54 of 1909 - Ordinance 54 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting ordinance providing when special taxes shall be paid f AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting an ordinance providing when special taxes shall be payable, as to issuing warrants and scrip '.or special improvements, and as to interest on said taxes and warrants, passed by the • City Council of Salt Lake City May 27, 1907, and approved by the Mayor May 28, 1907, as amended and re-enacted by an ordinance passed by the City Council June 10, 1907, and approved by the Mayor June 11, 1907. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTIONT 1. That on ordinance amending and re-enacting an ordinance providing when special taxes shall be payable, as to issuing warrants and scrip for special improvements, and as to interest on said taxes and war- rants, passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City May 27, 1907, and ap- • proved by the Mayor May 28, 1907, as amended and re-enacted-by un ordinance passed by the City Council June 10, 1907, and approved by the Mayor June 11, 1907, be, and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as • follows: SECTION 1. The assessment of special taxes for improvement pur- - poses shall be made as follows: The total cost of the improvement, in- • eluding contract price, engineering, inspection, publishing nutiCOZ and making the levy, shall be levied at one time upon the property and be- come delinquent as follows: For paving, in E'en equal, yearly installments, with interest on the • whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the • time each installment is due, to-wit: Ore-tenth thereof one year after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax 1'or the payment for the improvement; one-tenth thereof in tso years after such approval; ono-tenth thereof in three years after such approval; one- tenthapproval; one-tenth thereof in each J after ., ,.. in Pour yea re thereof Y five years after sach approval; one-tenth thereof in six years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in seven yours after sash approval; one-tenth thereof in eight years after such approval; 0nn1-t nn. thereof in nine years after such approval; and one-tenth thereof in ten years after such approval. 54 !!! 2- For sidewalks, sewers, curbin> and guttering, in five equal yearly installments with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after the approval of the or% inance confirm ing the levy of the tax for the payment for such improvement; one-fifth thereof in two years after such approved one- =ifth thereof in three years after such approval; one-fifth thereof in four years after such approval; and one-fifth thereof in five years after such approval. One or mere of said inatalicnents in the order in which they are payable, or the •:-1 o1e special tax may be paid at any ti_ o within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax, without interest. In the event of any installment, or the inter- est aforesaid not being paid on the date the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are due, shall. become due ai,a payo.bie, end uhali draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until sale of the property assessed; provided, that one or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be paid. on the day any installment becomes due by paying the amoaht there- of and interest to said day. SLGTIOi'2. All special tax warrants shall be due and payable as follows: If issued on necoaat of paving. improvements, in tea equal yearly installments; if issued ou account of sidewalk, sower, or curb- ing and guttering improvements, in five equal yearly installments. Said warrants shall indicate the time when each in. tallennt is due, and provid: that interest at the rate of six per cent per annum on the whole sum unpaid shall be ace and payable at the time oac:i in:nt-.11ment is duo, and that in sase of failure to pay any i;i;tc.11ment ut inn time the satin: is parable, the unpaid principal due at said time shall draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per aucu:a, and that ono of more installments in -,) in ,rai.;:i L _.ro paJ i��l_e pus .d in rhol ':,vae- rant n.sJ :ate pull oL thu day ail; Lint al:.aaat 1,e.,.,,ita daa bj p-sylug tile 7-- -- . 4.* . - , -3- tio ei 4 v". * lit thereof and interest to date of payment. CTIOU 3. All contracts for improvements to he psid Ircm special 1 ifitx hell provide for tho issuing of special tax warrants, or scrip, 1 ..: --S° ;at th option of the contractor, but such option sholl be expressed in • «the co;'-tract; if scrip be requested, the same shall be issued in the manner required by low. ,.' C7eCa . The previsions of this ordinance shell not apply to any sp4 • pr elents th Shall, have been inst9 fled by notic f intention il .4 ;, li led pyr to t'e tay: tffec4 , ereof. ,.1 shallt ' 4pt , nace in ei. lane Efgect or cha- Glni co ract i. f',70y: in thikcifirp the ti.ifie . sh 1 .41,i effect; n '„, a i1 , 40'ordinenee, any 11.4erTa feet or chante, • 7: t fo _ r yovisions o rgiiirmil4r scrip la.VIpsn -:i4ucd or is to i.b / e .4,-r the prov isi4 ,o a: , , uch coti , i 1 ECI02,4. All ordita s and11pItrts of $r ,nonces., coreA provided ti in ' e4of this or ar.d. df , ; all nesolu no and parts crii resolutions 4 in co fl t ith this ordisu na e are hareby re Act to the ext ofsuch ,.; F i/ conflost X / ..,..f 34.14TION , . This ordinance shall taise 0T-fee4 10.y 1 , 1909_ . ' Passed by the City Council of Cult Lake Cily,Utoh, May 3rd, .90, and referred to the noyor for his aoval. ity P.ecora-e-ir--- Approved this ,----a,,T., of F,y 1')fig' Mayor • - . ''!:" el ag .1- • - . rat i::.,: .0. illtit • : , '• ',. ",..' : •r,''.., :- • , '', ' ' ' '• • ',...5* Et ' . t 1 . . , ..„,_ - • . ,- , , . C'r f)•-• , 4 I-• 2', -.' . . .: , .• . ' • '.. ' • ii ''. ' • • '• -• '• r • ' ,.-i J : • •'. ,-1.1:: ..;.'C"'-'••• .1 i . le- , • 51.,,,.',,,,....;.•I'_ °• • • :. ''-''1 ' , .\l ' 1 -e— f _6,it,,..s : .,,,_ g,.,,, _ , _ . .1_:. A ri•r, _, . .t.,,I• -rr •• • ... 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