55 of 1972 - Amending Chapter 7 of Title 44, Sections 44-7-1, -2 and -4, and adding Sections 44-7-10, -11 ans -12 ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, May 18 19 72
/ TING Aye Nay l
Mr.Chairman.... I/
I move that the Ordinance be passed
d /(it i j: "j l
Harrison /
j �
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 7 of Title 44, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to ambulances, by amending
Sections 44-7-1, 44-7-2 and 44-7-4 thereof, and adding thereto three
new sections - 44-7-10, 44-7-11 and 44-7-12, relating to ambulances.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 44-7-1, 44-7-2 and 44-7-4 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to ambulances,
be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 44-7-1. Rates and charges. * * *
n * * a
"(3) Ambulance by appointment: $20.00 basic charge and
$0.50 per mile after the first five miles.
"Sec. 44-7-2. One or more patients in one ambulance. If
more than one patient is transported from the same point of
origin to the same point of delivery in the same ambulance
the charges to be assessed against each individual so trans-
ported will be computed as follows:
A base rate (transportation rate plus mileage rate), as
provided in Sec. 44-7-1 for the first person, plus 50%
of said base rate for each additional person, then divided
by the number of individuals being transported.
If additional first aid or emergency services are required,
each patient shall be charged for the services provided in his
behalf in the amounts set forth in Section 44-7-4.
"Sec. 44-7-3. * * *
"Sec. 44-7-4. Assessorial service charges. Any assessorial
services rendered to a patient shall be assessed in an amount
not to exceed the following:
(1) Oxygen $ 5.00
(2) Resuscitation 7.00
(3) Use of the H.L.R. machine 35.00
(4) First aid - not to exceed 5.00
SECTION 2. That Chapter 7 of Title 44, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to ambulances, be, and the same
hereby is, amended by adding thereto three new sections - 44-7-10,
44-7-11 and 44-7-12, to read as follows:
"Sec. 44-7-10. Change of rates.
(1) No increase in the rates provided in Sec. 44-7-1 of this
chapter may be made by any ambulance company unless
such company shall give the Board of Commissioners at
least 60 days prior notice as to the proposed effective
date of said increase.
(2) Notice. Notice shall be given by filing with the City
Recorder an application complying in all particulars with
subsection (3) of this section 44-7-10. The City Recorder
shall then set a date for a hearing on the proposed
increase, which date shall be at least 30 days prior to
the date when the increase is proposed to become effective.
He shall further publish a notice at least once, in a
newspaper of general circulation, at least ten (10), but
not more than twenty (20) days prior to the date set for
the hearing.
(3) Application. Application by or on behalf of any ambulance
company or companies for increased rates, or fares shall
include as exhibits the following information:
(a) Statement showing in full the rates or fares,
rules or regulations for which it is desired to put
into effect or the general relief asked for.
(b) A statement or reference showing in full the
rate or fares, rules or regulations which will be super-
seded by the proposed rates.
(c) A complete and accurate statement of the circum-
stances and conditions relied upon as justification for
the application.
(d) A reference record to prior action if any by the
Commission in any proceeding relative to the existing
and proposed rates.
(e) A financial statement for full twelve (12) month
period including a balance sheet and a profit and loss
(4) Procedure. Said application shall then be referred to
a rate review board composed of the City Auditor, and
the City Treasurer and the Director of the City-County
Board of Health, who shall examine the application and
make a recommendation as to the justification and
necessity of a rate increase. Said board may also require
all financial records of the company be made available for
their inspection
(5) Hearing. On the date set for the hearing the Board of
Commissioners shall hear the report of the Board as to its
findings, and hear also those desiring to be heard regard-
ing the proposed rate increase.
(6) Findings. The Board of Commissioners may grant the increase
if sufficient showing has been made that such an increase
is justified. It may further modify the proposed increase
or deny the increase in its entirety.
(7) Other rate changes: Proposed changes in rates other than
rate increases may be disposed of summarily by the Board
of Commissioners. Such proposed rate change may be sub-
mitted in letter or memo form to the Board and said
Board may, at its discretion, refer the application to
the rate review board for study and recommendation. The
Rate Review Board may require that the information
specified in subsections (3) and (4) of this section
be submitted for consideration by the company requesting
the change.
"Sec. 44-7-11. Assessorial service charge change. Any
increase in assessorial service charges or additional assessorial
services must receive the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
When such changes or additions are requested, the Board may refer
such request to the rate review board for study and recommenda-
tion prior to making a decision.
"Sec. 44-7-12. Accounting procedures. All ambulance
companies operating under the jurisdiction of this chapter shall
maintain, to the satisfaction of the City Auditor, complete and
accurate financial records according to generally accepted
accounting practices and shall maintain said records in such a
condition that when required by the Rate Review Board as pro-
vided in subsection (4) of Section 44-7-10, the City Auditor may
be enabled to conduct an audit which will be the equivalent of a
certified independent audit in completeness and accuracy.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
18th day of May , 1972.
