56 of 1909 - Ordinance 56 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 3 of Chapter XXIV, re: intoxicating liquors. AL ORDINANCE .
An ordinance amending and re.-enacting Section 3 of Chapter XXIV
Iof the ordinances of Salt Lake City in regard to intoxicating liquors,
passed by the City Council April 5, 1909, and approved by the Mayor
gpril 7, 1909.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 3 of Chapter XXIV of the ordinances of
Salt Lake City, in regard to intoxicating liquors, passod by the City
iCouncil April 5, 1909, and approved by the Mayor April 7, 1909, be,
land the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as fallow';
SECTION 3. TERMS DEFIN D. A manufacturer, as contemplated
in this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or corporation
who from raw material manufactures any spirituous, vinous, malt
or other intoxicating liquors, and sells the same in kets, casks
barrels, bottles or cases; but no such manufactured article shay
be sold or otherwise disposed of to be drunk on the premises of
the manufacturer
A wholesale dealer,as contemplated by this ordinance, is a
person, firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise
disposes of spirituous, vinous or other intoxicating liquors, ex
cept malt or beer, manufactured outside of Salt Lake City, in an.
quantity not less than five gallons; but no such liquors shall b.
sold or disposed of to be drunk on the premises where sold.
I, A manufacturer's agent, as contemplated in this ordinance,
is any person, firm, association or corporation who, as owner,
agent, representative or otherwise, sells or otherwise disposes
of beer or malt manufactured outside of Se].t Lake City; but no
such liquor shall be sold or disposed of to be drunk on the
premises where sold; provided, that nothing in this definition
shall be held to apply to retail liquor dealers as limited and
defined in this section.
A retail dealer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is 4Ay
person, firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise
disposes of any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating
liquors in any quantity less than five gallons, and also by the
glass or dram to be drunk on the premises where sold. •
IIIIA druggist,as contemplated In this or
1s a person.firm, association of
rporutinn w n
whomakes the pounding
f medicines and the sale of drugs and
medicines his, their or its chief cupa- I
tion, and who, upon occasion, sells i
to:deating liquors by the bottle or pack-
' ago, but neverexceeding five gallons in
quantity in anyonesale;nor to be con-
sumed neriln water, sodas in any
forms or
drinks or soft beverages of any kind, or
otherwise:provided, that any sale of in
tosleating liquor by any druggist In
quantity of five gallons orre. hall be
ed to make of him a wholesaler,and
subject him to the payment of a whole-
saler's license as in this ordinance pro- i
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olpi: §ECT ON Q. All ordinances and resolutions or sorts of ordinan-
ffas and- resolutions in conflict herewith are 'hereby repealed to till
°p{extent,of such conflict.
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