55 of 1951 - Vacating alleys in Blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4, and Florence Street ( also known as Glendale Street ) i 0 r iLL \..AL.. • ` Salt Lake City,Utah,__jut.-1.9..1951 ,195_...... _TOTING ' Aye Nay Affleck Akdar I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . -• Lingenfelter . . . s / C1 . -4, 4 , \ -..• .---• Romney �' Mr. Chairman . . (// AN ORDINANCE Result 1 AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEYS in Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Florence Street (also known as Glendale Street), in Hamilton's Subdivision, a subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glendale Park Addition, in Salt Lake City,, Utah. hBe it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake I. City, Utah: SECTION I. That alleys in Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4, and - L,--. Florence Street (also known as Glendale Street), in Hamilton's Subdivision, a subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glendale .-PPark Addition, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described s follows: n ALLEYS IN BLOCK 1 to be vacated. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, 4-- ' Hamilton's Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glendale Park Addition; running thence West 300 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 12, said block and subdivision; thence South 130 feet to the southwest corner of said Lob 12; thence West 17 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 13, said block and sub- division; thence North 130 feet to the northeast corner of Lr said Lot 13; thence West 300 feet to the northwest corner of ff.') Lot 24, said block and subdivision; thence North 14 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 25, said block and subdivision; thence East 300 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 36, said block and subdivision; thence North 130 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 36; thence East 17 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 37, said block and subdivision; thence South 130 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 37; thence East 300 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 48, said block and sub- division; thence South 14 feet to the point of beginning. ALLEYS IN BLOCK 2 to be vacated. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Hamilton's Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glendale. Park Addition; running thence West 300 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 12, said block and subdivision; thence South 130 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 12; thence West 17 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 13, said Block and subdivi- sion; thence North 130 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot. 13; thence West 300 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 24, said. block and subdivision; thence North 14 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 25, said block and subdivision; thence East 300 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 36, said block and subdivi- *2 Sion; thence North 130 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 36; thence East 17 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 37, said Block and subdivision; thence South 130 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 37; thence East 300 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 48, said block and subdivision; thence South 14 feet to the point of beginning. ALLEYS IN BLOCK 3 to be vacated. Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Hamilton's Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glen- dale Park Addition; running thence West 14 feet to the south- east corner of Lot 2, said block and subdivision; thence North 255 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 11, said block and subdivision; thence West 130 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 11, thence North 17 feet; thence east 274 feet; thence South 17 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 12, said block and subdivision; thence West 130 feet to the northwest.; corner of said Lot 12; thence South 255 feet to the point of' beginning. ALLEYS IN BLOCK 4 to be vacated. Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Hamilton's Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glen- dale Park Addition; running thence West 14 feet to the south- - east corner of Lot 2, said block and subdivision; thence North 255 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 11, said block and subdivision; thence West 130 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 11; thence North 17 feet; thence East 274 feet;thence South 17 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 12, said- Block and subdivision; thence West 130 feet to the northwest . corner of said Lot 12; thence South 255 feet to the point of beginning. FLORENCE (GLENDALE) STREET to be vacated. Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block L, Iamilton's Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glen- dale Park Addition; running thence North 272 feet; thence East 66 feet; thence South 272 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 3, said subdivision; thence West 66 feet to the point of beginning; be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian- ways. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way of any and every description now located in, on, un- der or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering, or reroutin said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, - it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. }-- | � � SECTION 3- This ordinance shail take,,effect upon its first publication. passed by the BoardIcf' Cor=issijoners of Sa;t Lake City, | Utah, this 19n" ~~ of 'Tilly _, D. _~ , . ---------���' aoo order. | / ' � , - ' ` � . � ' STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating alleys in Blks. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Florence Street (also known as Glendale St.) in Hamilton's Subdivision, a subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 and 68, Glendale Park Addition in Salt Lake City, Utah" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 19th, iti9c 1951 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,this 1$th day of Autust, 1951 (SEAL) BILL NO. 55 City corder. July 25'Gh, • Published 4119 51 -.8ab-II�-3i JJ-�t rf-yy A8«-�a`�`�`",$ AN ORDINANCE Beginning at the southwest cor- nerAN ORDINANCE VACATING AL- of Lot 1, Block 3, Hamilton's Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 LENS In Blocks 1,2,3 and 4,and and 68. Glendale Park Addition; a-I Florence Street lalso known tie running thence West 14 feet to 1� Glendale St.), In Hamilton's Suhd1- the southeast corner of Lot 2,said w _. vision,a subdivision of part of Lots block and subdivlslon;thence North ,it re - 66. 67 and 68. Glendale Park Ad- 255 feet to the northeast corner of dltlon, In Salt Lake City, Utah. Lot 11,said block and s 111,15lon; 00 n Be It ordained by the Board of thence West 130 feet to the north- Commissioners of Salt Lake City. west corner of said Lot 11, thence Utah: North 17 feet; thence East 274 SECTION I. Chet alleys in Blocks feet; thence South 17 feet to the 0 3 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Florence Street northeast corner of Lot 12, sold (also known as Glendale Street),In block and suhdlvlston; thence West 0 Hamilton's Subdivision, a subdlvl- 130 feet t0 the northwest corner slon of part Or Lots 66.67 and 68, of said Lot 12; thence South 255 ..IC Glendale Park Addl:l0f1,In Salt Lake feet to the point of beginning. City, Utah. more particularly de- ALLEYS IN BLOCK 4 to he acated s. scribed a follows' J lto Beginning t-the southwest Ql ALLEYS IN BLOCK I or a vacated her of Lot 1, Block f4, Kama chic Heot o t the n rtheast Suhdl v:si0n of part . Lots 66, 67 nee 1 Lot la Stock 1. Hamlltonrs and 68. Glendale Park Addition; N Subdivision of part of Lots 66, 67 of he0 thence West 14 feet to the '- V and 68, Glendale Park Adnetlon; to southeast corker of Lot 2,said block nning thence West 300 feet LO and subdivision; thence North 255 the nand est t i of Lot L2,oath feet to the northeast corner of Lot ro block and s bdlvlslon. thence South 11, said block and subdivision; [1 y 130 feet to the southwest eo a of thence West t30 feet to the north- ‘1,1, said sLotou 1e; thence West 17 feet to west c rn r f said Lot 11; thence ` Y \ N the southeast corner of Lot 13. North 17 feet; thence East 274 feet; ^s'J)L. 