54 of 1973 - Amending Sections 31-11-4, 31-11-5, 31-11-16, 31-11-18, 31-11-19, 31-11-26, 31-11-27, 31-11-28, 31-1 tiULL GALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 12 19_73 Mr.Chairman I move that the Ordinance be passed. Barker Harmsen Harrison E" ' d °` Phillips Result // AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 31-11-4, 31-11-5, 31-11-16, 31-11-18, 31-11-19, 31-11-26, 31-11-27, 31-11-28, 31-11-32, 31-11-33 and 31-11-34, �) sJ and repealing Sections 31-11-6, 31-11-7 and 31-11-8 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to licensing and examination of operating engineers and firemen. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 31-11-4, 31-11-5, 31-11-16, 31-11-18, 31-11-19, 31-11-26, 31-11-27, 31-11-28, 31-11-32 and 31-11-33 and 31-11-34, be, and the same hereby are amended to read as follows: Sec. 31-11-4. Issuance of licenses. It shall be the duty of the chief inspector of the Power and Heating Division to examine all applicants for licensing as engineers or firemen as to their fitness and qualification in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and to issue licenses pursuant thereto. Sec. 31-11-5. Application for examination. All persons desiring to be licensed to perform the duties of engineer and/or firemen of stationary or portable boilers shall make application to the Power and Heating Division to be furnished by said Power and Heating Division after payment of the fees as hereinafter provided. Sec. 31-11-16. Examination on established qualifications. If said applicant's qualifications are found to meet the require- ments of this chapter, said applicant shall then be examined as to his fitness as an engineer or fireman of a stationary or portable steam boiler or hot water boiler of one of the classes hereinafter provided for. Sec. 31-11-18. License granted upon passage of examination. If said applicant after examination by the chief inspector of the Power and Heating Division is found to have the requisite knowledge of power and/or heating equipment and experience to safely operate same and minimize fire, explosion, asphyxiation hazards and smoke nuisance, he shall be granted the appropriate license. Sec. 31-11-19. License certificate. Each person who has suc- cessfully passed the required examination shall be issued a license certificate of the proper grade. Sec. 31-11-26. Exception for emergency operation. In all cases of temporary disability from accident, sickness or other cause, an engineer with a lower grade of license, or without a license may operate boilers and machinery of an engineer of a higher grade, having charge of the plant, for a period not to exceed thirty days, provided that the employer of the engineer so disabled shall notify the chief inspector of the Power and Heating Division as soon as possible after the occurrence of such disability and submits an application for a temporary permit, the granting of which shall permit the temporary change in personnel for such operation. -2- Sec. 31-11-27. Enforcement of chapter duty of chief inspector, It shall be the duty of the chief inspector of the Power and Heating Division to see that each steam boiler plant and each hot water boiler plant shall have a person in charge at all times who is in possession of a proper and valid license as provided by this chapter when said boiler plant is working under pressure. Sec. 31-11-28. Duty of licensee. Each person licensed under this chapter shall devote his entire time during his working hours while the boilers are working under pressure, to the duties of the plant under his charge including maintenance and care of such equipment and appliances that normally come under the jurisdiction of such engineers and firemen, and such person shall display his license certificate in a conspicuous place in the boiler room. Sec. 31-11-32. Suspension, revocation and reinstatement of license. The chief inspector of the power and heating division shall have the power to suspend or revoke the license of an engineer or fireman for permitting water to get too low in the boiler; for carrying a higher pressure of steam than that allowed; for allowing or permitting a fire