54 of 1956 - Ordinance 54 of 1956, Amending Schedule 13-b in Section 180 of Traffic Code, relating to hazardous c LALL Salt Lake City,Utah, ,h 11 3p...1.95 .....................195.........
1 move that the ordinance he passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen . . . n ti
lefrsse3fsx • •
Romney . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULE 13-b, referred to in Section 180
of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to Hazardous Cargo Routes.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ciity, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Schedule 13-b, referred to in Section 180 of the
Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to hazardous cargo routes, oe, and
the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
1!N,orth Temple Street from the City Limits. on.the west tb Second
Vest Street.-
"Redwood Road from the City Limits on the north to the City Limits
on the South.
"Eighth West from North Temple to 9th North then via State
ssonnecting route (Freeway) to U.S. 91 at Beck's Hot SPrings.
"Beck Street from the City Limits on the north to Second West
Street, thence along Second West to the City Limits oft the
fr' "Third West from the Utah Oil Refining Co. on Ninth Northlto
North Temple Street.
"Vehicles from the east may not enter the City until they reach
Twenty-first South and Second West Streets."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of SaltLake
City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah] this
4 day of August, 1956.
��� -IMIRyor�;, _ �-
Cit order '�
( SEAL )
BILL NO. 54 of 1956
Published August 3, 1956
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake e
18u of r,k:ll.h,referred w In aetra� D M Ockey
I11 of eh T.Atha Cale rd Salt Lakc
''Route, H, tlou
Titrat I nrd n. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver-
ml f f 9,,it, Utah,
ae`rrd to in NN Se Lion 180 oilthelTraffii-• tising cleric of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news-
Cetaf or Salt Lake Cty, eclat:ng to
ha-cardona cargoe
antes, be. and th
iono�hereby in, amended to read a paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the
North Temple Street from the laity 9�
Limits on the west to Second West
Street. State of Utah.
Redwood Rnad from the City!Anita
on the north to the City Limits on the I
h`then from 3tatah Temolei too
¢(Freeway)the,yvta St.el connecting
That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
route"BeSprek hereto
'Rhek Street Coin City t Street,
the north toSecond Second
West Street,
Limits on the
SSno t'went to me city•
Notice of Salt Lake City Bill No,
Limits"Third n th t Hen h. 5b of 1956.
ine Co. on Ninth
Ninfroth thNorthl'of Norith
Teinn:e Street.
-Vehthe Cit from the east a not ' An Ordinance amending schedule 13—b, referred to
t¢r the city'add they achy Twenty-
first South and Second West Streethe
SECT'ION the o itton of the
Board o1Commissioners it is
Ito the meet,health and drew tof;he in Sec 180 of Traffic Code, relating to hazardous
mhuuievrts i Salt Lake City that this
ordinance shall become effective im-
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take cargo routes.
effect boon '5 first ubllcaon.
Passed by the Board of Commission-
dao_Salt Lake City,Utah,this 1st
y of August.1955.
'Adiel E'.Stewart
Herman J. Hosensen
City Recorder
FALL No. 'I. of 19ot was published in said newspaper on
•I`nhtlshed August 3.1956 ,H-S)
August 3, 1956.
Advertising Cleric
Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... 3rd day of
Augpst A.D.19.._56
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25 1957