'aid black d s btll vlston; thence [hence South 17 feet to the n th- North l30 feet to rite northeast ass cor er of Lot l2, s 1d block `s. .0r r f sale Lot 13: theCo[nP o end sabtlivlsion; thencen west 730 It 300s re et 4o the n rth w est i el to the northwest corner of sold Lot 24. said block and subdivision; L thence North t4 feet to the so th- Lot 12, thence South o255x feet to U west corner of Lot 25, said block the point of beginning Y and subdIVISIOn,thence East 300 feet FLORENCE IGLENDALEI BTREVI 0 t0 the southeast corner of Lot 36, to be vacated '� t1�p1ppp O saitl block e de sub dlt'r'. hence Beginning at the asoulheast c ner l0 m North of said to the northeast [Lot 1, Black 4- L is 66. 6 9ab- lb of saitl Lot 36: thence East division f part f Lots 66. 67 and A F-- 17t feet to the northwest corner of CO Glendale Park le Addition;running � Lot 37_ said block and subdivision; thence North 272 feet; thence East thence South 130 teat to the uth• 66 feet; thence South 272 feet to Nwest corner of said Lot 37: thence the Southwest corner of Lot 2, l0 East 300 feet to the southeast a Block 3 sold subdivision; thence = d ner . Lot 48,said block and s ub.. West tie feet to the point of he. dlvls ion; thence South 19 feat to ginning; the point ot beginning a vacated be and the ant are hereby vecat- ALLEYS IN BLOCK 2 to c cated ed and declared no longer to be n ace olnn ing at the northeast cor public Property for e a streets, f Lot 1, Block 2. Ham lllan'sSub alleys or pedestrian tan ways. t e and tl168. Glendvision of ale Park of stAdd Addition: uBald s vacation Is made expressly O running thence West 300 feet to the subject to all existing rights f northwest cor er of Lot 12. said way f an and every description block an subdivision; thence South w located 1n, 0 or over O 130 feet to the southwest corner of the confines of the above t described 1d Lot 12, thence West 17 Meet to Property and also subJect to the V4 lJ the southeast corner of Lot 13.said right f entry thereon for the pur- 01 N Block and subdly lobs:thence North Pose of inspecting, maintaining,, re- O- 130 feet to the northeast corner t of pairing, replacing. removing. alter- said Lot 13, thence West 300feet Ing, r rerouting said utilities and t0 the northwest corner of Lot 24, all o1 them. fY said block and subdivlslon: thence SECTION 2 In the opinion of North 14 feet to the southwest c r- the Board of Commissioners, It Is l0 a r of Lot 25,said blockrk and necessary d ub- a sary to the peace, health and VVVV division; thence East 300 feet to safety [ the inhabitants of Salt ¢ the southeast rn f Lot 36, Lake City that this ordinance shall cu .Osaid block and subdivision; thence become effective immediately. North 130 feet to the northeast cos- t SECTION 3. This ordinance shall ner of said Lot 36; thence East 17 take effect upon Its first publlca- > feet to the northwest corner of Lot tlon. m 37, said Block e and subdivision; Passed by the Board of Commis- cltence South 130 feet to the south- stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this west c of said Lot 31; thence 19th day o1 July. A.D. 1951. East 300 feet to the southeast co- EARL J.GLADE.Mayor. ner /Lot 48,said block and sub- IRMA F.BITNER,City Recorder. division; thence South 14 feet to 18EAL) the point of beginning. BILL NO. 55 ALLEYS IN BLOCK 3 to be vacated Published July 25th,1951 ✓5 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 as County of Salt Lake f D. M. OCKEY Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement An Ordinance Bill No. 55 was published in said newspaper on July 25, 1951 2 Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of July A.D.19.51 Notary Pu - AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING Al, LETS in Blocks 1,2,3,end 4,and Florence.,Street (also known Glendale St.),'In Hamilton's Subdl� vision.a anbdly talon of part of Lot, ALEE',S IN BLOCH 3 to be vacated 66, 67 and 68 Glendale Park Ad- Beginning at the southwest cnt- Ilitem,In Salt Like City,Mart, mot. f Int ' Block 3, -Br It ordainod by the Board of Subdivision of pa't of Lots 1G. 67 Commissioners of Salt Lake City, and GB, Glendale Park Addltlon; Ctah: running thnnce Nest 14 feet to SECTION 1,That alteys In Blocks the southeast corner r of Lot 2,.said 1„ d 2,lu and 4, and Florence Street block a subdivision,them-North (also known as Glendale Street),in 255 feet to the n r'thrast corner of Hamilton's Subd lvlslon, a a dlvl- Lnt.11, said block and suhdiv isi on; ion 1 