hazard to exist in any boiler room after being duly notified by authorities having jurisdiction over such hazard; for persistent violation of the air pollution control code; for an unnecessary absence from his post of duty; for the excessive use of intoxicating liquors or other neglect or incapacity; provided, however, that no license shall be suspended or revoked without first giving an accused person an opportunity to be heard in his own defense. When a license of an engineer or fireman shall be revoked, no license shall be issued to the same person until thirty days after said revocation, for the second revocation no license shall be issued to such person for ninety days thereafter, and for any subsequent revocation, his license shall be permanently revoked. Sec. 31-11-33. Appeal to board of commissioners. Any licensee or applicant for a license who has had such license denied, suspended or revoked may appeal in writing to the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City for review of such denial, suspension or revocation within ten days following the effective date of such denial, suspension or revocation. The board of commissioners shall schedule a hearing thereon and its decision concerning the matter shall be final. Sec. 31-11-34. Exception to chapter for private dwellings and interstate commerce. This chapter shall not apply to any operator of boilers or plants coming under the jurisdiction of the inter- state commerce commission. Neither shall this chapter apply to the attendants of hot water or steam boilers used for heating private dwellings, nor to the steam or hot water boilers where the rating is less than ten horsepower, and the working pressures do not exceed fifteen pounds. SECTION 2. That Sections 31-11-6, 31-11-7 and 31-11-8 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to examination of operating engineers and firemen, be, and the same hereby are, repealed. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of June , 1973. (SEAL) BILL NO. S4 of 1973 Published-June 20, 1973 MAYOR ADM•it1A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jr ss. County of Salt Lake • AN ORDINANCE • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 3141-4, 3111-5, 31,11-16. 131,11.18,31•11-19,31-11-26,311127.31-11-2B,31.1132,.31.1133 and 37.11-34, and repealing Sections 31-11.6,31;11.l and 31.II.6 of the Revised Ordl. notices OI.Solt Lake City,Utah,1965,os ornended,relating to licensing and: ina) of ocieratng engineers dfi n. B n ordained by,the B q of gam units of Salt Lake Cdy, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- uto. sLCT(oN I.Thor Sections 31.114, 1 II s,31-11-16,31 nd8,3111.1e. tisi,ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) 3}I1 26/,31.11 21 31 11-28,31 11 32 d 31 11 33 and 3141.32 be,ontl the b Se .hereby amended to d taws: newspaper printed in the English language with general cir. Set.31-124.I al nc n It shalt be.the duty f to chief P i language Inspector-qt.theP d Nestling Divisiont mina d ppl Is culation in Utah, andpublished in Salt Take City, Salt Lake f0 licensing s engineers Irbthen as r theirfitness cl guanaco. y a flan In,accordoncewith the reals2.ements of this<hooter and to Issue County,in the State of Utah. licensetpursuantthereto. S e31,115 Application for examinotIon.All persons desiring to be l'Icemed to perform the dun Ot engineer and/orfiremen t stationary or pall ale boilers ,p„make d na ttoPower d-Heating.Di That the legal notice of which a copy is ctioehed hereto ,om In be furbished by sold Power, d Heating Divis II pay g @fl of thefees hereinafter provided. -.: Sec.31.11 I6 Exoininption on established a Ilfl 11 If d II re fob d l t m o An Ordinance relating to licensingand examination. eokt aPe,IegnYflrou..then.be a amined.:as to rect.