55 of 1901 - Ordinance 55 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 66. (Sewer Intention No.66). BILL NO..“,. .for, AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX ON PROPERTY ABUTTING ON THE WEST SIDE OF THIRD EAST STREET FROM THIRD TO FOURTH SOUTH STR ;ETS, TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SEWER THEREON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: Section 1. That hail City Council loth hereby levy a tax upon the property hereinafter described, abutting on the West side of Third East Street from Third to.Fourth South Streets in Sewer District No. , , to defray the expense of constructing a sewer opposite said property hereinafter described, and it is hereby adjudges, determined and established that the same will be rspecially affected and benefitted by said improvement to the full amoupt of the tax hereby levied, and the same is hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon saic street. The tax tevia:t hereby levied and to be assessed is the sum of Eight Hundred Twenty-five and 51/100 Dollars, or One and 20/100 Dollars per front foot, and the City Treasurer is hereby directed to assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein named, the North 305 feet of Lot 1, and all of Lot 8, Block 54, Plat "A" Salt Lake City Survey. fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five feet back from said street. Section 2. This Orlin' ce shall take effect pon approval.- Passel by the vity ':oun:!iL of dR,Lt Lake Gity, Utah, Oecember 3,1901,and refer- red to the Mayor for his approval. Citly ecorier. Aooroved this _7_ day of Decemoer, 01. �' tO_A. _ _ Mayor. 55 .1 I 1— ' 1 , .. _ . . .! _1 . . . i 'I 1 4 I ,, 1 1 ;I, 1 4' (AP ..\k, \VI '' ‘‘ * Ei' , .'N -2. 0 i' .6- ,_ (-.7 C E-,..; , ,\.... , ....... , C.) , Cs— 1--, `c...' ,':: 1 1...,t/ .., . ti, :, ,,,...04., I-'-'' ' 1/4"; \ C.) 1 71 Ci 0 = . C-N 0 =:. ....1 %k \41. 'IN 1 .. \ .1 . . . .. , , 1 . . , . . . . . . _ : . , • _ , , , ; . _ ; . . . t,ei III ''