54 of 1980 - Amending section 25-4-3, replacing bill no 49 of 1980, establishing salary increases for Professiona ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Salt Lake City Council Rill No. 49 of
1980, relating to salary increases for City employees classified
as Professionals and Paraprofessionals.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Bill No. 49 of 1980, be amended to read as
"SECTION 1. That Salary Schedule Group III as contained
in the 'Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake
City Corporation Employees' adopted by Bill No. 183 of 1978,
relating to position titles, classifications and salaries
for professional and paraprofessional City employees, be,
and the same hereby is, amended as follows:
Pay Class Title Salary Range
302 S1,099.00 - $1,481.00
Administrative Secretary
Administrative Secretary I
Administrative Secretary II
Legal Secretary
Special Assessments Administrator
303 $1,118.00 - 1,512.00
Cross Connection Control
Sr. Court Clerk
304 $1,138.00 - $1,544.00
Senior Legal Secretary
Parks Maintenance Coordinator
Housing Rehabilitation Counselor
Financial Counselor
Court Coordinator
Court Information Officer
305 $1,168.00 - $1,575.00
Executive Secretary
Group Manager
Crew Supervisor III
Defendant Resource Person
Recreation Facilities Supervisor
Sr. Building Equipment Operator
Traffic Signal Technician II
306 $1,194.00 - $1,614.00
Sr.. Zoning Officer
307 $1,219.00 - $1,652.00
Customer Service and Water
Meter Supervisor
Sewer Service Charge
Jr. Planner
�r z
315 $1,568.00 - $2,122.00
Assistant Director - Civil/
Criminal Division
Assistant Director - Housing
Assistant Director - Traffic
Violations Bureau
City Planner I
Landscape Architect
Programmer Analyst
Traffic Signal Supervisor
Courts Administrator
316 $1,626.00 - $2,198.00
Project Manager/Enforcement
Property Administrator
Senior Legislative Analyst
Watershed Patrol Supervisor
317 $1,689.00 - $2,287.00
Civil Engineer I
Electrical Engineer
Engineering Technician IV
Financial Information and
Reporting Officer
Senior Personnel Analyst
320 $1,911.00 - $2,585.00
E.E.O. Compliance Manager
Occupational Safety and Health
321 $2,000.00 - 2,706.00
City Planner II
322 $2,097.00 - $2,834.00
Civil Engineer II
Maintenance Engineer
326 82,563.00 - $3,462.00
Sr. Attorney II
SECTION 2. That the salaries of individuals employed
within the foregoing classifications as of May 20, 1980, be
amended to provide an approximate 11% increase in said
salaries not to exceed a total annual cost of $554,000,
during fiscal year 1980-81; provided, however, that the
Mayor may approve variations in individual salary increases
to 1) place an individual employee's salary in an
established step in an assigned classification; 2) ensure
equal pay for employees performing similar job functions
under similar circumstances; or 3) permit compensation
commensorate with job duties and responsibilities.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt
Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and
welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
publication or upon publication of notice of adoption,
whichever occurs first, and shall be retroactive in effect
to April 1, 1980."
SECTION 2. All provisions of Bill No. 49 of 1980, not
specifically amended herein, shall remain in full force and
effect as adopted.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 20_th day of May , 1980.
Transmitted to Mayor on;May 20, 1980
Mayor's Action:
BILL NO. 54 of 1980
Published May 28, 1980
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Shang D. Conaty
VELA that
y,Utah,h.`nCounciloof City,
Salt lake y, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
adopteden prdlnance summa-
ri=ndaslolmyis�- advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
ern No,qp of 7, (as amend-
dteof d1e.54ofMay (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the ngIish
fate of Adoption:May B,1980
(amendM.May 20,19801 language with general circulation in Utah, and
EHoctiye Dale, As of this
etierttle petroaative In published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
!Summary of State of Utah.
ry f Provisions
Revised Ordinances4 0 1 t Salt
Lake City.Utah 19.55,by rede-
,gngi'. tal;19 s�hedgie That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
croup V^ o lainnd g
ranges pertaining to s Level
s for ExecutiveCty Level
rating certain
of the City, lassi
iaaiion levels,e%diestablisri- Pub notice of ordinance adoption
ing vositldns within and sala-
and/or salary r s for
tacn. malning level og
ine Also amends the Wage
and Salary Administration
rogram tar Salt Lake City
Corporation Employees,I
dopted 'n Section 15-4-0 a/
Cit to
hey,above ances,d totprovjdercnst-
nl-living and other salary
for officers and
employeeswithin said classifi-
caDATE❑thj8,20 day of Moe,
D-19 Salt Lake City Recorder
was published in said newspaper on May 22, 1980
(C- j (
Legal Advertising CI rk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29.th day of
May A.D.1980
!„ 7 .7
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb. 11, 1982
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Salt-Lake City Council Bill
No.49 of 1980,relating to salary Increases for.4ito employees
classified as Professionals and ParapprolesslonalS.
Be it ordained by the City CounC11 of Seh Lake City,Utah,
SECTION 1.That Bill No.49 of 1980,be aM'ended to read
asfepews: Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal
sE„nw eI.a a su Salary
Schedrie Groupion III g s contained
gained P Y g
Lake City Corporation Employees'adopted by BIII No.183 advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
0l1918,relating td;Aasitlon titles, assllicallons and sale-
(except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
ries for professions;and paragpfessionai.Clty employees,
be,and the same heYebv Is,amended as follows:
PROFESSIONAS„AND PARA-PROFESSIONAL language with general circulation in Utah, and
Pay Class Title . - salary Range published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
302 Administrative secretary ,;1.099.0036. keC State of Utah.
AdministratlVe Secretary) .
