56 of 1976 - Annexation, annexing certain property in the area South of St. Mary Hills and East of Indian Hill Su ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, April.15 19 76 Mr.Chairman Agra .� Green I move that the Ordinance be sed. Hogensen . - ��1 Phillips 61 Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE extending the limits of Salt Lake City. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 882 of 1975, by Development Associates, c/o G. Michael Tuckett, Vice President, requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said Petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assessment roles, stipu- lated in the tract hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor, approved by the City Engineer and filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and extending the limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 14, T1S, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, said point being 1322.13 feet, North 0° 13' 03" West of the center of said Section 14; and running thence South 34° West, 178.86 feet; thence South 6° East, 147.87 feet; thence South 56 -2- 12° 57' 46" West, 296.20 feet; thence South 29° 05' 23" West, 246.58 feet; thence South 50.00 feet; thence East 274.11 feet; thence South 0° 13' 03" East 472.66 feet to the center of Section 14; thence South 0° 13' 03" East, 400.00 feet; thence West 1310.97 feet; thence North 0° 09' 12" West, 399.62 feet to the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 14; thence North 0° 13' 20" West 1322.38 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 14; thence North 89° 59' 40" East, 1310.63 feet, to the point of beginning. Contains 49.164 acres. AND BE IF FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be and the same hereby is zoned and classified Residential "R-1". BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect that said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, which tract of land shall be zoned Residential "R-1", as herein provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinances. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 56 -3- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April this 15th day of =MIX 1976. MAYOR I EC RD (SEAL) BILL NO. 56 of 1976 Published - April 21, 1976 Certified copy sent to City Auditor's Office 5-3-76 for recording in office of Salt Lake County Recorder, also copy sent to County Surveyor, County Clerk, Utah State Tax Commission and Postmaster 5 iiaeTIl j { ScAL6:1'/-Zob' o 'I': cs Sp, gs 13`46Ue4� AI. :11aE 293r`_eV(xt?_ y5a COMA 14C•IE DRWE 2 .D 1 IALDIAII 1-11415?L W'C. NA," '� \' ; 4 I I \of e } y Z7 9 I S I 9 10 \r 11 6 1_ � 250 N 2so to N/ 132Z.38(2Ec) -- 1 ' U‘P.J A($ 1 1)ry .No - �-16 = I , t -4 1 N t — ? 1 -,., j rFq m t?1 --Ip i W CI d' Im J 1 10- ° 0 9 E: "°1% go, 354_oo(re , DEVousUi2E D214E N I 0r (1 n0 VI174 < c 3. Fi,' .00 p-p. m N - G o T1 T. a. 7 V..* _4 N' S49.4 y /h tea ,m• 1'522.1 S m VII" 10_ u, { C ip/ .1-,iv . il . (114) 14% --— 4 ..0 (0,i) mei r U t r SS'A\ 1 o ill p p r0 t-a P-"o3td /9,Rv1. IR 1 am / 61��"LL42 IZQ 'yN4ldtFS \Cr yy1 N - - 1 O J s cn O \ tr � �r= Wig; o _ NI yl tiilo Tii 0 , a -4 461y1.1- 5D -11-1 1 ° ° ill '4 8 G 0 - -2 tkO3 - ti• -0C q (1 : �I 1 1 ;•.c) i) 0 ff11 G il N,g1- 8 i ) 0 " a H� 3 �1 �1F� ,Do ' $ d il 84 . 0 44 A ,- t•L2 . , 0 a- i.\-v. rr • a 0. al 0 _ \ - ,vb w 4 o 2z\-- 9V �' a ar 66pp - a4 td _� y F, �j -I r 4 �' u �j �44F �" ��Y•I� 1 gi • 3':',..4(.) w :5 '2: :p ,V1. Loil ) .7° It 1 ti d'Q o o ,Ul U: JiJ3i 0 ll •4 °w 0 M 5 1.; 0W z0 i 0 L vc • -k 11 tiv. ° f o N 3,0 v9 .e — H%6 F ,1 o k �4z —)05 5 W ri; 1=1 5.1DIA41 1-t1lLS Fucr G FT. m Kt I Z2 I 2.3 I 2.4 125 I 2.6 f A4.o'o9'IZMW 1331.07 l I I I118t.34-I 931.4s NI O'09'12"W. 399.ivZ. U, O'V3'' zf,-, , m 1 F- m t $ o m r r. w m N 1 0 z b -- 0 0 P N1 J l 1 1- 936.os s.o 1303E.4ob.00 �S.o 13io'3E.. 472.bb_ _ 4—ge 5.013o'S6., Is36.65 14.C11,. i S Si t M W a w ti \)',. , i ',__.1 ..-74: i fi ) ID- /-'13,-.