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53 of 1941 - Amending Chapter XXVIII, licensing vending machines.
ROLL CALL 941 VOTING t 4 Salt Lake City, Utah, -1.94 Cio$gi,, - - V 1. move that the ordinance 6e passed. Keyser - - - ivmrsi,,ek- - Vr. 1 Mr.Chairman - - - d - A4 DINANCE Basalt - - - All ORDINANCI tIJSFNDINC CHARM?. XXVIII, nevi ed Ordinances of Halt Lake City, Utah, 19:A, relatin;- to licenser, by adding in and to said Chapter a new i'ection to be known as `;action CA.6. Fe it ordained. by the Loard of Coamrissi-oners of .Olt Lake C'.ity, Utah: SUCTION I. That Chanter XlVLII, i evi sed Ordinances of ,jolt Lake City, Utah, 10h4, relatin{ to licenses, be and the same is here- by amended by odcina' in and to said Chapter a new flectior- to be known as hection 646, which shall real Ls follows: SEC. 646. LICTNC!' TO O"-LEITH VPUDITIC, l',lACHINES. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vending- machine for the sale of foods, wares or merchandise, without first mak- ing application to the License r.ssessor and Collector of felt Lake City and receiving- a license therefor. P venuli-n( machine, as described in this ordinance, shall mean any device operated automatically or reech=n_c,L7y and. which will vend rnei.chandJ se Upon deoositint. therein a coin. The license fee renuired shall be as follows: For a vending machine operated be the deposit of one cent .50 per year, or any part thereof. t or a vendint machine operated by the deposit of five cents .00 ocr year, ©r any fart thereof. for e vending machine operated by the deposit of any sum over five cents or ba the deposit of coins of different C onoadnetions b10 00 ,ace year, or any part thereof. SUCTION 0. This ordinance shall be deposited in the office of the City iecord.er of Halt Lake City and shall be immediately pub- lished once in a newspaper published and. circulated generally within the corporate limits of Halt Lake City and shall become effective 5 I! ii :..:71,..'. 1 J'anuc,ry 1, .19 - '. '. (1,44 7.... .........r----- ....--.e..—.....—„._'-a 1 1 Pb.s eci I ,' the ';oaro of :.-:cy;r.ii.:"..,sfor.Ers of' !::'L it -ke City, IJ-L?:rh., thi, f„...'dLy of / '''• I•.-14da. ,.- • .' il 646...:-......„...ie ........._____,. „7,,... t,-yor.. . . P.") '') -, ",',,i i-' "".•.' .Z:., .:•.:, 7:::': 0 -• f4, ,.• -. f. if:.; . •., ).1 ..,,,,,,,,:e T ,.. , .. , . • " - ' . , X., ... , [f3 Vil4;::.- i..° :-.•,;•,1 ','- .'"4 :„.;•.„ ,,,. • ;- ,,,t,t, ,..... <,.., c-,. , 1f.a.nf III 31tthlitlIttnn 1taitrd tatro of Arneriru 1 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE I, M CONNOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER XXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Labe City, Ptah,'AMA, relating to Recast* by SO nd AO,said Chapter ar new''s � o 11 known being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of as Section 646. - SS Se it ar pi, } �r bm- m e it or in 101t,ti" h: SECTION 1, h e •yy.J�{j,V�III, THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake Revised 34,rein k.�' t� 11i City, Utah,I934,reY 144A14 14 ads ld*and ' OK same Is �Yyy�c{eig 44„s,lb.m add- g in andi40 a c:Ygoa mew Sec- tion to be a 411.60t. tpae,which City,State of Utah. AhI ORDINANCE shad 1 341, .. .. ''' 1 SEC: 646r. OPERATE- VENDING Ma.OHINES,It,shall be un- lawful'for any pe on operate a vending machine t ..to of goods, That the Notice waresrcha L without. first mig or to the License As- BILL #53 and Collector of,'p4lt .for.City and receiving a license'therefor. -- A vending machine,as described in .-this ordinance, shall mean any de- vice automatically o n anse and which'willvend mer- chandise' upon depositing therein n coin. The license fee required shall Ue,a follows: For a vending machine.operated by ' the deposit of one cent $24,0 per year,Clany part thereof. ' Far a vending machine operated by the deposit of five 111 of which a copy is hereto atta )ied,was first published in said news- ' $5.00 per year, o any part thereof. For a vending machine operated by they deprosit of any sum over oft. oft different the coins paper in its issue dated th 71" $10.00 per year,or any part thereof. SECTION 1,This ordinance shall be deposited 1n the office oI the City Re,:.a_dor of salt Lake City and shah day of 410 EMB ER , 19341 , be immedlftely publishccl once in a I wspaper published and circulated' ' er'ally within the corporate limits of alt Lake City and .shah became and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Iffectivc San nary 1, 1942. Passed by the Board of Commission- ire ff Salt Lake City, U November,A.D 1941.this fitly . lay o NOVILEER 7th for AB JENIIINS, Mayor, Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder, BIM,L(SEAL.) sa. 1 TIME Publ'shed November 4. PEI. thereafter,the full period of the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 7TII day of NOVJIiIIER ,A.D.193 41 Suscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of 1QQv, A. D. 19341 • Notary Public. Nov,25,1941 My commission expires Advertising fee$ PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM Kaki> Irirtjram County Entry No