Ife crectef
to a heisfnt in excess of fifty-fjve (so) fect.
In a HesiDertial "C" District no builnit-p•- ettell be erected
to a helpht in excess of sixty-five (C5) feet abn no par ape
. . builninp shall -be erected to a heiat in exaeas of 'Inc story.
(c) Commercial District. In a C=K;VCiai district no
• buiidirn: shell be orectea to p halptit in (recess of one pad
one-puarter (1fl times the width on street on Yhicn it front5.
tithere a Tin coin, fronts on two or more streets, tha 'rester
heipht of nniluitq• pc-smitten on the DiJer street shall 5coriv
within a. distl.ance of 1t-t0 feet from such street.
(d) Industrial and Unrestricted "tot -id '. In an inuntria
or an unce5tricted jlistrict, no ishiHint- other thsh s 'rein
elevator or a ssr; nolpar shsll te erecten to a heiFht in
• excess of eipaty (so) feet.
(e) Etxceptions. (41) The nrovisione of thtft 5ectian
shall not apply to restrict the heipht of a church spire, tomer
or belfry, or p flappele, Tireless tomer, monument, cnimney,
water tank., elevator iullPbcat, stape toeT or scenery loit.
(If NotnIno in these roptulet.i.cns shall 5aply to
prevent tie erection stave the heiAht lititt of a -parapet
wAll or cornice j'Or ornatfant 'J.n -,tat,nout vihd:cess, extern-
irT stove such heiibt limit not. TOrC thion Pive (5) feet.
1 Pny portion of is 1- 1.1 -11V may roe erected to p
heiplt in ecess of the respective heiht limits ps h.erin ••
prescribed; provided. SjCh portion of such lusbbliya• is
set back. i'roM all street, alley and reasired yard lines,
one (I) foot for each three (3) feet of such additional
height if in an industrial or commercial district and
one (1) foot for each two ( ) feet of such additional
height if in. a residential district.
Ltd. 1.dtr. Area Rerulations. In ail usc distdictd for
buildings hereafter erected or altpred to accommodgte or make
provision for adoitiongl families the reruired lot arca nor
family housed shall be as follows:
3000 sppare feet for a one- ' oily dweillar.
3500 sPugare feet fur a. two-f;mily eswellin , with an ad-
ditionai 500 sruare feet repuired for each family added.
Provided, that in any district a single family dwellic
i may be erected. on any lot held in separate ownership st teas time
1 oi' too passsge of this ordinance. A lot, extending to a rear
alley, shall be deemed to extend to the center of such. alley
and a lot abutting upon two or more streets (a corner lot)
shall be deemed to eaten to the cents of the side street in
' computing its area. for the purpose of this section. or the
purpose of this section, the number ed. families which 5. boil-
ing is designed to accommodate MPil be eterminea. by the
number of separate aousekeeeins units in such ifilLding. A.
• suite of rooms without a kitchen el. facilities for. cookins
• meals shall not Le deemed a. nousekeeping unit roc the ehsrpose
• of this section.
I 2i4a Plats. All applicstions for UI. herdits
shall be accompanied by a plat in duplicsle drawn to scale,
snowinp the actual dimensions of the lot to le built urn,
the size ccl location of the existing buildings trait ruildinps
to be erected, and such other information sa may be necessary
to ptoviee for the enforcement of this orninance. t csTeful
record of such application and plats shall be kept in the
office of the building Inspector. No yaTd or other open space '
I providied albout any nuildint for the purpose of• compl-vins -Tith .•
I ,/'
the provisions o'r these regulations shall be use" es p, yalTd..
or open space fur anotner buiiniPi.
ST,C. -1-9, r. Interpretation and Application. In interpre-
ting and applyinfr the pro-visions of this ordinance they shall
be held to the minimum reanuiroment for the omotion of the
public health, safety, ord.or, convenience, prosperity arnd.
general welfare. it is not intended ty this ordina,-ce to
interfere with or abrogate or annul any cimement, covenants
or other agreements between parties; provided, however, that
where this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the
use of buildinf or premises or upon heiht of bunting, or
reauires larger open spaces then ame imposed or recuired by
other laws, ordinapn.ces or restrictions, the provisions of this
ordinance shall control.
8K. I4.. ,-. Violation and Penalty. Any person convicted.
of violating or refusing to comply with any 01• the provisions
of this ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not
exceeding Two Hundred Ninety-nine (1-299.00) Dollars, nr by
imprisonment in. the city jail for ,,, peYind of not longer than
six months, or by both such fine anu imprisonment. The court
may, in imposin4 the fine, enter as plot of the judFsment that,
in default of the payment of the fine, toe violator may be im-
prisoned in the city jail for a period not exceeding six months.
Each day a violation is permitted to exist so II constitute a
separate offense.
SEC. 1444*. Boundaries of Districts. WheMe uncertainty
exists with respect to the boundaries of' the -various districts
• hereby established and as shown on the maps made a part of
this ordinance the following rules shall apply:
(1) The district boundaries are either center lines
of streets or alleys, unless otd0rwiso Sh.OWil, Sri a where the
designation on the maps accompanying srid made c saTt ef
N, I this ordinance indicating the various districts are ap-
proximately bounded by street or alley lines, sdid center
, ..
lines of streets or alleys shall be construed to be the
boundary of such District.
(2) Where the District boundaries are not otherwise
indicated Sr . where the land has been, of may hererfter be,
divided into lots or blocks and lots, the district boundaries,
shall be construed to le lot lines, end where the designa-
tion on the maps accompanying and made a pert of this
ordinance indicating the various districts are annroximately
bounded_ by lot lines, the ne'erest lot line shall be con-
str#4. to be tie boundary of such h district.
) .Wh6Te. land has no been subdivided into lots or
bld '1s$,upd lotw; the district boundary l:neo on the maps
accdtnpanyin€ ail made a part o_ .this ordinaance shall be
detgrninmd ty L"ke use of the sc ales of measurenent shown
on 44ch maps
SEC. I27/ 5. Validity. Should any section, clause, or
provision of this ordinance be declared by the courts to be
invalid, the same shall no- affect the validity as the or-
dinance as a whole or any oast thereof, °the. than the part so
declared to be invalid.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be deposited in the
office of the City Recorder of Salt Sake City and be published
once in a newspaper published within the limits of Salt dare
City and shall €o into effect the thirtieth (30th) day after
its final passage or twenty (20) days after its publication or
whichever of said days is the most remote from the final pas-
sage of this ordinance.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of , A. D. 1940.
Mayor. —�
City Recorder.
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