55 of 1904 - Ordinance 55 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Section 386, re: peddlers license. A 0 1 I h f. l:' C 1. . An ordin ce i c;idiog rc. e nr_c tin.. S r ticn 38 of Cl.al:tee v'VTI of t"rc- Rev_.rod OrdieTncer of C] 1t ( ,.o City, Fe it oraained b* ci s- ,CiL, Co. ric:ii of S..1L City, Ut,h: CIY]]'IO' 1. That Section 386 of Cha.ptc , ,''C'f.T. of I:he Revised Ordi.nr,ncce; cf Ca_ t :Gaye City, :Jtal;, he and t'._ r:t, hereby is maend- ed and re-enacted ec en to read. nn follows: CaT;TI')N ,,;y6. Liccnis,s for pcddi ing or haw inn in the man- ner a.nc: under the re fri.otions deocril ed in Section. .7.5 of Chnpter 0tVII of r-! Re .,.,ud Ordtnrnceo ef Spit T.ee City, may he icsuod on t_.o payment of t e folk ;ias r:.umc per annum: For a license to peddle or haw._ vcgeta.blco, garden produce, fruit, butter, eggs, poultry fish and game, for ca, asica or stand, each crw.00 or stand to hove a separate licen..;e 1r`0.00 For a license to la,addle or irmrcli:.cdir;c and other property not above enumerated, medicine excepted, for cash e'nron or stand, each wagon or stand to have a separate license - - - -- - - -- - - - -. . - - .. - - - - - 100.^,. 10cr a .iicf:rior; to peeali asy Cairci''s product, fo... ash . or .stand- - - - - _ - -- 15.0O For n l.ic nTo..? •to ocdal.o vr,;yct.,'hlr esly from hams: ers carried by the peddler where no ma...nrr is lay a,-rrd ticoc ritla - - - - - - - - - 20.00 No license shall 'be issued to peddle or hawk a. acad.iciftts, nostrum or r xaedy of any character or c roor,i- ; ..i.--n. Vo lice.- e shall he issued for .. boo r :ri th..n three months. Only one person r:rav encdla with each.. vr:a, nn, but each wagon m-':y be ;iir.cor0rani.0c, by one driver or on,' r, ttr'nd nt in addition - to the peddler, but such driver or attendant shall not nedd.le. Persons o_fferin,r for so.le,butter, eggs, fruit or vegetables, or any article or commodity raised or produced by themselves (medicine excepted), may sell and offer for sale the same with- out a license on. First South Street between East Temple and. First West Street: on all days betwo•en the hours of four A. 55 -2- al-J.(1ton A. e:.:cept on Suncar:c lerl hciad. , one ouch dis-6rict is hei-ob;/ eblishnd as a market for suah products. Each iicernie snail 'nu nohered,aiin said licenie,toreher with. cc nljer thercef shall be aLtaci2d In a. )roninert place on cici_ vid:i;on, in cp.%ur a ..v,hoh J . used, and in al.) cases the person pedalinr I.Ander said license shall wear on his hat in a cnapicuous placo,.whne 0Yn , a oLin t c' the sa-le number ci Liocn e. Cit;, }iir'rri rh. L furnish such Any license issuno. h,i.reundo . car,' 10 cnvoked b.;, the Cisy Council for any dishonest or unfair act on praieico on Lie part of lOse person operatinr under the save, or for any disobedience or evosion of ihc provisions ,-lopeof. WT1011 2. All orcilm.nene and resoilutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the e:itert or euc;t ,,onfuot. sEcTior 3. This ord.in- nae cina lilac nffoat upon J.pproyel. Presented to the City Council, APR 2 0 1904 "(46,744f:pw• yry RECORDPR ,ANIP •A C I* • -