56 of 1947 - Amending Section 6714 relating to zoning. i VOTING AYE NAY ," Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck Matheson I move that the ordinance be passed. Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . AN'ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENIJING SECTION 6714 of the Revised Ordi- i nances of Salt Lake City, Utah ' 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 4, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, March 28, 1946, April 4, 1946, June 4, 1946, August 6, 1946, September 18, 1946, Octo- ber 8, 1946, November 5, 1946, December 5, 1946, December 11, 1946, January 7, 1947, February 11, 1947, March 5, 1947, March 25, 1947, April 16, 1947, and May 27, 1947, relating to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 4, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, March 28, 1946, April 4, 1946, June 4, 1946, August 6, 1946, September 18, 1946, October 8, 1946, Novem- ber 5, 1946, December 5, 1946, December 11, 1946, January 7, 1947, February 11, 1947, March 5, 1947, March 25, 1947, April 16, 1947, and May 27, 1947, relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said section two new paragraphs to be known as Items 39 and 40, which shall read as follows: "ITEM No. 39. The following described real property in Residential to-31 District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Residential ?Et classifica- tion and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: The north side of 17th South from a point 170 feet west of llth East Street to a point 288 feet west of llth East Street, being all of Lots 41 to 44 inclusive, and the west 18 feet of Lot 40, Greystone Subdivision in Block 164 Five-Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. -2- That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended to show the above described tract of land and the whole there- of as part of Residential 'B' District." 'ITEM No. 40. The following described real property in Residential 'B-2' District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to 'Commercial' classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord- ingly: The east side of 9th East Street from 150 feet south of 21st South Street to the D. & R. G. Railroad Company's right- of-way and the west side of 9th East Street from Commonwealth Avenue to Wilmington Avenue, being Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, Block 20, Forest Dale Addition, and the east 157 feet of the south 271 feet of Lot 10, Block 44, Ten-Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey, and Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 4, Geneva Place, and Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, and 22 to 30, inclusive, Block 1, Fairmount Springs Addition in Block 45, Ten-Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed, altered and amended to show the abode described tract of land and the whole thereof as part of 'Commercial' District." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall t e upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Caa3 sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this g- day of •D• 9 • 1 or. �/ %/ /{a/ City Recorder. .tr'HivC Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JUN 51947 CITY RECORDER FiTM°'.`'. WicatiouyP -1 7- s'!Tr RAK)QRR*'d Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss County of Salt Lake AN ORDINARCCa• '0 AN ORn1NANCE -AMENDINO SpCTION 6714 of the Revised Orel- - '-trntreol"5f Walt Lake Witty, Utah, 1944, a amended by ordinances ll N Ockey prised V 1]ae Board of Commiston- q¢ , FebN 17, 04 1Dec beer 4, ' 1945.August 1R,1945,December 18, Being 11111945. March 98, 1946, A, B first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- �.946,June 4,1946.August 6.1946, September 18, 1948, October er p, 1 5;December 1948, December vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper d, 1946, Decernbet Il, 1946, Jan- ry 7, 19179 , bOnedh 25, 1947:, Marla 5, 947, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State April to sontngnd May Z7, 1947, Be It ordained by the Hoard of of Utah. of Salt Lake City, Utah; SECTION 1. That Section 6714 'of the Revised Ordinances of Salt ed Lake City,Utah,1944,as by ordinances passed by the Board That the advertisement t Commissioners February 21, 1945, April 4, 1945, August Id, 1945,December 18.1945,Maroh.28, ;1946, April 4, 1946,June 4, 1946, :August 6, 1946,September e tember r ,1946 18 , or-di.naace bill no 56 October ,December 5, 1946, December 11, 1947,January 7,1947,February 11, Salt Lake___ryit`r-_C_Qrno ai-ion. • 1947,April h16, 1947,and May.37 March , is .h Se 1947,relating to zoning,be and the me is hereby further amended by adding 1n and to said motion two.new paragraphs to be known asadt t. 39 and 40, which shall "ITEM No.39.The following de- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the scribed real property in Residential '”12t,2ot..ga shown on the Uae -Dltrict Map, le ,Efeby-Amended d changed to Residential 'B' day of A.D. 19 classification and the Use District Mapaccordingly: le hereby amended and chaos- , `dTh e of 17th South from June 6 1947 point 170 feet west of llth East and was published Street to a point 288 feet west of 11th not Street,being all of Lots 41e tioi t inclusive, itte reS weal 10 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the division 1n Block'16 Fiver-Acre Plat • 'A', Big Field Survey. That said Dee District Map'is day of A.D, 19 show hereby changed the abo amended above described t of ' land and the whole thereof as part : of Residential 13'District. "ITEM No.40.The following de- scribed real property in Residential '- aa•District,,as'shown on the Use 4•dvertising Clerk District Map, is hereby d changed to'Commercial'shod-fip is hreby amen ed`ae n and and the Use ac Districtc hanged Ma dinglY: The earl aide of 9th East Street from 150 feet oouth f 210E South L,Street to the D.Os R.C.Railroad • 7th westpsidesof"9t E EastaStreet frome :ern to before me this day of Commonwealth Avenue to.Whining-ton , clusl l,`nue Block`ing 90, Forest Dale Lots 1 to 5 ad e - A.D.19___.47 ninon, and the eat 157 feet of the south 271 feet of Lot 10,Black Ten=Acre Plat 'A', Big•Field Survey,and Lots 1 to 14,inclusive, Block 4, Geneva Plano, and Lot. 1 to 6,inclusive,and 22 to 30,in- elusive,Block 1,Fairmount Springs Addition in Block 45, Ten-Acre o f Field Survey. Plat'A',B g That said Use Distract MCP 1s herebyed and amend- Notary S ublie iif edto s changed, the abov`edescr bed tract n of part d and the of 'Commercial'whole as District." art SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commiseloners, It fa necessary to the peace,health and safety,of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance be- come effective immediately. SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica- tion.Passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of June.A.D.1947. EARL J. MADE. Mayor. IRMA F.BITNER, (SEAL) City Recorder. BILL NO.56 Published June eth,1947