„ ' \ ff a a: fro `-' o ao ypj `T' 0 0 0 .ars /..—,\A,„ 41-24 4 iaz...1 . 10 u U oud 6 - 1 1 I l'I-- 1 4 11 -4 3 . , J1 \- - ,n 2811430 Rilege:leiSeid Oi /:5297-Ial -e: M. KATIE L.DIXO' n Salt Lake Cou ty,Utah STATE OF UTAH, $A4---':----/--By --:--------------DePtitY City and County of Salt Lake, I, MILDRED V. HI.GHAM , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance MINK extend ing the limits of Salt Lake City. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, April 15, 1976 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS HHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said , ,,,• •4" ts. City,this / A , 3Fcl ,,daw.of\ May 1976 ,- c., (SEAL) . r r 4 ro> xte. 1 .e.. \4_, ' ..6' 44 \\ 1 ii.Lialia- .71 . ed.,444. co ,1 , , 1 - , y c.,c City Recorder -, e,';„ • `‘‘ ri 'Published April 21, 1976 Ct.? -..1 BILL NO. 56 of 1976 36 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE extending the limits of Salt Lake City. WHEREAS,there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 882 of 1975,by Development Associates,c/o G.Michael Tuckeit,Vice President,requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City;and WHEREAS,the said Petition is signed by a maiorIty of the owner of the real o property and the ownersof more than val. one-third In val of all the real properly,as shown by the last assessment nd ss ment roles,stipulated In the tract hereinafter described; WHEREAS,the said petitioner has caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor, appro ved by the City Engineer and filed with he City Recorder; and WHEREAS,the Board of Commissioners of Sall Lake City, atter examining said petition of sale owners of said tract of land, vote of alll mrembers circumstances sd a n favorfof, annexing unanimous dt act to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be Passed annexing said territory and extending the limits of Salt Lake City accNrdln9ly. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH'. SECTION 1.That the city limits of Salt Lake City be,and the same same hereby are,enlarged and extended so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County,to-wit, Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the • Northwest 1/4 of Section 14,TIS,RIE,Salt Lake Base and Meridian,said point being 1322.13 feet,North 0°13'O3"?Hestthe of 178.86 feeer of said t,thenceSoulon th 6'East,'147.87 feet,running thence Southouth °12°57' 46"West,296.20 feet;thence South 29.05'23"West.246.58 feet; (hence South 50.00 feet;thence East 274.11 feet;thence South 0° 11 � 13'03"East 472.66 feet to the center of Section 14;thence South O° l 13'03"East,400.00 feet;thence West 13)0.97 feet;thence North 0` 09'12"West,399.62 feet to the Southeast corner of the Southwest of snee.o8 feel to thet 1/4 of Northwest corntion er of the Southeast thence North p of the Northwest 9.of Section 14;thence North 89°59'40"East,1310.63 feet.to the point of beginning. Contains 49.164 acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be and the same hereby is zoned and classified Residential"R-1". BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect that said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, which tract of land shall be zoned Residential"R-I",as herein provided,and all ordinances,lurisdlotions,rules and obligation of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land,and the streets, blgovernedlby the ord and inances,s,rulys of es andtregula lbe controlledf sd cty In thenceforththat e be td aken therenmasts of the standard yof IOclneer atlonsshall and distances. SECTION 2.Upon the passage of this ordinance,the City Recorder of Salt Lake CIty shall file and she is herebyoirected to Ille with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County,a copy of the map Or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases,together with a certified COPY of this ordinance. SECTION 3.