55 of 1968 - Amending Section 25-9-2 and 25-9-3, providing thirty (30) days hospitalization leave each calendar y V ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 18 ,196 8
Barker . . . .
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . .
Gam % ///
Harrison . . . ' e 1
Mr. Chairman .
Result . . . . I
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 25-9-2 and 25-9-3 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to hospitalization leave
authorized and accumulation of sick leave allowed, respectively.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-9-2 and 25-9-3 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to hospitalization leave autho-
rized and accumulation of sick leave allowed, respectively, be and the
same hereby are, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 25-9-2. Hospitalization leave authorized. In
addition to the sick leave authorized by Section 25-9-1,
each officer and fulltime employee of Salt Lake City shall
be entitled to thirty (30) days of hospitalization leave
each calendar year, provided that such leave may he taken
only if, and during the period that, such officer or employee
is actually confined to a hospital.
"Sec. 25-9-3. Accumulation of sick leave allowed. Autho-
rized sick leave may be accumulated by any officer or employee
from year to year provided that no officer or employee shall
be entitled to accumulate more than ninety (90) days sick
leave. No accumulation of hospital leave shall be allowed."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on this
18th day of June, 1968.
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 55 of 1968
Published June 21, 1968
Affidavit of Publication
J' ss.
County of Salt Lake
D M Ockey
'Legal Notices
AN ORDINANCE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
dons 25-9-2 end 2593 of the Revised'I rising clerk of the DESERET NEIfi/S,a daily (except Sunday)
Ordinances of Sall Lake City,Utah, Lf
(1965,relanna to hoapltan=a+lpoley�e'. newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
culation authorized 9 accumulation f k,
li eave Ilowea,�raspecflvely.
FFjj Iae it rdamaa w the Iaaara of culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Commissioners o 5aI1 Lake Clty,,j •
u„h; Thal County, in the State of Utah.
4LTION 1 Th t 5 II 25.921
and ell L of clivR 1t tl O d' el a
f Salt Lake CI1Y,Ut h 1965 I Y-�
in,to noewlallzan I Ih,r-{ That the legal notice ofwhich a copyis attached hereto
lice rM Ulefl f I k Icayfl l
�iallo d p flv IY b d iho
g;aamf Ih by re, m ded i rA. Salt Lake Cj ty Bill Na 55 of 1968
kyi s S 25 9d, H l Ilialfon --
l k I Ih I=IDIOT d d°e n°Iy my
s591 h'"n e d fmhl e An Ordinance relating to hospitalization leave
mPloyee a1$eltLeke City shall
I; bee 111ied j.thllty f301 days of
k, hospitalization leave each alenear
year, Prollaee)L�Lypat eDch'leaYe and sick leave allolaed.
=the eeloak that,'suf,antll d urin9
J. mployeadaeachelly`confined to a
If. hospital.
Sec. 25alo Accumulation f
�' tick leave allowed.Authorized sick -- .-.-
Iere ma(gi um laced by a%
1-�'year p o platen from Year to
' year nrovldeC that no olrlcer or em:
pTOYee shale be entitled Io u _
late more than ninety(9D)ESYs' -
1 Ick leave. No e c ulaahon f' ��nn [p
hE TIc leave shalt pi noof the, June Car 19VU
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the,
a eoara f Commissioners of„fbe was published in said newspaper on
Lake Cily, it Is ne ssaro
Ip dce,health 0 Ifare f the In-1
hrbinanc of colt Lake Clye that this;
ara+nance become errective Immedl-: _._.-
ate Y.
3eell I S. This ordinance hall'
take effect upon its first oub ommin.
passed by the Board f Commis-,
toners of salt Lake Cily.Viers,on, �
this ISIh daY of June,1968
Mayor /,� �L' •(t��L,(_,L
atr carder .egad Advertising Clem
BILL NO.55Eof 19
Published une.11,19 196a 'Sa)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of
Tone A.D.19 Fi8 •
`� ` i. ./ai --
r Notary Public
My Commission Expires .
Mar 281.972