54 of 1907 - Ordinance 54 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Section 687, re: watermain extensions and issuance AN ORDINANCE .
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An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 6 and 7 of an
ordinance relating to water main extensions and the issuance of scrip
therefor, '
passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City July 8, 1907,
and approved by the Mayor July 9, 1907.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 6 and 7 of an ordinance relating to
watermain extensions and the issuance of scrip therefor, passed by
the City Council of Salt Lake City July 8, 1907, and approved by the
Mayor July 9, 1907, bet and the same hereby are amended and re-enacted
so as to read as follows:
IiI SECTION 6. After the deposit of the amount of the cost and
expense of making said extension, the City Treasurer shall issue
to the person, firm or corporation presenting said petition and
depositing the amount of the cost and expense of making such ex-
tension, water scrip in such amounts as shall be directed by or-
dinance or resolution of the City Council, to the amount of the
money so deposited with him, as follows:
Twenty-five per cent of the amount of ouch money deposited
on the first day of July in each year beginning On the first day
of July next following the deposit of s aid money as aforesaid.
Said water scrip shall be in the form of a certificate signed
by the City Treasurer, and shall show on its faoe the amount for
which the some is issued, the date of issuance, the person, firm
or corporation to whom the same is issued, and shall contain an
adequate description of the extension on account of :hich the
same is issued, and a statement that such script will be re-
ceived only in payment of water rates becoming due after the
date of issuance thereof.
SECTION 7. The ,,-rater scrip to be issued under the provi-
sions of this ordinance shall be assignable, but shall n6Y,,bear
interest, nor shall the same be received in payment of/anYline,
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'``toll, tax, fee, assessment or debt due Salt Lake City, except est
provided in this ordinance. The City Treasurer shall aeceive
it , said water script when presented by the owner thereof, only in
il payment of water rates becoming due after the issue thereof, for!
a4 ' wata .used upon premises in Salt;,14eAce City,_ k "�
I 5. 4TIQII 2,.- All o dcnanoest } parts of or4:x inces i cbnf4,trt
I herewith-are hereby reeled. t `.'th9 extent of h'co}. ipt:
,) '.S,STIg1C 3. This ordia'�-an '�shall"'take effect*pop i `approval
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