56 of 1935 - Amending Sections 252X25 and 252X26 of Article 5, relating Divison of Dairy and Milk Inspection (fee ae,1os ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, JLE, 26 1J3Sl 193 Coggin - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Knight \/f'/ Lee 1" Mr. Chairman A A ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 252X25 and 252X26 of Article 5, relating, to .Division. of Dairy and Milk Inspection, of Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on October 25, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 8th, 1934. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt L.Re City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 252X25 and 252X26 of Article 5, relating; to Division. of Dairy and '_:?ilk Inspection, of Chapter VII, Revised )rdinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended uy an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on October 25, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board. of Commission- ers on November 8th, 1934, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 252X25. FEES. All milk produced to be sold. in 56 Salt Lake City,for use as market milk or market cream, stall be subject to a. fee of one eighth of a cent per gallon if _pro- duced within fifty miles of the City & County Building in Salt Lake City, by the nearest direct route, and a fee of one fourth of a cent per gallon if produced at a greater distance. Said fee shall be payable on or before the 20th day of each calendar month, covering the amount of milk and cream delivered. by each producer during the month preceding. Said fees shall be collected from the producer by the distributer of such ,nc.rket milk and market cream, and. shall be paid to the Board of Health for deposit with the Treasurer of Salt Lake City. 56 f d Ci. 252X26s. E, S, milk raw mailke separated, bottled. or pasteurizedAshall be subject to an additional fee of one twelfth of a cent per gallon, sayable by the separator, bottler or pasteurizer on or before the 5th day of each month for the calendar month preceding to the Do&rd. of Health for deposit pith the treasurer of bait Lake City, provided that such fee shall not be in any one month less than $;:h,JO nor more th n "U75.00,:.4 ,;: L� A.:C J I • In tie;, i"oninon of theAllaro. of Commi-ssioncrs ..0,0 it is neces a.ry to'phe hea,dth, pe4,pe and satty of the inhabitants of Salt Take :;ity' ..hat tha ; urdir ,nce t .ke VTfact im,cdi tely. SLCfIJN 3,,'. This prmanan6 stall ty' e. ef'"ect upon its first publicaticra.. ' ,;r• Passed t:r the boar- of Commissioners of halt Cake C,,ty, Utah, this Y4 d`y of 111.4t. ! , 1 3<5. ,4( 3,cyor. �City lhecoracr. ® { 51 _ Of( 411 DRINNANCE /era•-tJr-i-j 29/Li:at 56 • fronded to the Board of Comrokadoners • .AND PASSED DEC 1935 at,t14,41011A., OITY.‘11c0Roaft DEC-oZ.'74935 17/14444jua ore(Racosniut • limn! of I1nblfraftnn 1ntte i £►totre of America STATE OF UTAH as. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN RDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC-; H. P. THOMSON nom 252X25 and 252X2$ of Ar- title 5,relating to Division of Dairy and Milk Inspection, of Chapter •' c-0115$$,Utah,1234°as amended being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk by in ordinance d the Board of Commissioners on yOcto- ber 25,1934,as amended by an or- dinance by the e ember Board of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in 1534. Be 1t ordained by the Board of loners of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Utah: SECTION 1.That Sections 252X25 and 252eef of Article 5,relating to Division f Dairy and Milk Inspec- tion, of Chaster I, Revised or- That the Notice_t ?...0t2 DINANGE- 5ilneacse m Salt Lake City, Utah, pass, as amended by anordinance passed by the Board of Commie- amend on b October 25, 1934,pas assed SALT LAKE CITY._CORPORAT1.0n. amended by of ordinance passed by etne Board of 034, be and e „by are'hnflber eebyYaamendedato roads as follws: - , SEC.252X25.PEES. All milk pro- '--'--"--"--'------'------'-- - - duced to be Bold In Salt Lake City for use as market milk or market cream be s to a fee of one-eighth Cent of a cent per gallon if of the City ft oduand County within (Buildings in Salt Lake City; by the nearest direct route,-an a tee of one-fourth.of of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- a cent per gallon if produced ata greater distance. Said fee shall be payable on or before the 20th day of each calendar month, covering paper in its issue dated the 27th the amount of milk and creator de- livered by each producer during the month preceding. Said fees shall be collected from December , 193..5, the producer by the distributor of day of such market milk and market cream, and shall be d to the Board of Health for di eposit with the Treasurer of Salt Lake City, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on SEo.252X25. PEES. All raw milk separated, bottled pasteurized mr use as market or or market December 27th cream hall be subject to nad- ditional ! for fee of one-twelfth of a c ent per gallon,payable by the sep- tor,bottler or pasteu&Ifer on or before the 5th day of ,h month thereafter,the full period of One insertion for the calendar month precedingto -- - With the Board atreas err of for deposit Lake Cinot Abe 1rovto Provided that ne month Ice than the last publication thereof 85.00 nor more than SECTION In the opinion opinion of the Board of Commissioners t is 27th 4netetrar i he to hinhabitantsea f and being in the issue dated the day of Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall December ,A.D.193 5 take effect upon Its first publiea- Don, Passed by the Board o1 Commis. elopers of Salt Lake City, Utah, thls'26th day of December,1935. LOUIS MARCUS.Mayor. Mali ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. Bill No.56. Published_December 2a. Su%scribect and sworn to before me this 27th day of --- December ,A.D.193 5 Notary Public. Advertising fee$ 5 _ Lk. ) PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM UTIR Ettite Xributte County Entry No