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt lake City it is necessary to the peace,health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION d.This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first p051 Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 15th day ogegg71l1.1426.April TED L.W IIL.Seror MILDRED V.HIGHAM, City Recorder ] (SEAL) BILL NO.56 of 1926 C, Pubiishea April 21,1976 (41-21) lW c crt .S6 •OM•SDA Affidavit of Publication AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE rextending te thy limits of e WHEREAS,mere es been fiord with the Recoreer Sett Lake leic No. Ova of 1915, Uoelonme not lese'orG Michael President, P ) rhat/he Pact of lane ereinalerdescribed be taken within the fined at Sat Lake Cto f end WHEREAS.The$ala•PBlltion Is signed by(a malorlty of the owners of real erbpyrty and I O of ntrp than one-third re the r all theNea. arty,asl s shown by the last assessment role s"hwlaleft o the tract hereinafter oescrehed: andWHEREAS,the said petitioner has caused.an accurate Pal Shana D. Palmer and inreiee 1 e approved no the C Ay Engineere and Wed with the City�Zecorder. and WHEREAS,the Bowl of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, opinion Ofthereof,of Vunt or ammous Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- ere,amin_in9saie°peu circumstances said owners vo,canvunanimoo, d consid ng m Hoard In lawn of Nemec/no said tr act oSa�;Lakeo°a`ndnimcted teat anord enceshOVldbe/sassed rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) ino territory and ex/end/no the IOM's of Salr Lake City °"°cow'* 00E oa .Of.InORDAINED RV THE BOARD newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- ce0OMPOO lUNERSOFSALTLAKECryke AM culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Solt Lake samSECmen iON bvare,enlael,.edadeart Lake so as to and the reed ands of ea as to,,,Ida County,in the State of Utah. o,aide na.°w are,wear in s,1i"d kd c°mvy,w`whe "Beg nm.3 al tonowing theNortheast corner al the Southeast tin of rho o trwes of Section I< i1S,RIF,Sae Lake Base and Mertdeun,said U Sec ti gin i a Uantl3 feel, ltin North 0.Pr Sou Obi 34,Was,of me c ter!eel e sale al;an lad nni eel: sawn nest That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto west,19a focfeet,thenc0 Sohrh 2,O�23-Wesf,1...feel; e South SU.W teat;thence East 11a II tees;thence South 0' !11 thence South all GO feet loth,corer m Section Is,thence South O. Pub notice of ordinance extending the limits of 09l'08"E ash<W GO teat;thence West 131U 91 feel;thence Nor'h 0 - '11•'West'29,61.feel to Me Saltheasf Canner or nw soumwasr ot of section In;thence North 0'13'10-West 1i2 M;No rthwest t Northwest corner or theSOU th east:.of e° Salt Lake City a Section of la;thence North89'59'di,East 1310.53 feet,to the point a beginning. AND 1 pies 49 tad acrws. AN15 D BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DFCLAR EO teat thew of to y be ano the same roe e a rove tiled ReidentlaloR-1". "eeBE IifilR 1nE rROROAI f 1 ANDDFCLAR CDthat when •this°romance rakes elle,Martha/trash ll/and area,/ shah mencelodn be t Lake CO, t1 be tine°Resider inl doe 1' provide°,ano all o a nances,idr Ado:burrs,rules and obthario�ns ofpo anent thine slave are exoi hnuaant/Iness/ree s`, arlers of s tied a me rordnancess,rotesalai ns of rsee/cdyn tt"the City Fnorneer than govof el nned y ben taken therend the nas Me standard of 1..10M and d�s.'S fit:. N 1,dean the passage of this ordinance,the C1ry was published in said newspaper on April 21, 1976 Recorder or Sad Lake Coy snag l Sao and she A hereby Odecred to chant,the se c tre Recorder of self Lake County,a COPY CO erar 'a'SEC I IGN i In the oPblen el the Board of Commissioners of ry to nee Peace.n SP I rn ordinanceoiled upon itst sr d le Commissioner's of sot - C IY. ik - echo,/et rearcT0D L.W IN SON, MIL DRE D P.HICHAM, V Legal Advertising Clerk re dLr HILL era wd191e wo.i.ne°..Pr.I d iwd DAau Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of April A.D. 19__75_. 0 !' , Votary Public My Commission Expires February 13, 1978 r 1�;