54 of 1938 - Amending Section 1382, Revised Ordinance 1934, relating to speed. .i.. CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah,__December 22nd, 1938
Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser - - - - -
Matheson - -
Murdock - - - - _
Mr.Chairman - - - OR INANCE
N 0RDIN.iNCE AMENDING SECTION 1382, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake. City, Utah, lR34, as amended by Bill No. 20, an
ordinance passed by the Board of Comaissiuners of Salt Lake City on
August 8, 1934, and as further amended by Bill No. 26, an ordinance
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on Nay 1, 1935, and
as further amended by Bill No. 31, an ordinance passed by the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, July 16, 1936, relating to the
speed of vehicles in Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah.
SB,CTIUN 1. That Section 1382, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah,jas amended by Bill No. 20, an ordinance passed by
-the Board of Conunissioners of Salt Lake City on lx..gust 8, 1934, and
as further amended by Bill No. 26, an ordinance passed by the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Luke City on TES ey 1, 1935 and as further
amended by Bill No. 31, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City on July 16, 1936, rel-ating to the speed
of vehicles upon the streets in Salt Lake City, is hereby amended to
read an follows:
P�NAI NY. Subsection 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive
u vehicle upon any street in Salt Lake City at a speed greater than is
reasonable aid prudent, hav::np; due regard to the traffic, surface
and width of the biguway and the hazard at intersecti ms and any other
conditions existing.
Subsection 2. Nor shall any person drive at a speed which
i.s greater than will permit the driver to exercise prover control of
the vehicle and to decrease speed or to sto), as may be n:cesssy to
avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other conveyance upon or
entering the highar..y in compliance with legal re:.,uirement;; and with
'the duty of drivers and other persons using the street to exercise due
Subsection 3. Where no special hazard exists the following
speeds shall be lawful, but any speed in excess of that indicated
below for the particular district, location or condition shall be
prima facie evidence thll the speed is not reasonable or prudent, and
that it is unlawful:
Subsection 4. Twenty Miles Per Hour:
Upon meeting or overtaking any school bus Wnich has stopped
on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging any school
children, .rovided such school bus bears upon the front and rear there-
of a plainly visible sign containing the words "school bus" in letters
not less than 4 inches in heijit which can be removed or covered �vher_
'the vehicle is not in use as a school bus.
When passing a school building; or the grounds thereof during
school recess or while children are going_; to or leaving school during
opening or closing hours; provided, that drivers shall make a com-
plete stop before passing a school building or grounds at any of said
periods, where stop signs are posted, or when approaching within
100 feet of a grade crossing of a railwuy or street railway where the
driver's view of such crossing or of any traffic on such railway
within a distance of 400 feet in either direction is obstructed.
In any business district as defined in this chapter or upon
approaching within 50 feet and in traversirii an intersection of
higha:rays where the driver's view in either direction along any in-
tersection highways vdthin a distance of 200 feet is obstructed, except
that when traveling upon a through street or at traffic controlled
intersections the district speed shall apply.
Subsection 5. Twenty-five Miles Per Hour:
In any residence district as defined in this chapter or
at any railway grade crossing where the view is not obstructed; or
In. public parks within the city, unless a different speed
is indicated by .appropriate signs duly posted.
Subsection 6. Thirty Miles Per Hour:
On through highways or portiaas thereof hereinafter
designated where signs are erected giving notice of such speed.
The following streets and portions thereof are hereby
designated as through hijaways ard there shall be erected at the
entrances thereto from intersecting streets signs notifying
drivers of vehicles to stop before entering or crossing such designa-
ted streets; said signs shall be placed as nearly as practiyrIble :;nd
the stop shall be made at the place where such cross street meets -
the prolongation of the nearest property line of such through high-
way .and such stop signs shall bear the word "STOP" in letters of a
size to be clearly legible from a distance of at least 100 feet end
shall be so placed as to be illuminated by the headlights of an
approachingvehicle; and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any
vehicle to fail to stop in obedience to said signs:
Redwood Road from North Temple south to the city limits.
North Temple from Main Street west to city lit:--its. -
Peck Street from 9th North north to a point 500 ft.
north of the intersection of Victory Road with Beck Street.
2nd West from 9th North south to 9th South.
Main Street from Fayette Avenue south to city limits.
State Street from 9th South Street inuth to city limits.
Fifth East Street from South 'Ten leJto city limits.
9th fast Street from South Temple south to city limits.
llth ;salt Street from 9th South Street south to Hollywood
Highland Drive from Simpson Avenue south to city limits.
13th Lost Street from 9th South ',treat south to fist
South treat.
if' Street from South Temple to Ileventll :venue.
South '-femple ' treat from 2nd lest Street to virLifia
Pfld South Street from 2nd Past sfreet to 13th Last Street
9th South treet from 2nd lest : treat to 11th Past Ltrtst
17th Louth street from Test Temple east to 17th Past
Plot South *treat from West Temple east to 10th last Stre t.
Plot South Street from 1f1th fast treat east to city limit F.
111 :hways derienatec as STATE ROADS within the limits of
salt Lake Pity pursuant to Title 36, Chapter 6, devised Statutes of
Utah, 191313.
SECTION 2. Tn the opinion of the loard of Commisf,louers,
it is necessary to the peace, health and sofety of the inhabitants 1
of salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immeCiatelyi
SECTION 3, This orcinance shall take effect upon it first
Passed by the foareof Polsiooers of 1 pit Lalfe City,
Utah, this nklay of t.L244„.j.e. . . 1938.
