55 of 1938 - Levying a tax Lighting District 15-B. ROLL CALL j DEC, 2�
VOTING AYE Salt Lake City,Utah,_______ , 19;
Goggin V I move that the ordinance be piassy.
Matheson - - - - V '
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - ' AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of oro-
perty in Lighting 'district No. 15-B, for the purpose of providing
for the operation, mai. itenance and patrolling of incandescent
lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the ,Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does heroin levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting tistr;-ct
No. 15-B, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance
and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the furnishinr of electrical
energy therefor, to-wit:
Lots 11 to 16 incl., 40 to 45 incl., W, to 78 incl., 99 to
104 incl., 117 to 122 incl., 141 to 146 incl., and 158 to 160
incl., Highland Park Plat A; Lots 1 and of 7 1-.. 1, Lots 28
to 33 incl. of Bak. 2, Lots 66 to 71 incl. of blk. if, Lots 95
to 100 incl. of Islk. 4, Lots ll8 to 118 incl . of hIk. 5, and
Lots 123 to 1:62 incl. of ilk. 6, Highland Park Plat B; Lots
1 and 18 to 24 incl., Hi; hland. Park Plat d; Lot 1 of Ilk. 1,
Lots 1 and 14 to 22 incl. of Elk. 2 and Lot 1 of Blk. ', Granite
Sub. Plat A; Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Pik. 2, Lots 1 to 11 incl.
of Blk. 8, Lots 1 to it incl. of elk. 4, Lots 1 to 11 incl. of
Blk. 5, Union Heights Sub.; and Lot l; all of ' 12. '16, 10-cre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, abutting on Highland rive from f impson
Avenue to 27th :-outh fttreet on the east sine, and from 50.15
feet north of simoson Avenue to .27th South Street on the ,Nest
side, in Salt Lake City.
I 1
This tax islevied to defray the expense of -providing idi_o 's orl
the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent 1a,mos
(raid lamps to be thirty-five (;35) in number, each standard to cal
one 400 candle-power incandescent tens), said. •_aira to be i.L.urni.nstl-
ed by electric current, and the furnishing of electrical energy for1
the same on the all-night schedule for a. period of ten yo .i's from
December ..", 1938, 'Co :,ecer_nber ' ,°, 1948, and. the portions of sai_ci
streets opposite the property hereirirefore and hereinafter describeyi
to be especially Ly affected and benefited by said i_nrni'ovemeit;, ens _i.tl
is hereby adjudged, determined and erstablished that satin arcperty 411
be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby
levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an caccal an.1
uniform rate in. accordance with the linear foot frontage noon and t(7
the entire death o-f the same oarnership back therefrom not exceedi.ngl
330 feet and. the tax hereby levied and to be assessed 'sm;on said parl-
eels of land is -Vine Thousand Five hundred Twenty-three and 38/100 1
(h9,523.38) Dollars or One and 83776/100000 (81.63'776) Dollars per 1
front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 5,614.68 fret
abutting said portion of said improvement and the cost of which opel-
a.tion, maintenance, patrolling and furnishing of electrical oner y
and the property benefited thereby is Hereinafter set out, and all
within the boundaries of the lets, blocks and. streets above mention-
ed in said district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per
front foot of said improvement for a period of ten years according
to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and
making said improvement with Utah Power €c Light i-omnany, dated the
?Plod day of December, 1938, said levy to date and be effective from
December 02, 1938, which is the date service began, anc the city
treasurer is hereby authorized and directed. to assess in accordance
with the provisions of this ordinance for the pnirrace herein mention-
:fronting on the east side of Highland Paris :)rive:
Ail of note: 1 to 11 incl_. of 1_1tr. 5, all of I=ot� 1 to 11
incl. of ' .l_l< t, all of Lots 1 to 11 Incl. of '1g. 3, and Lots l t
6 incl. of six. ", Union Heights Sub. of nd . 46, 1 ).-'ere Plat I;
all of Lots lL to 16 incl., 40 to 45 incl., 73 to 78 incl., 99 to
1 .
