56 of 1961 - Amending Section 30-1-1 of Revised Ordinance - 1955, as amended, relating to organization and salari ROLL L'ALL aair i,;.e t.uy,
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . '
Harrison . . .
Smart. .
Romney . .
`Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to the
Organization and Salaries of Officers and Employees in the Police Depart-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to the Organization
and Salaries of Officers and Employees of the Police Department be, and the
same hereby is, amended to road as follows:
Sec. 30-1--1. Organization and salaries. The police department
of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and
employees and no others, who, except the chief of police, shall
be appointed by the appointing power subject to the approval of
the Board of City Commissioners from the certified list of the
Civil Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each office or
position to be filled, and the annual salaries for each such
officer or employee shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners
at not more than the amount hereinafter set forth, to-wit:
Chief of Police, who shall be the head of the
Police Department and the appointing power. $10,000.00
Asst. Chiefs 7,740.00
Captains 6,600.00
Lieutenants 5,820.00
Superintendent of Communications 6,600.00
Administrative Secretary, Grade I 6,180.00
Radio Operator 5,820.00
Radio Technician 5,520.00
Sergeant 5,520.00
Technician 5,520.00
Administrative Secretary, Grade II 5,520.00
Grade 1 5,280.00
Grade 2 5,040.00
Grade 3 4,800.00
Grade 4 4,560.00
Grade 5 4,320.00
Grade 6 4,080.00
Grade 1 4,980.00
Grade 2 4,'/40.00
Grade 3 4,500.00
Grade 4 4,260.00
Grade 5 4,020.00
Grade 6 3,760.00
Grade i 3,960.00
Grade 2 3,640.00
Grads 3 3,720.00
Grade 4 3,600.00
Grade 1 3,540.00
Grade 2 3,420.00
Grade 3 3,300.00
Grade 4, probationary and temporary 3,160.00
Meter Reader
Grade 1 3,660.00
Grade 2 3,480.00
Grade 3 3,300.00
Grade 4 3,120.00
"In addition to the foregoing salaries, each officer and
employee in the Police Department, as above set forth, except
any employee not required to own uniforms, shall be paid the
sum of 115.00 per month as a uniform allowance."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect on its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 27th day of June , 1961.
Pri6 4 l_ ii corder
(3 E A L)
BILL NO, 56 of 1961
Published July 6, 1961
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake as,
s4IaJ-1 oft ftevMlSed Gtdf-p
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{nHe eitYoCalnUd"bvtthetBoard o[� Being first duly sworn, deposes arid says that he is legal advertising
Commisstoneraeof Salt Lake CaMS clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
ti,b;TigUa Ordtnancesn t 9alt 11
Leke CttY.Ut
So55, neret=-'`� GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Fng-
lfdreantended.�elatine to.Ure Gt`` �' with Utah,
'gad/Ettvlo Resdnf the police Doa�T ILSII language general circulation in and published in
ant d the harebY•la- Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah,
"s c &i yea o�eenizai wt.. oft 1
lanes.The Pollee dens a loyeea'
salt Laxe cll+v enallnnneimt es the That the legal notice of which. a. copy is attached hereto
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bYthe=ncVoItn B d tctyil SC.It take city 3111No 56 of 1961.
tphe ad�.i f a th filet'd
list of th CJ J1 S 1 C j
ui=ep>nsu Lk ctt t la id Ordinance rclatin ; to the Or�zniaation
=n 11 4 TI i
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be the fi d t th��d
11=e DeDn l 6 po g10(Lf fl L
Aiec�°f; a:4D:Do4 in Police Department.
Captains 6,800.00
Saperinanta 8800.00 L
Suoun:;:tnst.of Com, 808.88
Aaminisirauve Secretary, 6.180.00 d
Grade I 6,e20.00 a --
�Radlo Te M1nfcfan 5.620.00 P
Sergg nt ,620.00 T t rr� 1 C
,i,-I i=lan 5.520.00 July U 9 1�6�_.
=AdrnPari five se=ret.,, ,$ was published in said newspaper on
' tlrade II 5.520.00 r.
Patrolmen 5.280.00
Grade 1' 5,040.00
Grade 2 4.800.00
Grad¢:36 4• ,560.DD
i., Gr De 8 432oA0
Grade 4080.00 Li
1PollTe omen par,i a
G ode 1 q i90.00 1
Grade 2 9 500.00(
Grade 3 4200.OD 1 /u /� l l-('�'C. C_-
Giud 4 q 020.00 GG
Grade 6 3,98D.00I
Grade a %Legal Advertising Cler
�,Stenoste0nci ,980.00 j �`
Grade 1 3.84040
G[nde a 3.920.00,j
Grade 3 3,800. 11
Grade 4
1etWTv➢ts}s 3,69000
GraLle} . 3.420.001s
Grade a' a•aoo.00 1
Grade 3
Grape 4 probationary 3,180.00
d temcorarY
Mttgstridw 3.0o0.o0I1
Grades 3.480.00 i 1 O
SUbSfrLl Geede 3 9.30000�] // lvlr}! day o}
Grads 4 3,1200h me this l/
Io eaieh oes 50ianed emnth?ae It
aa,artea 61
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_.__.set llrtd t0 of unftormsloyhnll be J-.._
a 2 g1500 per month
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sSECTICN 2 In the of �
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CttY Vtnh,that this ordinance be- // �.�ffc=tive lmmcdmtelY a hall
=oSECTION 8.417,t'dhra j Notary Public
to Pas e�tiY"SJ�e get'oEDComVII:.
'toner.¢ E Salt Lakc C�t�•, Utah.
this 2e th dazJOH C"KEN.iz
MyCahA uv6 1Bii o ) -
r Published
NOT"-2';5 19551.