Pity fecorder.
r 54
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Pia is aaird of Commis/kW
DEC'4;3 18
reit a TY
First Publication in
DEc-2.9 1958
Proof of lauhltration
lnite?iO3,1a1es of America
TION 1382, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City,Utah,1934,as amend-
ed by Bill No, 20, an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commission- n. .itattilt QUO
ers of Salt Lake City on August,
8,1934,and as further emended by
Bill No.06,an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City on May 1,1936,and as fur- being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
ther amended by Bill No.31,an or-
dinance passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City July
16,icles 1936,in La
relating to the speed of THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
veh Salt ke City.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTIOOrdinancesN 1. That Section 1382, City,State of Utah.
of Salt Lake
City,Utah,1934,as amended by Bill
No.20,an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake That the Noticiirl...ur...inance, zi 1' 54
City on August 8,1939,and as fur-
ther amended by Bill No,26,an or-
dinance passed by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City on oalt Le e vi .y, uorpor-tion.
May I,1935,and es further amended
by Bill Na.31,an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City on July 16,1936,re-
lating to the speed of vehicles upon
the streets in Salt Lake City,is here-
by amended to read as follows: '
WAYS. PENALTY. Subsection 1.It
shall be unlawful for any person to
drive a vehicle upon any street In ^
Salt Lake Ci a speed ater
than is reasonable and prudent,grehav- of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
lag due regard to the traffic, sur-
face and width of the highway and
the hazard at intersections and any 24th
other bsection condit12 ons existing p n paper in its issue dated the
su . Nor shallay erson
drive at a Weed which Is greater than
will•permit the driver to exercise
proper control of the vehicle and to e o embe •
decrease speed or to stop. as maY day of Ju , 1938
be necessary to avoid colliding with
any person, vehicle or other con-
veyance upon lianceor entering the high- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
way in comp with legal re-
quirements and with the duty of
drivers and other persons using the
street to exercise due care. ideoember 24th.
Subsection 3. Where no special for
hazard exists the following speeds
shall be lawful, but any speed in
excess of that Indicated below for
the particular district, location or i ti
condition shall be prima facie evi- thereafter,the full period of cannser on
dence that the speed is not reason-
atoll or prudent,and that It is on-
- lawful:
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the 24th day of
Aje(-ember ,A.D.193 8
Suscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of
mecembe •
, A. D. 193 8
Notary Public.
My commission expires ›''t-rj-7--1-7.5./
Advertising fee$
'ibsection 4. Twenty Miles Per
lionmeeting or overtaking any
=obool bus which has stopped o
ose of re-
ceiving hworaydischarging for the zany school
--bears rupon the front and d reah r there-
ofol theewords,schooll bus"in letty visible sign ers
less than 4 Inches 1n height which
can be removed or covered When,
the vehicle is not In use as a school;,
When passing a school building or
the grounds thereof during school
eo while children aregoing
tor leaving school during opening
or Oaring hours;provided,that driv-
ers make a complete stop be-
ormpssing a school budding or,
y of said periods,where 1
stop signs a
proaching within 100 feet of
crossing of a railway or street grail-
way where the driver's view of such
crossing or of any c on such
railway within a distance
stance of 400 feet
in either direction is obstructed. •
In any bnsinese district as defined
In this chapter or
upon approach-
ing within 50 feet and in traversing
an intersection of highways where
the driver's view in either direction
along any intersection highways
within a distance of 200 feet is ob-
structed,except that when traveling
upon a through street or at traffic
Controlled intersections the district
speed shall apply.
Subsection 5. Twenty-five Mlles
Per Hour:
In any residence district as de-
fined in this chapter or at any rail-
way grade crossing where the view
Is not obstructed;or
In public parks within the city,
unless a different speed is indicated
by appropriate signs duly posted.
Subsection 6. Thirty Miles Per
On through highways or portions
thereof hereinafter designated where
signs are erected giving notice of
ch speed.
The following streets and portions
thereof are hereby designated
through highways and there shall
be erected at the entrances thereto
from intersecting streets signs noti-
fying drives of vehicles to stop
before entering br crossing such des-
ignated streets; said signs shall be
placed as nearly as practicable and
the stop shall be made at the place
where such cross
street meets toe
prolongation of the nearest prop-
erty line of such through highway
and such stop signs shall bear the
word "STOP" in letters of a size
to be clearly legible from a distance
oI at least 100 feet and shall be so
placed as to be Illuminated by the
headlights of an approaching ve-
hicle; and it shall be unlawful for
the driver of any vehicle to fail to
stop,in obedience to said signs:
Redwood Road from North Temple
south to the city limits.
North Temple from Main street
West to the city limits.
Beek street from Ninth North
north toe point 500 ft.north of the
Intersection of Victory Road with
Beck street.
Second West from Ninth North
south to Ninth South.
Main street from Fayette avenue
south to city limits,
State street from Ninth South
street south to city limits.
Fifth East street from South Tem-
ple south to Ninth East street from South Tem-
ple south to city Omits.
Eleventh East street from Ninth
South street south to Hollywood
Highland Drive from Simpson ave-
nue south to city limits.
Thirteenth East street from Ninth
South street south to Twenty-fist
South street.
E street from South Temple to
Eleventh avenue.
South Temple street from Second
East street to Virginia street.
Second South street from Second
East street to Thitteenth East street.
Ninth South street from Second
West street to Eleventh East street.
Seventeenth South street Irom
West Temple east to Seventeenth
East street.
Twenty-first South street from
West Temple east to Tenth East
Twenty-first South street from
Twelfth East street east to city
Highways designated as STATE
ROADS within the limits of Salt
Lake City pursuant to Title 36,
Chapter 6,Revised Statutes of Utah.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners,it is neces-
sary to the peace,health and safety
of the inhabitant. of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance shall take
effect Immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,tits
23rd day of December.A.,D.1938.
City Recorder.
BILL NO. 54.
Published December 24th,1938,
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