0_04 incl., 117 to iff incl., 141 to 14G incl., and. 11.1,/2 to Lid inel,
Wmnichd Pnrif. Plat fi, or Idi,. 46, 10-fcro Plat /1, it 111.e.1.6 furvey.1
1 rort.infLon thewest_side of Hifhlehd Park :rive:
All of Lot I of -Lilt, f, all of Lots 1 & 14 to '1; irhhi , of
o ,
nk. 1,1', anh all. of Lot. 1 of fiUs. 1, C,ranite oh.11
Plat fi of 1"1,ft. ,16; '
Intl of Lots 11-"3, to 13`1 incl. of El'h. 6, all of Lots 113" to 118 1.11.Ci
c.)1: 1,11A.- 5, all of Lots 95 to 100 incl. of tit. 4, all of Lots Ed to
1171 incl. of Fik. , all of Lots 1.16 to 33l incl. of LlUs. 1.", and all
c-,f hots 1 & 5 of rak. 1, ',Ashland Pfirk Plat 1:; of ia 'IL; pli of
ILot 1 of 1.1k. 4C; find all of Lots 1 & 16 to 54 incl., Lissiand Prrih1
Plat 11 of Lak. 4C; 10-ficre Pitt fi, lie Aeld. 1-hurvey; ah the same
;are shown upon. the official plats of said city to the entire nepth
not excehlinA 1.e0 feet,
lof the same ownership hack from said. strectx and collect snid tax,
3ECTIOU Ii. That the nssessment list made ty the City
1;Treasurer, as corrected, paprovhd phd completed. ty the I oard of
IF.cuPliza,tion and lleview of the property descriied in. 1Thotion 1 of
this ordinance in IdFiltinp District No. 15-11 of lalt Lot-h Clty for
ltie- purpose of hrovidinf for the operation, maintenance and petrol- i
Ilinp of incfinCescent lamps and furnishinh with electrical enerfy, isl
1 i
Thereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in spid com-1
; .
lk)letpd lists and the report of the roard of hounlization rot 1,eviewi
Op the Lourd of Commissioners of hfilt hnk.e. City are herety ratified,.
lineoroved and cortfirmed.
1 :
1111CTI0N III, hpid tax, shall be payalle in eflual yearly in1
ktPilments, with interest on try delinenent installment unpal_o. at 1
11 1
the rate of ten per cent per annum, which ilithap-' t shall be sin itch
rrom and after the due it of each installment, to sit: ore-tenth.
hereof fifteen dry s after the orainpnce Ihvy the tax for the payi-
11111ent of' the improvement becomes effective; onetentn thereof in one1
ear thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two years thereafter; one-tont4
1thereof in three years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in four years
Plereafter; one-tenth thereof in five years theropiter; ono-tenth 1
1 i
thereof in six years thhrenfter; one-tenth thereof in seven years1
11-thhreafter; one-tenth thereof in eiFht years thereafter; one-tenth I
-4- ti
thereof in nine years thereafter; provided, however-, that one or
more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tea,
may be paid without interest within fifteen (1s) days from the datei
this ordinance becomes effective and any such payments made within.
said fifteen days sill be allowed a discount of three per cent (3%)
Default in the payment of any such installment of nrinci-j
pal when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to beeoa
oue and payable immediately, and the ,,,hole amount of the unpaid prin-
� cinal shall thereafter draw interest:at the rate of ten per cent peg.
annum until paid, but at any time pridr to the elate of sale or fore+
closure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments nal
due, with interest at the rate:of ten per cent per annum to date of
payment on the delinquent installments; 'and all accrued costs, and
shall thereupon he restored to the right thereafter to pay in in-
sta.11ments in the same manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
-9:2-1--c2- /3
Passed 1t• the Lonrd of Cnemmissioners of Lake City,
Utah, this 27th ray of December , r.._ . 1J%>P.
i � )iecoider.
Lirh.ting district No. 15-D
?nd & final intimate.
t j
71.1 rIce
ro. ; 2.1 g
A d ORDINANCE goof o Jp h{`{atutn
and for the assessment of property
In Lighting District No.15-S.for the
purpose of providing for the opera-
, don,maintenance and patrolling thef
incandescent lamps and
1 Wishing of electrical energy there-
Be it ordained by the Board of:
Codamissloners of Salt Lakp City,'tt“
U SCCTION 1. That the Board of SS.
' Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does,hereby levy the tax and pro-KE
vide-for the assessment of the same
upon•the property hereinafter de-
scribed in Lighting District No.15-B,
for the purpose of providing for the
operation,maintenance and patroll-
ing of incandescent lamps and the
furnishing of electrical energy I H. P. THOMPSON
Lots 11 to 16 incl.,40 to 45 incl.,
73 to 78 Incl.,99 to 104 incl.,117 to
122 Incl.,141 to 146 inch,and 158 to
160 Incl.,Highland Park Plat A;lots being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
1 and 2 of bik.1,lots 28 to 33 incl.
f bik.2,lots 66 to 71 Incl.of bik.3,
to s118 to incl.of0 ncbl.kof,blaand lots 123 THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
to 132 incl.of bik.6,Highland Park
Plat B; lots 1 and 18 to 24 incl.
Highland Park Plat D;lot 1 of bik.
1,lots 1 and 14 to 22 incl.of bik.2 City,State of Utah.
and lot 1 of-bik. 3, Granite Sub.l
Plat A; lots 1 to 6 incl,of bik.2,
lots 1 to 11 bik. lots 1 to AN ORDINANCE BILL NO. 55
11 incl. bik.4,lots 1 to 11 rani.
of bik.5, t Unionion Heights sub.; and That the Notice ,
lot 1;all of bik 46,10-Acre Plat A,.
Blend Drive from Simpsonno the
v Av Survey,abutting on enue to:'': SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
27th South street on the east side,
and from 50.15 feet north of Simp-
son Avenue to 27th South street an:
the west side,In Salt Lake City.
This tax 1s levied to defray the
expense of providing for the oper-
ation, maintenance and patrollingi
of incandescent lamps (said lamps,
to be thirty-11ve (35) in number.
each standard to carry one 400
candle-power incandescent lamp),
se.ld lamps to be illuminated by
electric current,and the furnishing', of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
of electrical energy for the same on;
' the all-night schedule for a periodI, '
of ten years from December 22,1 28th
1938,to December 22,1848,and the, paper in its issue dated the
. portions of said streets opposite the
property hereinbefore and herein-
after described to be especially of-'
3ected and benefited nt, and It sbher'ebd ia- day of December , 1938 ,
judged,a determined and established
that said property will be especially
benefited thereby to the full amount and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
of the tax hereby levied,and said
parcels ofand
land are hereby as ssed
p c
t equal uniform rate in December 28th♦
accordance with the linear foot for
montage upon and to the entire
depth of the same ownership back
therefrom not exceeding 330 feet One insertion
and the tax hereby levied and to be thereafter,the full period of
assessed upon said parcels of land is
Nine ThooSand Five Hundred Twen-
ty-three and 38-100 ( 23.38) dol-
lars, or one and.. 03776-100000 the last publication thereof
($1,63776)dollars per front or linear
foot of abutting property,there be-
ing 5,814.88 feet abutting said por-
tion of said improvement and the 28th day of
cost of which operation, malnte- being in the issue dated the
fiance,patrolling and furnishing of
electrical energy and the property
benefited thereby Is hereinafter set December out,and all within the boundaries A.D.193 8
of the lots,blocks and streets above
mentioned 1n said district,which is
the total abutters'cost and Cost per
, frontperiod
od of said improvement for
a period of ten years according to
the contract entered into for the
inggfosaidn improvement pf ra wtrkand Utah
Fe ral. with Utah
Power 4.Lightcompany,ember, dated the 29th day of
22nd day of ndcembeff19ve, said;),to before me this
to da22,and be effective from
December 22,, which is the at-
service began, and the citya d treas-
urer Is hereby authorized and d 8 l �
t provisions ions n ordinan with , A. D. 193 /
the re this entio ordinance for
the purpose herein mentioned ;[( �/'
Fronting on the east side of High- /� /� C /.,A. /e
land Park Drive -- C., -'��_ ,__ .___...
