56 of 1960 - Vacating certain alleys located in the vicinity of Beck Streets and Walnut Street (17th North). ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Geurts . . .
Piercey . . . s. '�
Romney . . . 6". I
AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain alleys located In the vicinity of
m Beck Street and Walnut Street (17th North), all abutting property owners
having petitioned for the vacation.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That the alleys East of the East right of way boundary
line of the O.S.L. (Union Pacific) Railroad and North of 17th North Street
and West from Beck Street, more particularly described as follows, be,
and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer _to be public pro-
perty for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 2 of Block 6, Folsom's
Addition of Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt
o Lake Base and Meridian, running thence North 3 degrees 05 min.
West 147.7 feet more or less to the northeast corner of said
Lot 2, thence West 2 feet more or less to the East line of the
O.S.L. (Union Pacific) Railroad right of way, thence North
6 degrees 29 min. 40 sec. East along right of way line 87 feet
more or less to East line of public alley, thence south 3
degrees 05 min. East 72 feet more or less to the southwest
corner of Lot 13, said Block 6, thence East 125 feet, thence
South 3 degrees 05 min. East, 15 feet more or less to the
oa northeast corner of Lot 14, said Bloc 6, thence West 125
feet, thence South 3 degrees 05 min. test 147.7 feet more or
less to the Southwest corner of Lot 1, said Block 6, thence
West 15 feet more or less to point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property;
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or re-
routing said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safdty of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
112th day of April, 1960. �2
CI eco e §1j 5
( S E A L ) (((( April 15, 1960
1}ILL NO. 56 of 196 Published P
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie N. Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An Ordinance vacating certain alleys located in_..the---vic.in.ity..a£..11eck
Street and Walnut Street (17th North), all z(ut,t-i.ng...prixper.ty-owners having
petitioned for the vacation"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12th, 1960 t
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 5th day of May, 1960 cx
BILL NO. 56 of 1960 (J t.:G..a..,�.i. ...?.'
Deputy 3 City Recorder
Published April 15, 19601ftx
Recorded_. Y. ___ Qlt,_.1L:J
Request of - I ��__
1`71_4493 Fee Paid.Nellie M.Jack,
R rder,Salt ke tah
1 $ - --r/ P Y
ACAT N n aoOK 1708 PA 147
Sy t Heck Street and Walnut abutting
^_ I
Street I17th North i, all abuttine _(W�^—_/q`y- '
te;iPheyverat�a`,having petitioned
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1.That the alleys East
S` f the East right of way boundary
line of the O.S.L. tUnion Pacific)
\ Railroad
nd and
from Beck Street
Particularly described as
4� �' follows,ecat.d and declared mno longer
e hereby
IJ to berg public nproperty for useas
iiot w ave e, alley or des-
C6 rner offngL4tt 2the1 Blockeadt
Folsom's�Addition of Section 23,
Township 1 North, Range 1
M abi
eridian running Lakethence ar e North
y' he 3vedegrees 051 infoss . West
Wethst 147 7
east t more
said Lot 2.th-once
west corner eet less to the
b �111 Pacific)East Railroad riig t (Union
`x t thence North o degrees 29 m
40 sec.East along right of way
l�f line 6 feet
72uth 3 feet more ores OS less to n. East
\) t uthwestm rner f Lot 13. aid
�" Block 6, thence East t25 fain.
thence South 3 degrees 05 min.
East, 15 feet moreless to
�k the northeast per or Lot 14.
\ i " said ock 6.corner
West 15
- ` feet,thence Smith 3 decrees 05
\ lees to the So7uthwest corner of•
1,said Block 6,thence
15 5-) int
f beginning.are or less
ato pall enistine xr ght
f all pub-
utilities of nd easements
a annd every de
ceiettan n v located i
air e n the cprope sv of the
above described recto: and
also sublret tot the rights n£entry
thereon for th lterhre o'
routine said utilities and all ref
SECTION 2. 1n the opinion of
the Boned of Commissioners.it is
to the health
ol aofety nl the inhahitants of
Salt Lake City Utah. that this
Tent ee berem^ effective tm-
N f. This ordinance first Best
shallcttion effect upon its
Passed be the Board of Cnm-
nf Salt Lake City
Vtah'this 12th day of MNEY 1960.
Temnoiarvv Chl oan.
City Recorder.
pabl.hed p6 ii 5.19
Pubifehetl April I5.1960 fA-56i
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
taa mated
Elaine Marion
Proper Illth Earths l ahuetria
Property owners hotfinC Pe.[tloaed
16e va anon.
c°;m ss(netseofbs ie cur= Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
UtSEC r1oN 1.That the obeys 0,01 clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
f the East right of rvcy boundary
of of mp v.u-r toDlo,r Ya o% GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
R011road� d North of 17th Norlh
Street arAlest tram Beek Street, ltsh )long uacle w generalith circulation in Utah, and published in
bartieu]atly described
is vacated and aetclerad n°o knifes Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
to-be public n dperty far use os
street avenue„alley or miles-
man way:
negin>o G lI then Southeast That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
poieo°m a Adrig,4 E secure as
e1,shin I rycotl,, flange i
ri 'Solt Lnre Ease a d
mn,r thence North4 An Ordinance vacating certain alleys located in
poetfin re 0 les,nto West north-
corner of start Lot z,to te the vicinityof Beck Street and Walnut Street
Weft 2 feet the.or less to the
East-line of Railroad
right f way ------ ---
th Pacific)North
ad right 'way
hesec North l drS igh o ,r-
tan-pc. ecttores 'llos ofEt> 13i11 NO, 56of 1960
hoe s]met more leis to ee,
ltna of DDubllce or
-uth l a, s p.t
72 feat eg iie ar less to aSt
< t v elm nee f,t I'i, t,
Block fl thence East 105 loot.
thence Souee 3 ore a to e
East, 15 feet m lets 14.
Raid northeast
ence otV,WestLot
175 Raid
thence South it defame do
lets) East 147.7 feet mare cif
to the Southwest cornea of
Lot 1, :dd Bloch 6,thence West April 15, 1 60
15 feet ore r less to Point was publishedin said newspaper on 9
Saki tv,a anon Is made c •
ly subiect vacation
all existing X Ishles
lif W :Ind easements t;eoa,ynub-
e utilities of ow toadied t de-
r a over the confines o>'f the
also subleat to ethe nights t f entry
thereon for thr Iterinr, o -
teooufteo Bald ntillttes Bed nit rat
the eo rd offcemmt Ioannr,s.it;s • -
necessary tytOh
of theit lnhehitantslal Advertising
Salt Lake Cttr. effective
that im- Legalg Clerk
become of(ective nn-
SECTION a This o's first
shall lane effect u w,t its first
P UP�c celotbe the Board of eon,
Saltyat I,akr CiCO_
Utah,Ohio 12t Ana,.lO I..C.It n MNI:Y,
Tcoet'silNhe an,
NERM it .r corder SF.N,��m
enyRerartor 15th
ialtr, ' before me this day of
hed n of tort
!'ublished AnrR 15.1060 fA-fiP:
April A.D. 19 60
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25, 1961