part f Lots 66,fie and 68, .hence West 130 fret to the north- Oily, le.Park Addition.in Salt Lek, Nest corner of a Lot 11, thence City, Utah, more particularly de- North(hence r fart;athence East ..u4 arribed a follows: feet' (hence South la feet to the. ALLEYS IN BLOCK 1 In be vacated h rtheast, r r nr f Lot 12, said Beginning at the northeast r block and subdivision: thence West net. of Lot 1, Black 1, to toono 150 fast t. the thence South no nn enddi 68, of part of Lots d 6', of said Lot it of nn r265 end fig, hence Glendale Park Addition,fee t }act,to I Point 1 beginning.a Cun ning fog thence West 300 feel i ALLEYS IN BLOCK 0. he vacated the northwest est corner of 1.0E 12, t o gin n log t the southwest ami on'' block and a he southwest thence South her In lbo f Block f Lots Hamilton's cal tent 10 the southwest fret [ and 5!slon 1 part of k A dit 67 Additions the Lot te;thence cor West lv fret to and g, Glendale Park Ad dltl on; the southeast, corner ton Loh thence et thence West 14 feet t0 the Bald block and rs to rho n: ,{hence d cast cornet'at Lot 2,sold block 55 North 130 said to tht, nce'West. and suh Stets ion; thence North 25.5 f.ath Lot thw st¢cor Woot fret o Ste northeast corner ni Lot s 300▪ n 24. to the northwest end s b e of th, said block and oaubrdl north- thence : o sold mock t t-the(south- westce west 130 feet of 11: nrth 14 fret to the south- west corner of and Lot t 2 thence west tbdIcorner of Lot 25 said I30 black tNorth hence 7fethenet IncI4 ra t- t• sob southeast thence East.3U t for, eaencr South -'!feet to t north- to let r io lit n said block 130 fo Ito s theest a of-'toe or, a r'rt thence West l30 said block and n subdivision;n hp fee the 1 f ; No rth off0 said t t theiia{G1 Ta,t feet t to northwest corner of said o ea id Lot hR t1iop3 st Lot 12 thenceSouth 265 Sect to 17 t the northwest ,rye point beginning. thence he 3 Id block. td 't 1 1. FLORENCF o(bee d) STREET then cc.west,corner ner. 130 Ides. t the thence n eet laid the southeast heast coo, Beginning at the vacated.southeastlike n e- Fast 300 foes.to the ock and r,r- f Lnt.],Block 4 L is 60, a oc and • (t Lot48,•t said nice kk•a e ern to divfaile of part 1 Lots fifi,67 and die poi; thf egInnuth'74 • to thence ce Not Park Additions the running the Y'S. f LocK,in to thence Norte 272 feet; 212 fe t. to AL dgln IJg gLOCK,2 to be clod th feet' thence Southcorner 9of feet le }id t. 01 LotIng, 1.t tonortheast, lathI cc a Bieck Southwest. r or of Let 2. ce f In 1; Blank f oil then t�i Bieck 3, card Luthe poin�, thebe- anddlvialon of part of Lots din nu West 65 feet to the Point of be- tio'iftto en a We Pork Aet to he ginning; be- and corn, West ono feet to the be and the same a hereby 1 net- ort0west corner of Lot. 12, said ed and declared n longer to be block and candler-ion;thenrr Route eublln rOr snide form ca streets. s 130 ions to the.southwest corn u of rn r alleys 0 prdestrlan lead's. sail L I thence li el insaid is d p'asif the f Los 13 .said attb)e. toI1 sl.f' 'tt. of Block and.'heft tl thence North of anP and r P des-Iptlnn 15n feet to the northeast corn of wary dos in n under described over ve old Lo lt`15, thence West-300e feet thelrrconHetesd falarr abb0e0t to In the northwest corner of Lot an, t our- North block and .subdivision; thence right f entry thereon 1or I,e North 14'teat to the southwest c.r- of Inspecting,lemaintaining. r- thvI• of lot en sold Mock and . to pairing, replacing, removing, tier- ivlsinn; thence East 300 to Tng, orouting said utilities and the southeast c n of Lot. 36, all ' them. Id block and sutra northeast thence od- SECTION 2. In the opinion of North 1`;a0 feat to the nrth coat r,r- the Beard of Commissioners. It Is • f Id Lot,36; then,East clef to the.peace, health d feet to the northwest corner of Lot necessary do the ants of to Ilse LnL'v: thence.M1v .said Black and subdivision; 6o fety of that this atilt ordinance shall 1eence South 130 fret to tbs..south- Lake Cltev or said necorna effective immediately. East 300 feet of .southeast tot- take .? 'This o tlinance hill • of I,al.n sold black and.s�b- take effect upon Its rfirst publica- dlvlalon: n e South 11 t Net t> lion. Board of Comis- Pasdthe Point of I,0011ning. 510011s of bSaltne Lake Olin,Utah,thta 13Lh day A.D. 1051. I t.y, of I.GLADE,Mayor. IR,\LA F. ITNEB.,Cltr Recorder. (g4 pL) Bnlr.NO. 59 Pnhll.chnd.Inly 2511.., 19.51 ✓ 5