BILL NO. 55 of 1972
Published May 24, 1972
• Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
• AN ORDINANCE Betty Phelps
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 7 f Title44,R Vlsed Ordinances of
S It lake City,IUf h 1965,relating toambulances,by amending Sections—
4471 44-7-2 d 4 7i4 the f tl ding ih t three new ctions-
44If044-7-11 d4d]12 el tl gt but
Be It ord i {�1I by-the Beard t C m - i f Salt Lake Citvi Utahr
SECTION 1 IThatty,Utah,
4d]1 relating
4 i the an Revised sOrd,ame Beira first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legala 17P.1'•
antes er Salt I ke City,,read
as followlating to ambulances,be,and the same lYi 1
'herebYare,amentledfX apamuawa: tisi.nfr clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
$e. -71.Rates and charges-••• h
"(3)Amstflyee by appoln}Ment:520.00 basic charge and$0.50 per mile newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
aaettterrsrfl muee. a culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Sec.44-7-2.JOne or more patients In one ambulance.If more than
patient I i transportedf the epoint of assesginsed
to eaulthe nstea mi of i uai County,in the State of Utah.
y i the u h q to be assessed against each intlividual
so transported Will b computed f ll ws:
A b t (t o doff tE pl s ease r rate), a provided in Sec.
44 7 7 f ih fie i p Y pl SO b r Id blab rage for each edtlihonal per•
son,then divided by ih'1dr:e tI c°servicesemsbelar rewired, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
If he firer the.sr'emes provided
are behalf
in the
each nts set
fhail in notion charged for the services provldetl In his behalf In the amounts set
orth in Sectlonl44-]-4. -
dtoa-7-3.'"` An Ordinance relating_to arapp �anoe§,__Rila_110_55_
"Sec.44-7-4.I Assessorlal service charges.Any assessorlai services ren-
dered to a Oarient shall be assessed in an amount not to exceed the following: — -
.(2)Resue it$son,
(3)ResOar of the P.L.O.$]Ah.
(3)Use of the nut :to exceed.
.00. . 1922
SE First aidi—CTION 2 Th r Chantero7 of5T0ttle 44,Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake —9 _ 1.
City,Utah,1965 ting to ambulances,be,and the same hereby,is,amended
by adding theralo three new sections—44-7 10,44 7-11 and 44-7-12,to read as
Sec.44-]-10;Change of rates.
(1)No increase id the rates provldetl In Sec.44.7-1 of this chapter may be
Imade by any ambulance t 40 unless such compo t shall give the Board
•fCommissioners at least 60 days prior notice as to the proposed effective
,date of said mare se.- -'
(2)Notice.Notice.shail be given by filing with the City Recorder an apple.
Lion complci�� In all particulars with subsection(3)of this section 44-7-10.
The City der shall then set a date ter a hearing n the proposed
t crease,which daft shall be of least 30 days prior to the date when the Increase -'
is proposed to'i ecomn a rofegective.eneral circulation,at tensh(10).l but sott leeare —I _ l r7)
the twenty(20),dubs prior_to the dale set for the hearing. '�Z� �LC�(3'
mpaniessl fortincreassed rates,or fares shall behalf
include as exhibits the following
or on was published in said newspaper on_ -- H
information: '
t"h ng in full the rates or fares,rules or regulations for
which It Is desired to put Into effect or the general relief asked for.
(b)A statement or reference showing In full the rate or fares,rules or reg-
ulations whichIyall be superrseded by the proposed rates.
(dl A r f complete and actufate statement of the circumstances and condi-
(relied open yn noon for the on if any b -
�Rp dal poor proposed
re.if by theCommission in any F_
()At9Yineddtl statement
existing and prop drates. --"---\ r
d l for full twelve(12) th period Including a bat ---'-- \ \ e
oh het r.profit t loss statement �. \.-�
(4)P o tlV g Said application shell thenb referred to a rate review �`.. 1s.
board c p p(�d fin CItY Auditor,and theCity T and the Directorion and ,f /-, a
make afire hbord Board id Hearn,who shall examine the datlon•as to the lustltl afdon and nn necessity ofaatrote in- Legal fl(l11('rtL.4Lng C.,epic
crease.Said board may also require all ilnanclal records of the company be
de available for their inspection.
(5)Hearing:On the dare set for the hearing the Board of Commissioners
shall hear the report of the Board,as to Its findings,and hear also those desir-
ing to be heard regarding the pYenosed rate Increase.
(6)Finding,The Board of Commissioners may grant the Increase If suffl-
dent showing has been made that such an increase Is inn tir.It may further
modify the pretpposed increase or deny the increase in Its entirety. 2 t _ day of
asl Other may d}r dispte osed of summarilly by ted he Board of Comes In rates her missioners.an t Such l
Proposed ratelchange may be submitted In letter of memo form to the Board( Me this
and said Board may,at Its discretion,refer the application to the rare review
board for study and recommendation.The Rate Review Board
may require
that the Int°rriation specified in subsections(3)and(4)of this section besub- 9-_,��-
mliredfor4d7 1 tl e bYlisonu enc ware al sexy Any no rise In assesso-
S c tld mild asses en se Ices must receive the crc
i fl B fC mmler suchs.Whess dh chaateserewtl1and tar
requested,th Board r refer such request to.the fate review board for
tl t' poor ed making a dec s ambulance
companies operating y/
1 d5 �]l 'Accounting procedures All tain,t the
underthe 1 tl h f this chapter shall maintain,to the satisfaction to on er the YYY ]}L ems^ !—
accepted d't pie d eccand shall mai l ain said records nisugchna realm Va,
g r g practices end e R ie maintain said provide Notary Public
(thou that when required by the Rate Review bound as d to dedcon nsubsection
wh f Steffan 44-equ the City o aAuditor certified
man be enabled a to conduct audit
hick will beliha equivalent Of a certifietl independent audit In completeness
and accuracy`
SECTION f In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary
to the peace,health,safety and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordnance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by..the Board of Commissioners of.Salt Lake City,Utah,this lath
day of May.1972 E.J.GARN
' Manor
(SEA(St Record:L.tam
L) •
February 12, 1974