53 of 1946 - Amending Section 6530 relating to Water Supply and Waterworks-allowance for parking ROLL CALL VOTING . AYE NAY A Vil qy a. 19/hG Salt Lake City, Utah,.. , 194 Affleck fr }' I move that the ordinance be pas Matheson . . . Romney Tedesco // .. AØ /l Mr.Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6530 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to water supply and water works. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 6530 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to water supply and water works, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 6530. ALLOWANCE iOR PARKING. An allowance may be made for each sprinkling season of 3000 cubic feet of water for every one hundred square yards of parking between property line and curb line on all metered premises, the same to be allowed only on the billing rendered by the Water Department of Salt Lake City, between July 14, to and including October 15 of each year for the water used on said premises during the three months immediately preceeding such billing, provided that said billing permits of such allowance over the minimum rate. No allowance will be made when the lawns or other cultivated vegetation in front of such premises are not pro- perly maintained." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its cY first publication. ill . .- • , -2- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Itah, thisaiiktaay ofd , A.D. 1946. 4-6-647- 4 ------- , , '-----) Mayor 2-7- -., , CH T ULFUTYCitY Recorder 1., . . '-:.-!, •• .... 4.,,: -4 .•`4- • : 4.:' 44, 4:t . ''f-- :4t,• , •-•J .. ' • I 1 'a? '•_•Yi' , . 53 • Presented to, and Granted by the Bond of Commissioners JUL i 94o CITY RECOPDER First Publication in 4U&-s-1946 6=,t4 6- Znv.iliconama Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 } ss County of Salt Lake qqN� ORDIPANCKe'AgRND ed ING' D Iri Ockey gantries t BSalt°Lake City U ah, 1944,relating to water'supply and •Water wnrxa. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- rn It uners of bSaltn6Lake City. tJommle1014 1 o D gkEcrrDN L That Section as3o of vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper the Revised Ordinances bt Salt Laity City, Utah, 1944, ulatinR 1 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State supply ter w rka he and°tee .name te,eereey emended to re.a tainw°: of Utah. SEC, 8639, ALLOWANCE FOR PARKING- An ri kl ne paeaso ht maa0 26r es eII sue' hte SOet.bf Water'foM ltA; •1'1 dr`a square 1;1tY.'"11 ° That the advertisement j'k De ween stared prem;eea the jm a RD pp tha blll- ame to be"red o W ater Depart- mrSal Lake W Ordinance Bill Ho 53 went Of Salt clod ngCity,between July , Sae ytafl 00 the afar y0r00 of each Year for the w..fie,°three e oe pramuee' amine. Art, Salt Lake City Corporation ykpi tha piimeded t t:said v- 55e411. Di stlio`a Ihat'al;do berilhnbe jteruiits of h ars,14,ce t earsnh] rate- Nu ane r`Bother, be made when tthery l�wna 11'Ont at har"ea see a enoi prop°dy h promisee are -mainta;ned: y�cxxol a..In 17 o leCes • was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the .bird of bmesav, na e. eafy .*0 is of Salt Lakern° ..'ot p�qq-geenor of fariiva medieuyvce nail day of A take- Wee, 4 Twits st°publira- ax :+°°t.np°° August 5, 10046 Passed by the»card of cnn i7 and was published loners of Salt Lake City.Otah, hie let day et'EARL-D-OLADt. -Mayor. "a o Re r er, ....the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the (SEALy CbiRe4 D DutY lY0�8r day of A.D. 19 $ILL t S u 0 ,r', / pubhahea August Oth.194a. // sl Advertising C7 rk� Ft-', Subscribed and sworn to before one this day of August A. D. 19--.46 Notary Public ,....)2a Proof of Publication OF Attorney