55 of 1908 - Ordinance 55 of 1908 – Creating office of Fire Marshal. ORDINANCE No.---- * AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF FINE MARSHAL, DEFINING HIS POWER AND DUTIES, REGULATING Ti-Mr DISPOSITION OF ASHES, RUBBISH, AND REFUSE OF A . CO?SBUSTIBLE NATURE, AND THE REPAIR OF DANGEROUS OR UNOCCUPIED BUILDINGS SO AS TO RENDER THE SAME SAFE FROM FIRE. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, as follows: OFFICE CREATED. SECTION 1--That there is hereby created the office of Fire Marshal of Salt Lake City, which office shall be held and the duties thereof per- - formed by the Chief Artetemax of the Fire Department of Salt Lake City, Who shall be ex-offocio Fire ,.rarshal, but Who shall receive no compensa- tion therefor other than his salary as Chief of the Fire Department. DEPUTY FIRE MARSHALS. w?hod� SECTION{� 2-- The Fire Marshal shall have the power to appoint deput- ie44 sliallo receive ri cbml?erisatiori`or ca'iOdnce of any kind from the Cityu and io whno may act in the place and stead of the Fire Marshal subject tc/r 5pen�e by the Fire Marshal. Tnd removal by the City Council. DUTY OF FIRE MARSHAL. SECTION 3-- It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal, by himself or deputy, to attend to the enforcement of the provisionsof this ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining to the protection of the City from fire. RIGHT TO ENTER_UPON,PREMISES. SECTION 4--The sir ,TO depULlis, shall have the right to enter upon any premises at all reasonalbe hours for the purpose of in- specting the same. DEPOSIT OF ASHES. SECTION 5--It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to deposit any ashes, cause the same to be deposited or placed, or to permit or suffer the same to be or remain in any wooden vessel or receptacle, or any "renal or receptacle composed or made of combustible material; but said ashes shall be placed and kept in some safe depository or receptacle of galvanized iron, or other incombustible material, and not less than two inches from any woodwork or structure, or deposited on the ground not less than ten feet from any wood building or structure or from any wooden fen- ces, lumber, wood, hay, straw, or combustible matetal whatever. Portable receptacles shall have a clear air space of not less than two (2) inches Ustemexx below the bottom thereof. Ho combustible material shah be placed in receptacles for ashes, DEPOSIT OR R.NTOVAT, OF COMBUSTIBLE WASTE. SECTION 6--Any person in the City of Salt Lake making, using, or having in charge and control of shavings, hay, straw, sacks, bags, litter or any other combustible waste material or fragments, shall at the close of each day cause the same to be securely disposed of or removed, so as to be safe from fire. RECEPTACLE FOR WASTE. SECTION 7--All receptacles for waste, rags, paper, and other sub- stances liable by spontaneous combustion or otherwise to cause fire, must be made of incombustible material, and if possible, must have a clear air SECTION 8--It shall be unlawful for any person to allow or pc-e.ait to remain upon any roof, or in any yard, or on any vacant lot, in the City of Salt Lake any accumulation of paper, hay, moss, or any other inflam- mable or combustible rubbish or waste material of any description. STORAGE OF EXPLOSI JGS. SECTION 9--No explosive or infla-.miable compound or combustible mat- erial of any kind shall be kept, stored, placed or used near by doorway or stairway of any building, in such place or manner as to obstruct or ren- der egress hazardous in case of fire. DANGEROUS STRUCTURES) NOTICE TO MAKE SAFE. SECTION 10-Whenever in the judgement of the Fire marshal any build- ing or structure, or any portion thereof,or any a purtenances or fixtures thereto, or any chi:-ney, smokestack, stove, oven, furnace, or thing con- nectee with such building or premises is deemed defective or unsafe as to fire, the said Fire Marshal, or his deputy, shall give the oerner, or per- son having control of said property, five (5) day's notice of required chances, alterations, or repairs necessary to render the same safe to life and property fro - fire, and any person refusingor neglecting to com- ply with said notice shall he subject to the penalties provided for in this Ordinance. UNOCCUPIED BUILDINGS. SECTION 11-Whenever any unocc 'pied building is not properl:y secured or enclosed, the Fire Marshal, or his deputies, shall immediately visit the premises and notify the owher, or person having control of the same, to forthwith secure or enclose the saris so as to prevent evilly disposed persons from. gaining access thereto, and the person so notified as afore- said shall within forty-eight hours comply therewith. FIRES OUTSIDE BUILDINGS. SECTION 12-It shall ne unlawful for any person to start, or cause to be started, any fire outside of any building, inside he fire ldimits, for , the purpose of burning any refuse matter, or any brush, logs, or stumps except by permission from and under the direction of the Chief fir. of the Fire Department. PENALTY. SECTION 13-Any person violating any of the provisions of this ord- inance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, shall. ',o imprisoned at the rate of one day for each two (2) dollars of the fine so imposed. ORDINTANCES TN CONFLICT. SECTION 14-All ordinancesor parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are eereby repealed. SECTION 15-ee,is Ordinance shall be in force from and after its approval, tanned hy- Ide Cite Council of elt Lake City, Utah, May 19, 1908, and referrei to the'Layer for Lie Approval. e .T Approved t 1is/`Jday of S e°or. . ........ . . _ - ' . . . , . • . .., ,' '',.z.•: , 1 s . sitt k 34, •-k-\-tb. .f' . : 0 , IZ , 1 1 ., • i II., ''•, 1 I 5 , I . k 1 I I 1 . I 1 1