55 of 1961 - Amending Section 30-1-4 of Revised Ordinance - 1955, as amended, relating to Radio Technicians and ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27 196 1 VOTING Aye Nay Christensen . . I move that the Ordinance be passed. Harrison . . . Smart. . y Romney . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE Ahhi.JDING Section 30-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the Radio Technicians and Operators in the Police Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 30-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the Radio Technicians and Operators in the Police Department be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: Sec. 30-1-4. Radio technician and operator. Bond. Salary. There is hereby created in the police department the offices of radio technician and radio operator. The head of the police department of Salt Lake City, subject to the rules and regulations of the civil service commission, by and with the advice and consent of the board of commissioners, may appoint from the classified civil service list furnished by the ivil.Service epmmission a competent person to the office of radio operator. Before entering upon the duties of this office the radio operator shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of $5,000.00. The radio operator shall have charge, under the general supervision and direction of the superintendent of communications, of Salt Lake City's radio station and radio equipment. He shall operate and maintain said equipment to conform with the standards and requirements of the Federal'radio commission and perform such other duties and comply with such rules and regulations as are or may be proscribed by law or ordinance or are assigned to him by the head of the police department. The head of the police department of Salt Lake City, Utah, subject to the rules and regulations of the civil service com- mission, oy and with the advice and consent of the board of commissioners, may appoint from the classified civil service list furnished by the civil service commission such radio tech- nicians as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the said radio station. Each radio technician shall operate the equipment of the said station and perform such other duties and comply with such rules and regulations as directed by the chief radio operator or the head of the police department. Each radio technician shall give a bond in favor of Salt Lake City for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of $1,000.00. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of June , 1961. • lf/l'i- 'z'L1 , /( Mayor -- f Cit h or e (SEAL) BILL NO. 55 of 1961 Published July 6, 1961 t�� Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake -ter, Legiit Notices D it Ockey if. le ; t1.;'AD dRNtE AM p ORA1-4 of the Revised Seb��tftl'nndn 30.14 1 }lev.setl f� ` V[dh';'iRi,-r�elatiB' toLtne arc: Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising • 1'echniclage and Operators in the I Poltce f7aDarment. - clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- utan d' sEc ox i.That section 3aaa l'h language withgeneral circulation in Utah, and published in 1 the o lees q dlnancee f g to is p; Lake,CRi Ut' iii5.renlatinR to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County. in the State of Utah, the]iaaiD,¢'echniclana d ODar- ry e, d�tlh Police hereby tit I,11'' d u, ems-hereby la,: �.D�¢QS�ea to eaa a fonows: anu QD,1:;.'Ho raosala:>tTnte' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto -'fs hereb^c Sled fn the Police', d ABD t hre fflees a Radio Tech ciao a Raafo operator. 1 ill No 55 '.!-eet ya as f one Peite,Depart- Salt L2)CP. C'ty B' of 1961 • t of era Lake City sub( e i to the Dies d legulathf.9 of one `Clv l Service ice and consent. a with too advice and s t,of An J?"C'17.1"rit?.C0 I'e.1�+t,3.ri a to the Radio k.,Lte triI of can:nt sto rim 'ld,L an0olnt from can: Insaltled Mvll so ice hsl furnished by time C1vH Servlee Commisslon a Ptent erson to the o4flee of Technicians and Operators i.n. the. t$ao 8r;atDr. Hem;e enterme Ruthn the ideates of this live the ler the tot shall Rlve boned S r th faithful a eHormancc t "rat ad ,t u1 ha Police Denurt:nlent r. Ram oDeretor ha i�ee e - ahaoRe,tlpder the General nte n and direction v fat hs.of 'ttndeht L Commimicetibh. f isalt Lake-C1tY's radio,et tllonn� d radlbgrntaTI Ho shall eunn 'and maintain.ealtl�eaulDmert to ,contorrn with eta eldndards a d;e- a ementa o<me aeae;at Salo published p p, Tti l 6 ]0 Fi 1 Commission misdutisions and and perform suchoils. k was in said newspaper Pr OR -. -)--..-: .-- ---_----- l. ruses roe latlons a.are m Y be Drcry aeefl by law er orill. naecHead eof thee Police OceanY 1 m TS'Head of the Pohee D¢�rt-r spent f Salto lake Cats, ll'i iro to h Hoorn.by the C`it 9the advice e sod sa with thea d l to sent o1 the Beard f Commis. / �//� [ ( f sfonera yy DDoint IF he L ! C clossllledmalvll Sce het cgs?. .- / nlshed by the iVel"Vrie ci: • Legal Advertising Clerk as uch Radio TerhnyectDanes amr ben ¢%..-A Yo theet elont. ,� Eaber rJre bi e shall op, ch Cm equipment aof e ]d stationdrand Perform o h other d�iOeana de lafeo'ns it directed by the IXtleY Radio Oeerato; .the Heod of the Police Aerdrl- moEach Radio Technician Shah • give a bona in favor of Salt Lake 10th Clt Sor the faithful rer[or Subs. f� ashes,n e,e aDm e4$Roo:re me thisday of Passed by the Roars of Com• missloners P Salt Lake Cits, Tu i.t tdh,this 241 daY of Junc,1061. R[WCKEx I.EE, A.D. 19�'1 Mesof • . _._.. f t • HERNAII J.HO Record, \ hill No Clh'Recorder. ,Bill No.65 July 6.1 �\ - Pubtished July 6.1861 (A 1 j i - Notary Public My Commission2 l,p[1( o61_. 55