56 of 1968 - Amending Section 25-11-9, relating to over-time compensation for City personnel. s - ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 20 ,196...$_.
Barker . . . .
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . .
Gam . . . . /
Harrison . . .
Mr. Chairman .
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-11-9 of the Revised Ordinances of
Sall. Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to Personnel Administration, Hours
of Service.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 25-11-9 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to personnel administration, hours of
service, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 25-11-9. (a) Hours of service and overtime. Forty
hours shall constitute a normal work week and eight hours a
normal work day; work in excess thereof shall be considered as
overtime work. Overtime work is to be discouraged. In case of
emergency, or whenever the public interest demands, an employee
may be required to perform overtime work by the department head
or his designated representative. Any work performed in excess
of eight hours in one day or forty hours in one week shall be
considered overtime and shall be compensated as provided in sub-
section (b). All holidays shall be considered as days worked in
the computation of overtime. All paid overtime work shall be
divided as equally as practical among all employees within the
same department. All overtime work must be authorized. This
section shall not cover part-time and seasonal employees.
"(b) Overtime compensation. It shall be the policy of the
city to compensate employees required to perform overtime work
either by, (1) pay at one and one-half the applicable hourly rate;
(2) allowance of time off from employment with pay on the basis of
one and one-half hours off for each hour of overtime worked; (3)
all employees in the Managerial and Professional category in Salary
Range 18 and above will not be eligible for overtime pay at time
and one-half, but shall be authorized compensatory time off at a
later date by permission of the department head or his designated
representative; and (4) foremen in Classifications III and IV may
receive either overtime pay or compensatory time off at the rate
of time and one-half in the discretion of the Commissioner of the
department involved. Firemen who are required to be on duty more
hours than required by their regular duty routine shall be compen-
sated on the same basis as hereinabove specified.
"The determination of additional pay or time off for overtime
compensation shall be made by the elected official of the depart-
ment, or his designated representative.
1 ?
"Accurate records of all overtime performed shall be kept by
each department or division, and periodical reports as may be
requested, shall be submitted to the Board of City Commissioners.
"(c) Time off as compensation. When time off from employ-
ment is allowed as compensation for overtime, such time off shall
be granted within sixty (60) days from the date overtime was
performed or at the convenience of the department head. Upon
separation from service, any employee having unused time off to
his credit as compensation for overtime, shall receive cash com-
pensation for such unused time off.
"(d) Standby pay. An employee required by the department
head or his designated representative to be on a standby basis
shall receive two (2) hours straight time pay when he is speci-
fically requested to remain at home, and cannot leave his home
for any reason.
"When, and if he is called out while on a standby basis, he
shall be compensated as outlined in subsection (b) in addition
to the two (2) hour standby pay. However, the two (2) hour pay
will not be repeated if he is called out again within a 24 hour
"(e) Civil Service Personnel included. Notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 25-11-1 above, the provisions of this section
shall apply to civil service personnel of the police, fire and
health departments, except as to hours of work for members of the
fire department, which hours shall remain as specified in Section
14-1-13 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect on its first publi-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
20th day of June, 1968.
(S H A L)
BILL NO. 56 of 1968
Published June 25, 1968
Leval Notices
AN ORDINANCE L-s Y4(jDfryhu'D.Sea.
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WI' nali b° n dens dar:
al tim°ked m lh¢�on rotor p'i over tisi.ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
e.All pall overtime work shell
- e dihltl¢d im70'etea°w1Pnlo titre newspaper printed in the English language with general sir-
s ork mdep ae ent.r)M overtime
1 culation in Utah, and published in' Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Or ilea Gall not ter oar+-rime and
7 I employeeeso County, in the State of Utah.
Ali shallblbeOihe(policy of fhe°tclIY io
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Me m}bests es ger¢Inabove E
d4v•The oelermmlere a ddtr<onal June 25,1968
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l+atSECTION 3,This ordinance'shall-
5°PesOScbn hh¢rsRfirsl ofubllcmrm°is lF'9 ],972 loners of Salt LaklC Cilr.blah,this L!201h tlaY of JuJ. 1 w
('BILL NO.56 of 19680)0 Recorder
'i Pubnshed June 15,196a (A.dd)