Administrative Secretary 11
Legal Secretary
Special Assessments Administrator 51,16.a5;.5,2.o That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
303 Cress Connedlion Control:
• CooQRE{{11lnator
Sr.WI Clerk $1,139.00-51,5ae.00
30a Senior Legal Secretary Pubnotice to amend an ordinance relating to
Parks Inranance coordinator
inr tg l Coun elatlan Counselor
Court Co�Counselor Bill 49 of 1980
Courtclnformation Officer E1,169.00 S1,595.00
G,020 Manaeger tart/
Cr0WpSunervisor Ill 1'.'
Re'dl1dent Resources St)den
ReA ati°n Facilitiesnt Operator
Sr.Building Equipment Ope
lVlralfic Signal Technician I I EI 19,1 00 81,614.00
306 Sr.zoning officer i'.
302 _ S1i219.00-51,652.00
Custorrier Servicee and Water
Seweras ryic`Charge
.hAPmlrntstraior _ June 3, 1980
ee 51,251.gOs1,695.00 was published in said newspaper on
,Bever II -
Machine Records Coordinator,
309 Records Bureau Supervisor a1 200 00.E1,]d6,W
DirectoFFederalr of Project Conf t Compliance ` 4/v-�l v /�\-,.r`(` .) ."` �.��V J`�
FIGS/FDP Control Sopervisar Legal Advertising Cl rk
Impound Lot Supervisor --
Office Coordinator11
Research Analyst/Assistant
Wave Pool Manager/Recreation
Real Estate Acquisition Officer l lth
Supervising Forester Ire me this day of
Computer Programmer 51,328.00-EI,199.00
Legislative Analyst r
19 ao
gp A.D.S1,365.0031,848.00
Assistand Operations Manager
Budget Analyst
Management Information Specialist
Relocation Director
312 $1.aE1.00.51.OM 00 7
PnilL.ime Director
Assistant Chief Accountant L__ ,
Chief Deputy City Recorder �/ "-"
Coordinator.FederulProiects • \ '� ''-'•'"-1 �� 1-F-a....a,...r:..
Deputy Licenselessor Notary Public
irrigation Supervisor 11 Civil Engineer
arking Enforcemen!Supervisor Maintenance Engineer
Parking Meter Collection Supervisor 326 52563.00-E3,a62.00
Property and Lighting Representative Sr Attorney II
Electronics Instrument Specialist WECTION 2. Thai the salaries of Indivltluals pincoo
313 S1,e62.00.51,970.00 er the Dor o0ing classi rcn0ol ns a of Mav 20e 19N,be
Accounting Supervisor
soloeriestl t de n apnronl pate I1%I c In said
of to e.ceeil a total cos of SSSd,0p0,dur
Senior Radio Technician no fiscal year 1980-8H Provided,however,that the Mayor
Supervising Building Official pro variations In individual salary increasesto
Supervising Housing Official 51 pla^eeanvindividual employee's salary In an establised
Traffic Computer Operations assigned classfflcati0n;2)ensure equal pay for
Specialist step
erforming similar lob functions under similar
Video Technician cecWilt, n es; 3)responsibilities.
it compensation c
31A Airport Administrative $1.1512.00-52.Oa6-00 ,. SECTIOON 3I dories
natne opinion ofCouncil of Salt Lake
Services Officer City,Utah.'t is necessary to the peace,health and welfare
Airport Operations Supervisor of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City lhaf this Ordinance
Crew Supervisor IV became el/active immetliately
Executive Director-Council of SECTION .This ordinance shall take effect upon its pub-
he Arts lication or upon publication of notice of adoption,whichev.
Finance Office Manager r c rs first,and shall be retroactive In effect to April 1,
Housing Rehabilitation Supervisor I980."u
Operational Budget Administrator SECTION 2.All provisions of Bill No.a9 Pf 1980,not speci/-
Personnel Analyst it ically amended herein,shall remain in full farce and effect as
fic en nce Supervisorns r Passed by the Cify Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
Crime Analyst
20'h day of May,1960.
315 E1.568.0042,122,00 RONALD J.WHITEHEAD
Assistant Director.Civll/
Criminal Division ATTEST: CHAIRMAN
Assistant tlon Director-Housing
Assistant Director-Traffic CITY RECORDER
City Planner Transmlt!etl to Haver on May 20,1980
Landscape Architect Mavo's Action:
Programmer Analyst TEDL.WILSON
CounTrafftc Signal s Administrator ATTEST:ATTEST: MAYOR
316 51,616.00-E2.198_00
Proiect Manager/Enforc0nlent
Property Administrator (SEAL)
Senior Legislative Anaylst BILL NO.Ss of 1960
Watershed Patrol Supervisor Published May 28.1980 D-22
312 S1,689.00 52,287.03 Republished Jvne 3,1990
Civil Engineer 1 -- 38833
Electrical Engineer
Engineering Technician IV
Financial Information and
Hvdrologtlng ist Officer
Senior Personnel Analyst
320 51,911.0U-52,585.00
E.E.O.Compliance Manager
Occupa!innal Safety and Health
net 52,000-00.S2,not/ae
City Plannerll _
322 $2,097.00.52,834.00 ',,