Notary Public.
My commission expires(---- .k.5j/-`�-
Advertising fee$
All of lots 1 to 11 Incl.Of bik.5.
all of lots 1 to 11 Incl.of bik.4,all
of lots 1 to 11 Incl.of bik.3, and
lots 1 to 6 Incl. of bik. 2, Union
Heights Sub. ,of bik. 96, 10-Acre
Plat A; all of lots ll to 16 Incl..
-'"40Zd'95-1000:,73 to 78 root;-49--to
104 incl., 117 to 122 incl., 141 to
196 Incl.,and 158 to 160 incl.,High-
land Park Plat A, of bik 96, 10-
Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the west side of
Highland Park Delve:
All of lot 1 of bik.3,all Of Iota
1 and 14 to 22 Incl.of bik 2,and all
of lot 1 of bik.1,Granite Sub.Plat
A of bik.96; all 01 lots 123 to 132
incl,of bik,6,all of lots 113 to 118
Incl.of bik.5,all f lots 95 to 100
Incl.of bik.4,all,of lots 66 to 71
Incl.of bik.3,all of lots 26 to 33
incl.of bik.2,and all of lots 1 and
2 of bik. 1, Highland Park Plat B
of bik. 46; all of lot 1 of bik. 96;
and all of lots 1 and IB to 24 incl.,
Highland Park Plat D of blk. 46;
30-Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey;as
the same are shown,upon the offi-
cial plats of said city to the entire
depth of the sam
ownership back
from said street not exceeding 330
feet, and collect said
SECTION II.That the ipab6abi0kt'
Ilst made by the City TYLaatirpl,p5
corrected, approved and tomleWep
by the Board of Equalteatiatt'jtl#f -. -- ;
Review of the property described in manner as-if default had not oc-
Section 1 of this ordinance in Light- C re rd.
ing District No, 15-B of Salt Lake SECTION IV.This ordinance shall
City for the purpose of providing take effect one day after Its Drat
for the operation,maintenance and publication.
Patrolling of incandescent lamps Passed by the Board of Commis-
and furnishing with electrical ener- stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
gy, is hereby confirmed, and the 27th day of December.A.D.1938.
Sssessments made and returned In P.H.GOGGIN,
aid completed lists d the report Temporary Chairman,
of the Board of Equalization and ETHEL MACDONALD,
Review to the Board of Commission- (Seal) City Recorder,
ers of Salt Lake City are hereby Bill No.55.
ratified,approved and confirmed. Lighting District No.15-B.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be Second and Final Estimate.
payable in equal yearly install- Published December 28,1938.
ments,with interest on any delin-
quent installment unpaid at the
rate of ten per cent per antrum,
which interest shall be charged
from and after the due date of each
Installment, to-wit: one-tent h
thereof fifteen days after the ordi-
nce levying the tax for the pay-
ment of the Improvement becomes
effective; one-tenth thereof in one
in two ar thereafter; one-tenth thereof
years thereafter; one-tenth
thereof in three years thereaf ter;
one-tenth thereof In four years
thereafter;one-tenth thereof in five
years thereafter; one-tenth thereof
In six years thereafter; one-tenth
oothx seven thereof n years eightt sailer;
one-tenth thereofin nine
---.eae in thereafter; ofitl¢d,however,thnnone or more of such Install-
ments the
order payable, hwho e tax,may be paid without in-
within fifteen(15)days from
the date this ordinance becomes ef-
fective and any such payments'.
made within said fifteen days will
be allowed a discount of three per,
(3Default In the payment of any
such installment of principal when
due shall cause the whole of the un-
paid principal to become due and
Payable immediately,and the whole
amount of the unpaid principal
shall thereafter draw interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum un-
til paid, but at any time prior to
the date of sale or foreclosure the
owner may pay the amount of all
uninters t aid installments
tthe rate ofast ten due,with
Per a num to date of per cent
th delinquentinstallments,Pa nod all
accrued osts, ad shall thereupd on
be restored to the right thereafter
to pay In installments In the same
'ttlf _ttke 0-elegrttm
off _ G
Entry No