54 of 1976 - Amending section 49-6-52 establishing minimum charges of culinary water based on meter size. HULL GALL
April 14 76
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19
Mr.Chairman .. .
-, I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Hogensen k444
Phillips V ek'
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 49-6-52 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to minimum charge of culinary
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 49-6-52 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to minimum charge of culinary
water, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 49-6-52. Minimum charge. The minimum charge, for the
first 1,000 cubic feet of water used each month through each
service connection shall be based on meter size used, as
Inside of Inside of Outside of Outside of
Size of City City City City
Connection Monthly Bi-Monthly Monthly Bi-Monthly
3/4" & 1" $ 3.50 $ 7.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00
11/2" $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 14.30 $ 28.60
2" $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 21.50 $ 43.00
3" $ 30.00 $ 60.00 $ 43.00 $ 86.00
4" $ 50.00 $100.00 $ 71.50 $143.00
6" $100.00 $200.00 $143.00 $286.00
8" $150.00 $300.00 $214.50 $429.00
10" $200.00 $400.00 $286.00 $572.00
The minimum charge for meters larger than 10" shall be based
proportionately on meter capacity as determined by the superin-
tendent of waterworks.
After the first 1,000 cubic feet of water is used each month,
charges for additional water shall be controlled by Sec. 49-6-51
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, It is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
immediately upon first publication; however, customers presently billed
monthly shall not be billed at the new rate until thirty days after
said publication, and customers presently billed quarterly shall not
be billed at the new rate until sixty days after said publication
and billings shall be bi-monthly thereafter.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 14th day of April, 1976.
BILL NO, 54 of 1976
Published - April 20, 1976
5 p
• Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
N ORUINANCL AMENDING 11 A.5--52 of the Kevi,ed Shane D. Palmer
Ordinances o.Sul!rake City.Uta 1 1965, unhd ro minimum- ---
B al it Ordained be theBoard Of COMOIIssloders Of Salt Lake
SLCL ON i.Thal50etloh.AL 52 ftheK Revised dlnatxcs of '
Sal L k cl,Ut n 1965, relate t im °harms w `• Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
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Snc 9 d� rA1n ttdro9 The h qa for
service I t based
w rend m t bn h newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
S✓'i b eon I sod follows:
sl IO lnsIdeof 0 Idoof OOLdeef culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
aF„...,,, .ley ' end ar�y ary eonneehoo ih rhly Bi-MOINMy MonMly BI-Mmthly County, in the State of Utah.
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Tee mm;lnent char,e for meter,lather•htan 10• shah be Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
t,ase.1seeer onowortionately ticnt of waferolio meter c'u4xity as deterrt,im.:d by the
:after the first i„coo c lnc Irel o1 wafer is used each month,
eharwe,br,ddiriohar voter shall be,enirolied by Stc.d9.as1 tf minimum charge of culinary water
ery I
1f StyTION 2.In the p of♦the 0 d Commissioner,f of A
ueitunts of Saltily,it is l at:u'City°that this ordinance�n0e enocnve ladle idtoly upon fl rsl nublicorloh; owever,custom-
s ner,ently billed monthly.shull not lac billed at the new rate ------ ---
^nl thirty or,after said nubllcatlon,and cyst
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aftcvdsaid eutleafion and be
ines shall Na bim�onnthlyltheroatfyr. r
Passed 1 he[hoard of Commissioners.oh.5alt Lake City, 1,i -
-Utah,thiis lel\n duo of AoOf,)%d.
\'5'+� TED L.tYILSON
r t ILDRC D Sr.H IGHAM Mavur
City Recorder — -- -'
lit LI..NO.Sd of 19/4
Pnbli,naa April 20.ro/a ;n,ot April 20, 1976
was published i.n said newspaper on
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of
April A,D. 19 76.
-I ;/ .-/ y
Notary Public
My Commission Expires