56 of 1902 - Ordinance 56 of 1902 – Sewer Extension No. 88. ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon property on C Street between South Temple and Second Streets,in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of a sewer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the City Council sitting as a Board 'o{Bqualization of the property abutting on C Street between :South Teiriple and Second Streets in Sewer District No. 1 of Salt Lake Oity, for .the,purpee of constructing a sewer upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists it6404,oirlav confirmed. Section 2. .Thjs ordinance s . take effect u,on approval. Sewer Intention No. 88. 4 i ir/ , ' I ... -7-71" , Passed by the Council of Salt take City, Utah, May 27th,1902, and referred to the aver for kis approval. City Recorder. Approved this day of(( **. 1902. 4..,0___ "46,‘,--L 9a:YOI'. 1 1 56 ii ---- fni-JA57. Ta-rt o * J $ t. no V. :. 6/c/ nu f-ivA.A..E.:soass end. zloi2r/t1noo eo.nsnib/c) nA. ;toil:feta -1oP ni,ad), b000e3 b(Ls elqmoT o:Ikroa ftew:t - .108 S 10 001;t0U1,t8000 Wi.j. 70. tI .(x, it- :J'iPAT tvttn 8A,,a if,y lo lionno0 %Jr) of.A. \+-,d .b5nt. fo :ff. wl: -,$-u'l l/ ,,,1 0 ,-i vd et, ,o ;tail Jnematioaas et.t JadT .1 noi3oo2, ., ' : .3, d. fli . i sJi 3ni:ftta Bonbon vtn exit vf beJ.elqatoo bits bevo/q s (beJoe-vv.00 ,, 0„,,..,10,i .:,,,„ 1.). 0 no 3/t., 4ds xlloclolq add TO not:I-sal sup Allohlsols\k q . X ;11',; lo 1 .0-. d-o1.111(7. lower; nt eld.ewi..ta bn..0$8 ki. wir Pjl./(TO N k. -C ;1111, '-' ' 0 1-c- - -foq .6i76.1 noqu 1 'Nos a 711tou/lenoo to E0iii t wil, k 1 _ :.,: , 5ns thsm n nm aaasa,:s odd- fula tbegmt.11100 xd ..4 ja A: 1.,:-thr/iThoo .1 ' '.:_ -.EL:. boto o Jir ri,,Ton-li-2, .Isvc,•1.1.-A nor Co,91 ) e:iszt -1.1:arfe swum-lb-10 IF , , .88 .o • not,ilei-nT -1.7Ave8 , . .,, I . ..i t.:'CLI.,:1::72 vsif , 41: .)i.:•:C: sis,1 414.. 'lc ic.. 4;7' ' z,tiz.' asvozpa aiii zol un €5. 1 ----..........--- , 't- ..i0031 ,ksl; lo itiL r:.i:ii t , . 1 ._, 11' 41 *i 11 ; 4 .