-omen's fitness of a [hooter, — g or fireman of p etatignory portable steam boiler or hot ter.boiler t0 f the"elq's0'herelnofl prOvidedfor S 3I-1118.1as as`grq 1 d p age of exoml t if send of o eratin engineers and fireman. Bill No. cc��4 of Ppdaant,c,t goslutlon byfne hot sinspeclor of Ih'.P Er ontl-- -� � a N g ea f Od 1 'I d.I h safely k owned d 1 o nd minimd Ie flrle0 ebv,otl t andxlall Once to hozord ll Smoke nuisance,d e,ahe, 1g7.:a•1S p,l b granted the pp pgte license. Sec.31-1149 Licensee tlf!cote.Each person ho hos successfully; ssed thrre!rekl Ired examination shall be Issued a license certlficate of H 6ecz"31g1126 E<eption for emergency operation. In all cases of temporary dsablity faccident, k or other cause,an engineer withlow$g grade fell en without license may operate bo,grs and.mgehlnerY Of an engineer of u higher grade,IloVng charge of the pl t for: p ricl not t0 xaeed thirty days provided that the ployer 0to engineer 0 disabled shall notify the chef Inspector of the Povi_'er and:Heating:Division os soon possible after the occur. rence of such'tl billy.and submits n application for temporary Permit,the granting f which sholl permit the temper°,change In per.Was published in said newspaper on • sonnet IOr such operation. Sec.31 11 21 Enforcement f chapter-duty of chief inspector.It shall. be the duty I Ihp, lief Inspector f,the Power and Heating D I on to. see have a t personeach' 215 hboiler it r pi r a egch hot water boil 1 shot, June 20, 1973 d ge-ar all Ilmes who s In possession s n of q oroper lid valid license asprovided by this chapter when said boiler Mont Is Working d preisure. Sec. 3I 11 28 Duty f licensee.,Eoch person licensed' under h pt! hall tl C i s 1 t d e h k this; hour's While the,_---'-" "—''---'— In lers i dl 9 mot 4working Oneer pressure, maintenance d ar,h'such dutiesthe pi.,Vtidei his h f equipment a d g alto d ces the normally Illlfl ender the Isdl f f h n , f d h d shot,tl la his license ccrllfcpf 1 co p Place theboiler Legal Adver ising Cler•�S 31-11 32 Suspension, revocation and reinstatement of license.' The.chef inspector Of the a „and heating d vlSIOn shall h the p , d revoke the license f an engineer or R dm n for permitting water to get too low Tn the boler, for carrying p higher of steamthan that allowed,for allowing o permitting p Itre hazardpressure to eNts{in any boiler room offer being duty notified by coehord ties having juriedlctron peer such hazard;for persistent violation Of the dupollution control code;for n unnecessaryabsence fros post of ty,for the excessive use of intoxicating! m moners or other neglect 0r this. 20th day of achy;provided,however,that o license shall be suspended o me s yoked without Itrkt giving a person pertunrty to be heard n has own defense.When a license of en englne r or fireman shall be yoked,.no license shall be Issued to the some pe n until thirty d l)ays A. T() �]z second -after said revocation, for the s on❑ revocation rno license shall be s 11[l 1 issued to Such n far ninety days thereafter,and ter any subse. coven,revocation,his license shall be permanently revoked. Sec.3111-33 Appeal to board of commissioners.Any lie e- pl f license h d I , denied,suspended yoked L k C f f n d o o I writing f theb tl t a f Solt enial,suspension or I ten days following the effective elate oi such denial, revoco t ci ti d i shall schedule h thereon and • '-'Y�^a..e;. &,}--v,�„-•.� t d at shall r f Notary Public S 311134 E t chapter i emote dwellings roperatora t r5rstole fits co a This der t et i shall fin apt to any lecm r corn- mission.plums either haler the after pp of the a aft igle tS net earNeither shall for heating apply to the gs,enor nis of hot or r.steam boilers used for heating private dwellings,nor to we steam o hot corer boners where exceed raffng in less s. ten Horsepower,and iM1e working pressures do not exceed fifteen v31 11.7 SECTION 2.That Sections 31Utah, 1965,1 and 3111-6 of mi Revised Ordinances of Self Lake fCity,iremen, Utah, land relating sa ,o ereby nation of peeliding engineers and Ilremea, he,and the same M1rebY a giea. am re, re. SECTION 3. In the opinion 0the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake CO,,it is lie essaryto tine peace,health and welfare of the intl.- dents of Salt Lake Clty that this ordinance become effective rminellete- Iv.SECTION 4.This ordinance shall fake effect Leon Its first puber.-- lion. Passed by the Board Of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,Ibis 12th toy of June,1973. E.J.GARN HERMAN J.HOGE NSEN Mayor City Recorder (SEAL BILL NO,53 of 1973 bltshed—June 20,1913 to-41